Welcome to the awards page. Here I will host all the awards that our organization receives over the years so make sure further below you click the buttons as we receive awards. Also below click the banner so you can see what media, radio and books we have appeared in. We are not out in the field however to seek awards but my belief is that everybody's hard work should be awarded now and then. The hours we put into our investigations, time, risk, rain shine or snow, money, research, message board articles is something a lot of people overlook. But if you believe we are doing a good job and want to award us we will never refuse one and we will put our awards over the years by clicking the banner for each year that we receive them.
Rick -Owner
Above is all our Newspaper, Book, Radio & Television Shows We Been On including mentions. Our New Project Is Going To Be A Paranormal TV Show Coming To You Soon!


We now offer an awards program something so many have waited for. To receive an award from us you must meet the following criteria so we can base our judgments.  If we deem you to receive an award your websites name will be placed on it so that the reward is yours to keep and also original. So you do not steal an award we have placed a sample seal over it we will remove it once you are awarded.
1. You must sign our Guestbook on the main page.
2. Your site must at least contain some originality such as your own graphics and content.
3. All rewards you receive from PGS must have a link back to our site.
4. If you do not hear back from us within a week it means you been denied.
5. We base our judgment on on appearance, information, creativity, and structure.
6. You do not have to be a paranormal site to apply for our reward.
7. You have the option of choosing which award you desire.
8.When you email us tell us a little about your site.
9. Lastly if you offer an award we would love one from you not necessary but much appreciated.

Click Here To Apply For An Award

You must state which award you want, sign the guestbook, and tell us about your site if you do not then we will not award you.








Want To Award Us? Send Fan Mail? Our Po Box Is Below!!
Paranormal & Ghost Society
PO Box 740846
Orange City FL 32774-0846
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