Those Friday Night Lights….

Today was a really awesome day went out to buy a gift then had the most delicious holiday peppermint frap from Starbucks. I am not a huge Starbucks fan but sometimes they do get some good treats in for the holidays.
Tonight we went to go look at all the wonderful holiday lights. There are so many gorgeous mansions near my house all decked out for the holidays its just nice to drive around see the lights drink hot coco smoke some bud and just be out in the night.
Only thing missing is snow we were supposed to get snow flurries it never happened now they said flurries Xmas eve so who knows. Snow is a part of my culture you guys know I am from Buffalo and being I live in the middle of the mountains you would think id get some but its been dry here yet very cold for the past three weeks.
This is a cultural town I live in so allot of people get real creative for Christmas. Some years I like to go seeing what the governors mansion cooked up since every year they do different displays. I seen some cool lights like this one tree someone had these massive globe lights and I seen a Santa 12′ tall good stuff even some Star Wars stuff lol.
I took some photos ill have to get them into my album I always put a nice album of goodies per month especially on holidays for all my friends to see really I take the photos for some of you guys so you can at least see what I am up to and where my journeys take me so when I post them I hope you’ll take a look and see what my neck of the woods is like here out west.
I am so stuffed we had picked up pizza hut tonight they gave us free pizza problem is they took that offer away all because we ordered one extra topping those ass hats. Last time they delivered to us in two hours forgot to add the onions we paid for. This time we bring them a coupon which was for a two topping large a free one but the third topping surpassed the offer so they screwed us on our bill tonight.
I was not in there Tammy was or id told them to fix the issue or ill take my business elsewhere. I believe in pleasing your customers but also treated folks with kindness and care. I mean you do not make mistakes give a free pizza then take it away and charge that person up the ying yang sheesh!
We came home then put on Ouija Origins of Evil and I thought it would be cheesy but surprisingly its not a bad horror flick. Their is some really creepy shit like the entity and that little girl in it. I do not think it was a bad movie perfect to watch with pizza, coco and a sweet island joint lol.
Now here I am working on this movie. I have a ghost town ill put out to you guys its a little Xmas gift to all of you nothing major but its the thought that counts right? Either tomorrow or Sunday probably will upload the videos all night usually once the videos are done then I post the update on our site because that takes generally some time to get them up since my movies can be a couple hours long.
My cat is driving me nuts you see three of my cats really are not into the outdoors nor do they generally dart and if they do they run right back in. But Mr Phantoms he is always darting out he stopped when we moved here but he got out a couple weeks ago and since then he keeps doing it. He did it in the middle of the night and I get worried because the lady behind me has a dog that will eat cats. Well he got out came back a couple hours later but some folks around here have chickens and its just not a good situation grrr I love cats but at the same time I tell you they can piss you off whether its running off with a xmas ornament, running outside or pouncing in your chest in the middle of the night and you wake up like WTF just happened lol.
Tomorrow or should I say now today will be an okay day to I get to go to this Christmas party that is giving away gifts from Macy’s I cant wait going to play the slots, drink wine, smoke cigars and maybe my name will get called in the party raffles who knows right? Its really been a great month overall I cant complain well the only complaint I have is my one final gift I ordered has not arrived its days late and I think someone stole it because these mailman cant read and sometimes the shit is just late because this year mail is largely delayed and that sucks especially if your buying family gifts shopping online.
Oh yeah before I forget I seen a herd of deer tonight they walked right near me also seen a black bear he was on the run in someones front yard but I do not miss a beat even in the dark I am very aware of everything around me sunglasses on also lol. This is the mountains wildlife walks around town its a bit crazy at times to see even when your just going for a cup of joe.
My son is helping me get rid of the mice he shot one tonight but we got a long way to go out back. When I moved here you see we seen a couple mice out back. Well once I piled firewood we seen more but then once I put the chickens out back these hens for some reason instead of eating like to remove the food from there feeder carry it around dropping it till the feeder is empty. Well because the lady next to me is a junker and the other one adjacent has a mount of recycles of 50 bags on the side of her house and nearby construction in a meadow all the field mice ran here at 4pm they all sit out near my coop hanging out no fear of humans. So if he can shoot them all its safer then poison really and more humans because its instant.
I hate rodents truth be told is on my paranormal investigations and ghost towning the past decade or so I have seen so many one time I was in an old haunted mill this was a few years ago at night. I came face to face with a rat larger then a cat sitting on a beam in the mill and it was not shy about me being there. Problem is out west people die of viruses which are deadly from rodents and well nobody wants to get ill from a rat or a mouse despite how small they are they attributed to the plague centuries ago which killed thousands if not a third of the worlds population supposedly. I mean these mice eat all my feed out back for my hens and so do other birds but I do not mind feeding birds just not rodents because they fuck like rabbits! lol
This is an exciting weekend also lets not forget the Buffalo Bills game on Xmas eve against the Pats should be a good game! I have much to do still though prepping for Christmas is a big thing for me and it takes allot out of me. I try to show my appreciation for others on the holidays. Ill be cooking a nice ham dinner. I wish I could have seen some of you before the end of the new year at times its hard knowing how nice it would to spend time with some of you yet to have some of you so far we never get to see one another that is the part that sucks the most I guess and so a part of me always feels a bit sad because of that.
Anyhow it was a nice night tonight and I have allot of things planned including watching our Xmas movie Sunday. Its the simple things that count most ya know? I am not a complicated person I can be happy drinking a beer and just shooting the shit. I like my life simple and drama free. Some people though are grinches on the holidays. I had two hate comments on youtube then you go look the people have no channels, profiles or videos just trolls who have no life so they get lonely on the holidays and got to fuck with people like me how pitiful!
Well I probably should fly its the midnight hour everyone is out and I got some peace time now to work a little maybe get on black ops 3 to do a few things. I love that game hell if anyone wants to verse sometime let me know I wish more of you were ps4 friendly most of my friends are not hardcore gamers like I am. I do not game daily but when I do I go through games like crazy and in the past couple months I have beaten about 6 new games that came out so yeah I do indulge.
I seen on the news tonight that the government now is going to start a new law up in Jan that anyone who gets pain meds can only get them for one year. That is fucked I am so sick of this fucking lousy ass government running our lives this country is not a democracy folks we have to big of a government telling us how to live and what we can do. If I am in serious pain they have no right to take away my meds if I need them. What is going to happen to all our vets who are in pain or have amuputated limbs? cancer patients? I have no respect for Washington DC the sexual assaulters, liars, sentaors who ignore the people and all these lawas to benefit them makes me sick to my stomach.
I want to be involved in politics but at the same time I have to say that I would be quite embarrassed to surround myself with 99 percent of these corrupt politicians who lie to get where they are at, embellish and are hypocrites. Their is no draining the swamp and in the end the middle class is the ones that suffer. Yeah some folks have pill addictions but if someone wants to drug themselves to death its there body and what they do should not cause me to suffer.
I live with pain I have FMS, Chondromalacia of both my knees, bone spurs in my neck, arthritis, joint pain, chronic pain, messed up back and sciatic, I also have an ankle I need surgery on actually completely ankle reconstruction which has been talked about with three different doctors and I generally push it away because I am hoping to fix it on my own with hiking, wearing my brace etc rather then have them go in and have to tighten all my tends in my foot which is depressing. I live with it trust me and allot of times I take nothing for it but smoke some bud which hardly even works with me because pot does not affect me like it affects allot of you. I can drive with a joint in my mouth, climb cliffs with one and even work while toking. You would never even know it so really it helps a little with pain but not allot and the same goes for my meds. But without having those to help me with some pain its basically like being tortured with no relief in sight and that is what is sad.
Lets not forget soon the internet is going to be limited to thanks to the feds. Sites that you guys do research at you wont be able to access including my site which not only covers paranormal but historic sites, ghost towns and other awesome things. Some of you may not even be able to access facebook in the future and a bunch of other sites. The internet does not belong to anyone its created by folks like us who build websites and other functions so that the public can utilize them out of our own pockets. But with the new laws coming out that wont be the case websites will cost all of them, you will have to order packages like cable to only access a handful of sites etc.
So with that being said thanks uncle Sam for ass fucking America once again. What is sad is that nobody should go homeless, starve or be not given medical aid in America. This country has enough tax revenue that so many issues could be fixed. But congress would rather fuck us on our taxes, medical, take away the things we enjoy and hell they want to reverse marijuana legalization going after the states that have it fully legal now like Nevada. You can buy it here smoke it and everything no issues. The funny thing about this country is we give all this aid to other countries like Saudi Arabia yet this government does not take care of their own they just take so they can give weapons and war funds to other countries which is also immorally wrong in a sense!
All I am saying to my friends who live in other parts of the world you may think America is great but its not. This country has more issues and they are never going to be solved they just add up each year and get pushed aside. You have law makers making laws based on there views not our views as the people. They will not suffer living in there mansions, getting paid a pension for life and eating lobster drinking brandy and seeing its citizens below them. Yes we are below them if their is a world disaster it will be senate and congress who has a ticket to live underground in all the billion dollar military bases that run under Nevada, Southern California and other areas of the west coast including the secret tunnel system under the Denver airport which can save all the elite while I have to fight aliens or zombies on the surface!
You may think I am nuts and its okay if you think that but I am no fool and I pride myself on intelligence. I am a realist and I see things for what they are. Mankind will never get better honestly you have a better chance to hit the mega millions then you do seeing man stop the wars, famine, violence etc. This may have been at one time an awesome country to live but where its heading is a dark place and when I am dead I doubt it will ever change. I think politicians will continue to be corrupt, murder, rape, pillaging etc will continue and so will wars and children will suffer even in other parts of the world which is wrong and we could just focus on helping others this world would be a better place but so would America too!
I am done preaching I spoke you heard and I thank you for taking the time to read my blogs. I now must get back to video editing ill be in touch throughout the weekend cant wait for the party later today and I hope my package arrives. Other then that my friends its party time happy holidays!
About AngelOfThyNight 37 Articles
I live in northern Nevada am the founder of The Paranormal Ghost Society, Talk show host of AngelOfThyNight Radio, Author, Producer, Business Owner Of Far Beyond Photography, Paranormal Investigator and Chief Editor for AngelOfThyNight News. In my spare time I enjoy cooking, reading, sports, nature, off roading, hiking, fishing, camping, video games, mountain biking, amusement parks, pretty ladies, photography, wine, beer, smoking good bud, rock climbing, spelunking and anything else that comes to mind. The greatest thing I enjoy is spending time with my family and being a dad.

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