Fernley Nevada Ghost Town Explorer Chris Geigle Embarrassment, Fraud & Reckless Drunk Driver

Before reading the article please click play above to watch the video above which further validates our claims and goes with the editorial below.

Nevada perhaps may just be one of the most beautiful states in America and in between it all it really is where the wild west was born. Without states like Nevada and California we would as a nation never be whole as a national. In the mid 1800’s emigrants came here from all over the world seeking adventure, success and wealth. This had in turn resulted in many mines, mills, boom towns and historical sites that today are haunted by the ghosts of their former glory. With that being said much like our ancestors came out west seeking promise today it is up to historians, explorers and ghost towners like myself to keep these alive as well as fresh in the minds of men.

During my hard years of researching ghost towns I have met some fairly great people who just want to chase legends and lore. I have also met some very bad people who have absolutely no respect for history and have ill intent towards these once great places. You have to admit that their is something alluring about journeying in the wilderness towards a ghost town where people mined, hunted, built everything by hand, gambled, drank, experienced love and loss. Their is a certain attraction that has drawn people to the silver state hoping to catch a glimpse of our past.

People like myself I have come to realize are a rare breed after all anybody can go to a ghost town or journey into the wilderness. But it takes a special person to do something more then just visit a location. Those that just do merely often have no clue to what it is they are signing up. These towns were remote people perished out west for a reason. The west will either make or break you even today it can test you to its limits. Due to the adventure aspect of it all in more recent times it has drawn in allot of amateur ghost town junkies not that this is a bad thing but we should be alarmed or have a reason to be.

I remember reading back in 2016 about a family that went to a ghost town we had done some research at. Well the father along with his family was offroading ended up rolling his truck. It was freezing cold at this ghost town here in Nevada and it took a couple days for the family to be rescued.Just as I knew of a couple guys four wheeling late at night partying and ended up rolling right off the cliff both died from trauma. What leads to incidents like this happening is a curse, carelessness, lack of experiences or perhaps do some get so excited that they often forget the core principles of what it means to be a ghost town chaser.

One of those ghost town chasers is semi well known in Northern Nevada in the town of Fernley who goes by the name of Christopher John Geigle or as some call him just Chris. Raised out near Stockton his father use to take him ghost towning just as I share that same experience with my sons. This is so that when I am long gone my children can continue my research or at least keeping some of these places alive in some way, shape or form. Unfortunately ghost towning is not for everyone and it only is good for those who are ready to give a piece of their heart and soul.You might even say that some have given there lives exploring. Fairly often I will visit a remote ghost town only to see a memorial of someone who passed because someone was drunk and rolled there vehicle.

Regardless of what anyone thinks sometimes when you are journeying its just bad luck other times its lack of experience that might just end up being the last thing you do. Journeying to a ghost town is not much different then 150 years ago it requires food, water, medical supplies, tools, gear and anything that may be essential to your survival. That also includes the means to document your journeys whether that is a camera, notebook, recorder, gopro, drone or HD cam. Without a means to log these ghost towns nobody can learn about them. Being the founder of The Paranormal & Ghost Society quite a few schools even colleges utilize our site and the ghost towns that we archive on our website.

I met Chris Geigle nearly seven years ago when I first moved to Northern Nevada. I have always lived on and off in Nevada since I was a teenager. Nevada is home to me although I grew up in New York it has allowed me to enjoy the best of both worlds that includes ghost towns both of the east and west coast. Which has given me a more broad perspective of what early life was like in America. I have always idolized Chris because personally I thought he was this great adventurer. I have respect for those who try to preserve history and are willing to make personal sacrifices to overcome. I know that over the years people have a fascination with ghost towns so some of you might decide that you have no experiences and wish to go out with someone who does.

Christopher seems to give others a false sense of security making you think you are safe with him that he knows what he is doing. Under false promises in turn if you go out with him more then likely your chances of possibly getting hurt, lost or ending up deceased is extremely high. It took us three different trips to collaborate and put our editorial together. Originally I did not go out with Chris with the hopes that someday I would be writing an article standing strong against his recklessness, fraudulent claims and his methodology.

Christopher Geigle is an alcoholic in America alcoholism is a disease and very few who have it will never admit they have a problem. Most of the time when Mr Geigle takes others out with him he is still hung over chances are he is already drunk. While I am for drinking a few beers with the guys when this man drinks one can of beer he cannot even walk straight perhaps because he mixes medication or the fact that he simply cannot manage himself. Which honestly becomes a liability perhaps even a safety issue for all those around him. Unfortunately Geigle has insecurity issues especially after the loss of his dad he fell apart and with that being said this is not a person you want to be stuck with on a 100 mile dirt road in the middle of the Nevadan desert.

Our first two weeks our organization went ghost towning with Chris he had a friend drive his truck meanwhile he was drinking beer after beer in the backseat. Generally PGS does most of the driving because we are fully insured and our vehicles are up to code. However, Chris does not maintain a spare tire which is reckless especially if your up in the mountains and get a flat then get stuck somewhere with a storm approaching. Then again who wants to do a 50 mile walk of shame in the desert because the individual you are with is to cheap to go out and spent a few bucks to get a spare tire. I always thought that if you are the designated driver then your sole duty is to protect the folks you take out ghost towning. So if someone gets bit by a snake and you get a flat tire lets say failing to get to a hospital then you are utterly being careless for not having a spare NO EXCUSE!

Unfortunately Chris’s lack of experience is truly hurting the ghost town community because his carelessness one day will effect the lives of others. As most of our viewers live in the Sierras as most of you know this is a treacherous mountain range back in the day even those who pioneered their way into these ghost towns did not always make it. If the wild animals did not get you the elements did or simply people vanished without a trace. At times wagons would go over cliffs because a horse would spook some died trying to make the trek across the range such as the Donner Party who was caught in a massive October winter storm and resorted to cannibalism.

It takes a special breed of person to conquer these mountains but our group has spent years doing it such as camping, cliff climbing, rock climbing, spelunking, ghost town exploring, off roading and chasing cryptids like Bigfoot. More then often I take people out with me and the one thing they fail to do is come prepared. Mr Geigle fails to bring on any expedition extra water, blankets, medical supplies, safety gear, food or really anything other then his beer. Meanwhile I carry a 50lb backpack he whines constantly about having to carry three cans of beer. Everyone knows that beer will not aid you with hydration especially on a grueling hot summers day. Just as with our second expedition Geigle wore a heavy winter jacket in 65 degree weather which already shows signs that clearly this is an individual who is not mentally in the game.

Chris decided to take me back to a place called Summit Canyon their is a nice little ghost town back here or what is left of it. But because Geigle is hung over he does not pick you up till its almost nightfall therefore you have to make a few trips just to see a couple stone foundations. To make matters worst I was so disheartened to find out that Chris does not take his own photos or video. As a matter in fact he uses other explorers to gather media then he post them as his own without giving proper credit. This way Geigle has the ghost town community throughout Nevada thinking that he is working hard at exploring when in fact others are doing the work for him. If that is not bad enough he has his friends drive his vehicle for him because he does not know how to drive throughout the mountains. His response according to my interview “I do not touch cameras nor do I know how to operate them”.

While PGS owns three vehicles made for offroading Geigle drives a beat up Yukon that is from 1990 therefore their is no working air, doors do not open and some windows also. If you count the fact he does not have a spare tire and that he is willing to drive a hundred miles to a ghost town in the desert without either that combo is deadly. One of the reasons I failed to ever go ghost towning with this individual is that for years he tried to argue with us stating “There is no rattle snakes in desert ghost towns” only to find out that over the past year he almost had gotten bit and almost died of dehydration in the desert. One of the reasons our group will not go into the Nevada desert in the summer months is the heat is dangerous but also ghost towns are often in the warmer months breeding grounds for rattle snakes. Therefore if you get bit you could reasonably die since hospitals are many miles away sometimes the nearest one may be a 150 miles away.

When one of Geigles explorers switched work hours Chris decided that from now on he was going to do all the driving even though we offered to drive he declined numerous times. Therefore my experience with the Geigles takes a bizarre turn with a very strange twist. Little did I know that this individual would almost come close to killing me ten times over then expected my group to continue to volunteer for him so that he could look all high and mighty on his facebook group called Ghost Towns Of Nevada and California. A group that we helped administrate and I alone brought many members to because we wanted to help Chris prior to finding out that he is a total embarrassment to all serious ghost towners alike especially those that spend allot of time, money and effort to go in fully prepared. But more so this is a man that talks about ghost town preservation only to find out that he brags about stealing from ghost towns. If everybody who visited a ghost town stole something their would be nothing left to see true or not? Regardless of your belief system I do not go ghost towning in hopes of striking it rich however Mr Geigle seems very open about going in that direction meanwhile he seems to tell the public he does what he does out of preservation which is a totally fraudulent claim.

I decided to give Chris one more chance at making things right he asked if I would go out with him to Raymond City. He of course decided that he would bring his wife and when he arrived to pick me up he made it clear that he is not capable of driving to my home alone. He also made claim that the only location he ever drives alone to is work which is a couple miles away. I wanted to know why this is could it be that Chris is not a safe driver? drunk all the time? is on probation? does not know how to drive? Geigle shows up at my house past 1 pm to take me to a ghost town high up on Mount Raymond which is a rugged hike and a long trip down a series of wagon roads. I met his wife Shelly for the first time within a hour on the way to Raymond City Chris and her begin to fight. She was demanding a cheeseburger in the middle of the Carson Pass otherwise the hiking trip was going to be called off. Therefore, the happy couple decided to take me to Markleeville where they spent 45 minutes ordering a burger.

Geigle who supposedly states he is an expert ghost town adventurer fails to map where he is going as a matter in fact he uses a GPS that is from the 1980’s and is broken. Therefore we have spent countless hours trudging through marshland and going in circles. Since he fails to give details of where we are going people like me cannot provide maps or journals because Chris will say we are going here and you find out he is taking you somewhere else. That way if you end up lost or in a ravine your family or search and rescue will not be able to find you. My policy always is to let our friends and family know that we are safe also where we are at in case of an unfortunate situation makes sense right?

Geigle took me on a roller coaster ride just outside of Markleeville he hit a series of tree branches which ended up hitting me in the face thru the passenger window. In fact he was so mad that the dirt road was gated heading up to Pleasant Valley that he nearly drove us off a cliff on a perfectly wide dirt road. True ghost town explorers know that you never ride the edge of any cliff due to erosion if the edge were to give out you can roll the vehicle thus falling hundreds of feet hitting trees on the way down. Each year dozens of explorers are killed this way because they simply are not paying attention to where the edge is or even where it ends. Unfortunately Chris does not pay attention to the road when he is driving the only thing he cares about is cracking open another cold beer.

I have to say my experience with Chris and Shelly Geigle was simply a nightmare. Imagine going in the middle of the mountains with no cell phone reception with someone who is boozing and spending the entire day arguing with their wife. How fun do you think it would be if you were a third wheel or put into the middle of such an argument? I mean lets face it all of us have been involved with arguing with others at some point of our lives but nobody wants to listen or be a part of someone else’s drama in the middle of a ghost town that your suppose to be conducting research at for local schools. Can you imagine having to listen to a married couple calling each other names all day and having to listen to some mans wife giving her husband driving lessons along a 100′ cliff? Honestly, at that point wouldn’t you be in fear for your life?

We never found Raymond City the Geigles forgot their ghost town books, maps and ended up driving down a steep dirt road that they did not know how to turn around on. Just a short time later Chris went down another dirt road that he had to go reverse on and ended up nearly in a ravine blaming his spouse for not being his eyes. Have you ever heard of mirrors yes every vehicle has them! That was the moment that I said oh my god this man has no clue what he is doing or how to drive. Our organization each year takes thousands of miles of dirt roads sometimes even at night they are only narrow enough for our jeep or truck where we have to back up on a cliff for a half of mile. I can only imagine that if Christopher could not back up merely 100′ on a fairly level dirt road that he surely would come close to killing all of us before the night was over.

The bottom line is that this man pays more attention to his Chihuahua then he does the road dressing it in different outfits then arguing with his spouse about a coyote eating her or poison oak. Generally if your going to take your canine ghost towning you must know that its risky especially when your dealing with bear, mountain lions, poison ivy and rattle snakes. But its okay poor Chris Geigle he does not want to be alone so if any of you every viewing this editorial decide hey I want to go out with Chris at least know who he is and what your getting involved with. Try to understand that once you get inside that vehicle you are part of the crazy Geigle family which means you will be in charge of babysitting the dog, sit between them arguing over living in the middle of nowhere or how old they are. If you are lucky you might get to hear them call one another names then have Chris ask his wife how old she is because he forgot. Do you know who forgets there spouses age? Someone who is to drunk to count, drive or think straight!

During our expedition trying to find Raymond City we stopped at some old Liver Stables from the 1860’s at Blue Lakes. Sure it will make a wonderful addition to our website meanwhile I am filming and taking photos of this historical site the Geigles pull out a big Ipad tablet and a cell phone. Shelly wants to take photos with the Ipad Chris however the cell phone. Do you know who uses a cell phone or Ipad in a ghost town to document their expedition? Amateurs! For those viewing this article please try to understand that photography plays a big role in ghost towning. A photo is worth a thousand words but I thoroughly believe that someone who is professional and claims they are a top ghost town adventurer also would at least carry a camera on them. While I was raised not to judge others for what they may or may not have I think that Chris and Shelly should be embarrassed for taking one of the top explorers in the state of Nevada out into the bush only to fight in front of that individual. I know that if I was driving in a vehicle to a ghost town with my friends and my companion said your an idiot that does not know how to drive that would be epic embarrassment especially if word had gotten out to other explorers.

As nightfall was lingering Geigles wife was having hallucinations for example she seen a man standing by the road. Over and over I sift through our films never once seeing any man standing by the road. The same man she claimed was in the woods near a pond which turned out to be a tree after I ran through the woods for 20 minutes going through mud for nothing. While I cannot for sure say no or yes Chris’s wife appeared to be hung over as well all the signs and symptoms were apparent. I guess my thought is that in order to be safe on your ghost town outings you must take care of yourself first. Otherwise if your to drunk, strung out, stressed or hung over you will not be productive on any expedition nor are you fit to drive period. I base this on years of road trips, expeditions and journeying to many remote ghost towns over the past two decades.

Nightfall set in Chris was tired I offered to take his keys drive him home. His wife made it apparent loudly that she does not want to go ghost towning or out with Chris nor does she want to hike. She also stated that she does not want to drive in the mountains and does not feel comfortable with it. By the time we made it to the main road which is the Carson Pass Hwy 88 Chris was swerving all over the road through the sierras coming around turns and curves at 80mph meanwhile his wife is screaming that she is freezing to death. It had to be the scariest ride of my life imagine going through a narrow mountain pass and your comrade is so busy arguing with this spouse that he nearly missing a tractor trailer head on or goes through a guard rail edging a massive of cliff. The Carson Pass is deadly full of black ice, cliffs and blind curves. Coming around a curve at 80mph is not only reckless but your endangering the lives of anybody traveling the opposite way such as families going out doing the same thing your doing which is exploring. Chris continued to drive reckless until I told him to slow down and watch the curves he then chuckled taunting his wife and I seeing if we were both scared. This behavior is SICK and he drove recklessly on purpose to scare his passengers to get his own rocks off.

Eventually when he could no longer drive instead of handing me the keys like a sane individual would he hands them to his spouse who did not want to drive. I respect her honesty at least she admitted she does not want to drive and felt not capable of it. Being that I run one of the largest ghost town operations in the state of Nevada allot my time is spent logging countless hours in the mountains, offroading and traversing the high sierras. My safety record is impeccable considering the thousands of miles I have logged in the sierras including the Carson Pass which can be one of the scariest highways in America if your not use to driving thousands of feet high up in the mountains. Shelly Geigle decided to scare us or rather punish us both then begin a suicidal down hill run going 0 to 60mph in a matter of seconds nearly braking last minute and almost going through the stop sign at a deadly intersection with oncoming traffic. My first thought was what if the brakes fail or if she went to brake and slid past the stop sign right in the middle of the highway. My door was facing oncoming tractor trailers and I was punished merely for riding along on this journey to hell.

I had twenty miles of hell as we were out of the mountains and on a very well maintained highway flat the entire way. However, Shelly was screaming that she did not know how to drive Chris’s truck which is simply the size of a standard SUV back in 1990 they did not make trucks as large as for example my suburban that I currently own. Second later Shell was all over the road swerving nearly missing tractor trailers then blaming oncoming traffic stating she could not see the road. As most of my followers know I wear my sunglasses allot as a matter in fact I had them on and was able to see the lines perfectly on the road but somehow Shelly claims that she cannot see them. If this is the case please by all means lady give me what your smoking! By the time we were going through Carson City which at night the traffic is very minimal she blamed her poor driving on a mediocre sized town with her being the only vehicle on the I580 bypass. Imagine you go out ghost towning with these people putting your life in their hands giving them some trust and the driver is driving in the opposite lane or for three miles they drove in two lanes at the same time!

But the grand finale had only begin miles from my house perhaps minutes Shelly nearly hit the walls which line the highway the serve as sound barriers. A mile later a police officer had his lights on and was on the shoulder of the road. A new law was passed in the state of Nevada that when law enforcement is on the shoulder you are to move one lane away from that emergency vehicle. This was passed to reduce roadside fatalities especially for police officers, NDOT and other emergency vehicles such as ambulances. The Geigle’s came inches from hitting the cop car and seconds later he had pulled all of us over. The officer came up to my window asking for Shelly and Chris’s identification however he did not ask for mine. Being a reputable well known individual where I reside the community around Tahoe, Carson and even Reno is quite familiar with me. I have seen this officer shop at the local grocery store and dine at the diner with me so he let the Geigles slide when in reality they probably should have been towed. They had given the officer a auto insurance card that was four years old then thru a fit that its the insurance companies fault that they have not gotten any new cards in years. Chris was cited for not having his seat belt on while sitting in a sea of beer cans in the back seat. According to Chris the officer was okay with him drinking beer in the back seat and thought he was cool that is why he said the officer did not say anything. What kind of fantasy world do these people live in? The man is almost 50 and cant even wear a freaking seat belt think about it! But according to him this is me disrespecting my wife how about disrespecting the law?

Some of you may wonder as to why I have invested so much time writing such a long editorial or putting together this parody video. I could not sleep on a good conscious if I did not warn the public that its obvious that Chris Geigle is sick. I am not calling this individual sick to be mean I am saying that after spending an day or outing with this couple I can clearly see their are some serious mental health issues. Being a paranormal investigator we have to be able to access others when we take on a case to make sure they are truthful and sane. If we did not warn the public I’d feel liable especially if are under the promise to adventure in ghost towns only to end up getting hurt or even killed. I would never want to feel responsible for standing by and doing nothing therefore we want the public to be able to feel what it is I was feeling. Many years ago a buddy of mine was killed by a drunk driver we were visiting a historic cemetery and we were walking. The individual hit him then continued to not stop he was deceased before he hit the ground on a dark country road at night. Honestly, as a leader in working with ghost towns in Nevada and California we are morally obligated to report recklessness and carelessness as a warning to anyone who might consider getting involved with Chris Geigle. Some of you may also want to be aware if Geigle does not have auto insurance and happens to get in a major car crash you may end up having to cover the cost of your own medical bills. Such medical bills can cause you to go into debt you might even lose your house just some food for thought.

After this nightmare of a journey I spent a month with Chris begging me to go to Aurora which is a remote ghost town near Bodie California. I have declined to go with him because I wanted to take the time to explain to them that their are safety issues that need to be resolved. One can imagine that if alcohol is a major factor or if someone is not equipped to be visiting ghost towns that the appropriate thing to do is have someone else drive to resolve the issue. Well as you can imagine someone who has poor social skills, cannot handle honesty or is caught being a fraud obviously is going to become abrasive if not irrational true or not? Instead of Geigle apologizing he calls me a piece of shit, bombs our youtube channel calling me a dirt bag, gives our facebook page one star, bans me from his ghost town group on facebook which is supposed to be our group not just his, degrades where I am from stating that I need to go back to NY because he was born on the west coast, tells me to get a life, smoke some more dope because apparently that must had been the cause of his reckless driving or his drunkenness and to get a job like a white boy. So not only is he verbally as well as mentally abusing me but he is also being a racist. Yes you heard me folks Chris Geigle is a racist he assumes that if your not white you are jobless yet he drives that clunker that you call a truck. While Chris feels we may have disrespected his wife the bottom line is her irrational actions almost got me killed and I almost did not make it home to my family. What would they have said if I was killed in a head on crash or went off a cliff because Chris had gotten plastered and his wife was so angry with him that she decided to go into road rage mode?

Despite the falling out and blocking Mr Geigle he has continued to stalk and harass me asking me if I am mad and begging me to go to Aurora. The fact is that we do not need Chris Geigle yearly I may visit fifty ghost towns alone or with others in the ghost town community time to time. But what we learned is Chris needs us were the one with the site that gets millions of hits per year, fancy HD cams, expensive cameras to take black & whites and I do full narration when filming our documentaries unlike Chris who uses copy written music because he cannot even speak a straight sentence.  It is apparent that Chris is insane and the only way his wife lets him out of the house is if another person goes with him to ghost towns given the fact that she also supervises him too like he is some little boy. Any sane person would have said hey brother I took things to far and I am sorry. But instead Chris’s true colors showed when he called me a piece of shit because I told him until the safety issues are resolved I would not be going ghost towning with him unless I am the designated driver. That only makes sense true or not?

Out of the kindness of our hearts so others can see that PGS including myself are really generous ghost towners I drew Chris a map on how to get to Mount Raymond so he could someday visit Raymond City. What Chris does not know is I have hiked through Raymond City many years ago with my sons on a camping trip with a real dog and with real equipment. But I drew the map because I have grave concerns he will either get lost or coming up missing if anything he may be responsible for hurting himself if not others. Despite our act of good faith Chris continued to call us a liar yet the treacherous road he took us on was gated and private property yes you heard me private land. When generally most ghost towners or explorers in Alpine County know that the safest easiest way to Pleasant aka Little Indian Valley and Mount Raymond is Sunset Lakes Road. In a sense it saddens me that this is an individual who fails to listen to any of his team members. Chris only uses others to get what he wants and he is verbally abusive. Our readers know that not in a millionaire years would this little boy ever say the things he said to my face let alone any real ghost town explorer. People that demean others have poor self esteem, social issues and they lack self respect because they cannot possibly have a normal conversation. Perhaps because most alcoholics are not capable of saying more then a few fighting words therefore they cannot reasonably rationalize.

The truth of the matter is that Chris continues to harass and stalk so my friends and I now refer to him as Creepy Chris. After doing a records search we found he was arrested for obstruction of justice because he interfered with the police in Lyon County during his friends arrest. We also found some other traffic violations as well in turn giving me enough reason why I never would ride with this individual or this clown. As a fellow ghost towner we spend years becoming better at what we do but also safer and learn from experience. What I can tell you is Chris is not ready for any ghost town let alone exploring the high sierras hell he cannot even wipe his own ass no lie. So before anyone critiques my article or maybe you read this deciding that I am the liar please note that I have attached a video at the top of the article which I am sure all of you will find enlightening. I put together a few clips to show other ghost town adventurers his inadequacy which is clearly evident in the video since I firmly believe that its okay to do the talk if you can do the walk if you cannot walk it do not talk it right? The clips speak for themselves and I am standing tall but also very firm on this factor. This is to insure I have done everything I can to keep others in the ghost town, urbex and research community out west safe from this incompetent alcoholic.

We are solely sure that some of you will find out the hard way while others may be able to piece together the information we have shared coming to their own conclusion. We are so very sorry that some of you will end up disappointed like I was when I found out that Chris Geigle is a fraud, reckless and embarrassing to work with. While we would never ask anyone to leave his group nor for anyone who is friends with him to stop being his friend we do want the public to be aware of who he is and what they are getting involved with. Consider this a full review based on my experience alone and the fact that this man has no sympathy for his actions which shows his lack of maturity therefore he is one of these people you read about in the news that probably should not be going into ghost towns or taking unknown remote roads in Nevada. It truly does not matter if your from NY or your from Stockton the difference is that I am a far better leader in the ghost town community then Chris will ever be. I do not verbally abuse my explorers or play with their lives yet Chris finds humor in it. The strongest advice I can give to the public is do not get in a vehicle with Chris let alone his wife if you do make sure you are the designated driver. If your looking for drama you will find it in the Geigles arms if your lucky you might get to see Shelly Geigle beat the shit out of the steering will or Chris stating that he is having fun driving almost into a ravine. If you are aware that you cannot drive after dark you do not head out to a ghost town a few hours before dusk simple is that!

In conclusion I would rather go to any ghost town alone then deal with the theatrics, infighting or Chris’s lack of organization as well as preparation. I have been going in mines, offroading on cliffs, journeying through ghost towns for years long before Chris became a ghost towner. Truth be told I am very selective who I let on our team or who goes out with us. I often take my sons sometimes my companion that is because I hate drama. I am a ghost towner that loves to spend entire days in ghost towns toking, exploring mines, mills, grilling, ghost hunting and having a good time. Out of all the years visiting ghost towns I have taken allot of risk but I have never in my life come close to dying as many times as I did when I had gotten in the Yukon with Chris and Shelly Geigle. Sure if you want to be in the middle of this couple swearing at one another, nearly going off cliffs, be sworn at and told what to do I highly recommend you go on an outing with this nut. But if your looking for a man with experience and skills but someone who enjoys to have fun that you know you will get home safely then you go out with someone like me. Chris Geigle is not a legend nor is he a nice guy he is a racist,selfish, irresponsible, reckless, irrational, stubborn and truthfully a dumb bastard as much as it pains me to say this publicly to so many of you. Sorry but it has to be said and reality is a bitch so is honesty something Creepy Chrissy Pooh has a difficult time coping with.

For those looking to get away from Chris we have decided it was only fair to allow our friends a community or group they could call home so we created https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheWildandWickedGhostTownsOfTheAmericanWest/ known as The Wild & Wicked Ghost Towns Of The American West. We are expecting our group to do quite well despite Chris’s attempts to bash us because his ego believes that we need him in order to run a ghost town group but see in a few days we had almost a hundred members join us. While for Chris it is about numbers for us its about quality. I would rather have ten experienced ghost town members then a thousand who are drunk idiots like Mr Geigle hypothetically speaking. PGS will NOT support Ghost Towns Of Nevada & California period nor do we condone drunk driving. A beer or two and a few tokes is fine but once you get manage wiping your own ass your out and you need to stay home. Ghost towning is NOT for everyone and allot of preparations perhaps even time goes with it.

Those that often die in the wild west are those who lack experience, come unprepared and make poor decisions. We do not need the Geigles to run the show our success speaks for itself with additions on our site like Tonopah, Belmont, Bodie, Austin and many more great ghost towns we did research at. We do not force our political views down anyone’s throat I understand Geigle is a huge Trump fan and that is okay to each their own but as they say do not mix politics with pleasure! I live and I breath ghost towns the heart of a true Nevadan is all about adventure not discontent therefore with that being said Chris Geigle is merely a reckless, embarrassing fraud to the ghost town community and he should be ashamed of himself for calling one of his only friends a piece of shit because he failed to get his way refusing to compromise in order to better my safety! AngelOfThyNight News may be provocative but we are also truthful in how we obtain our news and local Nevada’s need to look at the bigger picture!

Lord Rick Rowe aka AngelOfThyNight
Editor & Chief

About AngelOfThyNight 37 Articles
I live in northern Nevada am the founder of The Paranormal Ghost Society, Talk show host of AngelOfThyNight Radio, Author, Producer, Business Owner Of Far Beyond Photography, Paranormal Investigator and Chief Editor for AngelOfThyNight News. In my spare time I enjoy cooking, reading, sports, nature, off roading, hiking, fishing, camping, video games, mountain biking, amusement parks, pretty ladies, photography, wine, beer, smoking good bud, rock climbing, spelunking and anything else that comes to mind. The greatest thing I enjoy is spending time with my family and being a dad.

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