Its 420 Somewhere In The World….

Happy 420 my stoner friends today is like Christmas for some of us especially with all the great deals in Nevada. I just got back from the dispensary myself they gave me a t shirt, topical gels, blunts then I got a couple different strains and a chocolate bar for the movies coming up. You cant go wrong with what I spent. But it does not matter where you go to pick it up at 9am everything opens and lines are out the door its like a mob of cabbage patch kid shoppers you remember that? lol people walking over people over a fucking doll LMAO.

I went to a dispensary near my house I generally go up to Reno to pick up my bud but lately the cost is getting ridiculous. I like to save money should not have to take a second mortgage just to buy some fucking ganja lol. But on a good note its good I went first when opening because shit is running out and nothing pisses me off more then wanting to buy a strain and you find out its gone the first ten minutes it hits the shelf like I said cabbage patch kids! But I got my fix this morning I seen a couple pierced tatted up young hot blondes the dispensary always has a few hotties working there and well at my age I need any excitement I can get haha even if it is checking out the girl bending over to get me some bud that is just part of the whole 420 experience. Plus I am wearing my lucky marijuana hoodie and I just love that thing so comfortable.

Its Friday I should have gotten tickets to go to a marijuana party but instead I spent it all on bud which is okay I can stay home watch a movie like the Lost In Space series toke my new stuff eat a nice dinner and do some gaming. This way I am safe and not out dealing with shitty drivers. The thing is I do not get high like most people I been now smoking for more then half of my old life. But medically I do get benefits from it like less anxiety or ptsd or it helps my chronic pain a little so I am not popping to many pills which effect my liver.

That dispensary lost all my info its like WTF they had a computer crash can you imagine that shit? Thousands of folks lost in the system all having to fill out everything again what a pain in the ass. The thing is I am medical so I get taxed less then someone who just goes anywhere to buy it recreationally. I like paying less tax hell if you ask me the government is really over taxing it. I do not mind paying tax but man keep the shit reasonable or ill keep up with the medical end because I wont pay two taxes on it fuck that.

I am now home so maybe ill give you guys my report about my last adventure. I tend to write reports so you guys can read about the places I go and the things that I do. Trust me its harder and harder for me to write because I cant even sit at my dang pc lately my back is fucked up. But I do try and that has to be at least respected by my friends and those that follow us.

But I had to make sure I wished all of you a happy 420 maybe later ill take a selfie with my awesome blunt I bought. I cant wait to smoke that shit later I have a few treats at least t indulge with and tonight is Asian food night so I cant wait work up a bit of an appetite.

But for now I have other things to do my son has an orthopedic appointment. Then I promised to take him out for a piece of pie because he helped me Sunday with something that I needed help with on our last trip. If I get keep him rewarded he will keep on taking photos of me journeying otherwise my pics all go up on a tripod. Nice thing is I filled out all the paperwork online this morning so all I do is show up he gets his finger checked out and pow were done. Not much they can do for a minor fractured finger anyhow.

Other then that I am going to go eat breakfast I have berry pancakes and hash browns to indulge in you cant beat that. I toked one anyhow so of course I am thinking about food throw in some chocolate coffee and id say that is a damn fine morning. Besides the fact that the skies are blue, crisp and were already hitting the 50s which means today will get to 70 and that makes for a gorgeous day and a great start to my weekend.

I was in court with my kid yesterday he lucked out with the judge she dropped the first major charge and gave him some minor stuff. He will have to do probation which he needs because they put the kids nowadays on these behavioral plans which means they have to comply with school, homework, chores at home etc. I will actually be glad to get my kid on lawful supervision he needs it right now he is this teen who feels invincible can do what he wants and well he is finding out that is not the case because I am one of those dads that does not put up with bullshit. You see these kids around here running the streets, robbing vehicles etc and my kid wont be one of those kids.

I have to probably pick up at some point brakes for my truck the back ones are low as fuck after this past trip to the eastern mtns so goes life ugh. But at some point ill have to get serious and put some in within a few days since I can do my own mechanical work most of the time. Tomorrow ill go to some estate sales and other then that this is my weekend to chill take it easy. I try to take time away from it all just to heal on up. I never seem to better my pain so it will be nice just to sit back with a blunt and relax. I hope all my friends will have a great weekend and 420 remember to drive safe toke and smoke it up. Do not do anything I would not do then again I may not be the best example to follow lol as I tend to get myself in the most awkward of binds lol.
Lord Rick

About AngelOfThyNight 37 Articles
I live in northern Nevada am the founder of The Paranormal Ghost Society, Talk show host of AngelOfThyNight Radio, Author, Producer, Business Owner Of Far Beyond Photography, Paranormal Investigator and Chief Editor for AngelOfThyNight News. In my spare time I enjoy cooking, reading, sports, nature, off roading, hiking, fishing, camping, video games, mountain biking, amusement parks, pretty ladies, photography, wine, beer, smoking good bud, rock climbing, spelunking and anything else that comes to mind. The greatest thing I enjoy is spending time with my family and being a dad.

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