Savannah is rumored to be the Most Haunted City in the country and even though Taps declared it that our society had our eyes on Savannah many many years ago. I mean being an owner of a paranormal group we get tips we get stories and we do our fair share of research on various locations.

You hear all kinds of things the ghost stories are endless its one of the only cities in the world that has a haunted place no matter what you visit even if its a park lol.  I wanted to share key Haunting's with our fans and members. Things people tell me and that I read. By no means was this an easy investigation.

Imagine you get on a bus with just a backpack...ride to the border of South get off its almost have nobody with you no camera crews...just you alone in Savannah hiking all night down alley ways in search of spirits. It was a dismal day I was getting sicker by the jeans were rubbing up against my thighs causing a feet were in alot of pain soak and wet, jeans were ripped on a fence at Laurel Grove all for the purpose of one thing to bring you guys an adventure that you could feel as if you were on with me.

I wanted to be able to share a few ghost stories about a few places in Savannah at least some of the main ones that been passed around for years. Savannah has a haunted history it will always be haunted that will never change. What changes is the future but the past will always exist.

One of the most famous haunted locations is the Pirate House I spent ALOT of time here not once but twice during the night.  There is a basement which leads to a locked tunnel.  The tunnel leads to the Savannah River near by and they called this room the Captain's room below the restaurant. The men would be drinking and the pirates would abduct them for there crew taking them into the tunnel and aboard their vessels.  A book by Robert Louis Stevenson called Treasure Island and some details about the Pirates House and this room. Rumor has it that footsteps are heard and items from the storage shelves often fly across the room. Captain Flint is said to haunt the place who knows though its a very old historical location.

Then downtown you have Colonial Park Cemetery which I investigated often people see a deceased couple that float around the cemetery.  

Just as the ghost of young heartbroken Anna Powers is said to haunted The 17 Hundred 90 House as she teases visitors in room 204.  She was seventeen when she died rumor has it also pregnant by a sailor. People who visit that room lose things like clothing, money, wallets, Picture Ids and usually they are found hidden somewhere else in the room. People see her and they hear young Anna. Stories like this break my heart women are cherishable creatures its sad to see one die so young not having a chance to be loved. She jumped when her sailor left to sea out of perhaps depression. 

Also in that same tavern is a ghost of a lady who haunts the kitchen who practiced voodoo which was not uncommon in the south more in New Orleans though.  They say the bar area is also haunted by various spirits. I am very sure their is more then Anna haunting this old tavern. 

 Another bed and Breakfast that is haunted has a tale at the Kehoe House of the Gray Lady which haunts room 203. The Grey Lady often gently touches visitors and kisses them on the cheek.  These are just to name a few of the occurrences here.  

The Marshall House is said to be haunted by the Union Army as it was a hospital and guest seen civil war soldiers walking around. Lastly another famous Inn that is haunted is the Hamilton Turner Inn where Samuel P. Hamilton has been seen haunting the mansions second floor which belonged to Mandy In Midnight!

Not only are hotels haunted but so are popular Taverns like The Olde Pink House which is haunted by the builder Gen. James Habersham who others seen within the building. Habersham purchased the land at Bonventure Cemetery Briefly.  The general is often sighed in his uniform people see him in the dining room and even in the basement. 

Every square is surrounded by mansions, inns, and gothic revival haunted looking homes. Every square has some sort of haunting most of the squares and dimly lit at night with live oaks draping the brick walkways.

Savannah also was surrounded by plantations one of them was called Grove Point which people see ectoplasm, hear odd sounds, voices, horses and movement within the brush. Just as the Bonaventure Cemetery is haunted by the servants that once resided on that plantation today its a cemetery. But it appears that almost every plantation in the area has a ghost story.

Not only does Savannah have haunted house it also has many haunted forts one of them being For Pulaski where people hear the sound of guns firing, little girls crying, people screaming etc. Old Fort Jackson was within a decent hiking range so we were able to visit it. There is a 3rd fort downtown but its fenced off and just a wall with some buildings on top that also has a very eerie feeling.

But its not just forts that have its share of ghost we also have The Savannah River Olde Harbour was the site of many pirate ships. A famous statue named The Waving Girl is here. Her name was Florence Martus and back in the day she would wave a towel to help signal the boats coming in. People say that near the statue is the ghost of a little boy who was involved with breaking animal and children's necks. Rumor has it the locals hung him and some nights you can see his ghost. 

Colleges are also haunted in Savannah many have seen a little girl that looks like Gracie Watkins she is buried at Bonaventure Cemetery. She is often seen going room to room playing, running...doing things that children normally do in our physical world. People will wake up see her standing on their bedside or even inside their closets at the clothes. I believe that Gracie knows she is dead and is perhaps living it up as funny as that is she continues to play and people continue to see  her.  The Savannah College Of Art & Design is haunted by her once known as the Oglethorpe House!

But not only does Gracie haunt the Ogelthorpe House but other entities as well. Activities such as doors shutting, water turning on, whispers and of course the famous room 600. Its a room where a female jumped and committed suicide. They say on the 6th floor instead of glass they have plexiglass on floor 6th at least more then half. Also people have heard chairs scraping across the floor and even seeing marbles rolling which that phenomena sounds like young Gracie playing. 

Strangely Gracie the ghost is also seen in other locations like the cemetery she is buried at or an old restaurant which use to be a hotel in the 1800s. She died of yellow fever. Alot of residents at least 10 percent died of this when it broke out. Gracie haunts the restaurant bathrooms as well!

Another very well known haunting is the Juliette Low Birthplace this is talked about on one of our other Savannah Pages so I do not want to ruin this one for you but I will leave it as she was the founder of Girl Scouts. I did take a photo of this place it is on our prologue page. I actually took photos of alot of significant locations so that the world could recognize that our society visited them.

But also within Savannah is a dark history at some of the squares like once a lady carrying a child in her womb committed a crime. They were going to hang her but waited till she had her infant child. The child was taken and she was hung people see and hear her ghost to.

Another place worth mentioning is the Savannah College Of Art once known as the Weston House. This today is a dorm for the Savannah College Of Art and Design. The building was built where a civil war battle took place. People here things moving around, singing girls, banging noises and even been touched by the unseen. Sometimes even ghost are seen in the dorm.

Just outside of Savannah is an island which has disappearances, wolves and ghost sightings to. I almost was going to hike and figure away across the river to get here. Keep in mind in GA are alot of big alligators and they are hungry. But supposedly is an old asylum or sanitarium. 

Museums are active as well like the Telfair Museum haunted by its former owner some hear foot steps and some have seen her ghost when maintaining the Museum.  But Mary Telfair does not just haunt the museum she also haunts the Old Telfair Hospital which was an all women's one. Mary is often seen in a brown dress walking down the halls. 

One of the most famous haunted locations is the Hampton Lillibridge House sort of to me looks like the Amityville Horror House. It is the place of an exorcism I do believe if their is a demon within this place it still probably is here. The house was restored I believe in the 1960s. It was not an easy task during renovations the construction crew heard foot steps when alone, felt watched and even had some tools disappear on them. One of the crew members a ghostly man was seen wearing a black suit and bow tie in one of the windows. Screams have been heard and a older man has also been seen. I do believe I walked past this place did not get any photos however of it cause at the time it was a place I did not research. Many of the houses in Savannah are like this one very old, historic, dismal looking at night etc all of them probably have a tale to tell.

Tales of demons and exorcisms are not all that Savannah is about their are also tales of poltergeist for example the Haslam House is a well known case of this.  Just as parks around Savannah are haunted for example the Isle Of Hope...which has a haunted park where lights are seen, swings are heard and rumors of it being the site of an old civil war battle site. People see blue uniforms the Union I believe wore blue. 

In reality these are just a few tales their are hundreds we have proven some of them at even other locations like Laurel Grove Cemetery, Savannah Old Train Museum, LePageVille Cemetery and even Savannah Catholic Cemetery! We want others to have an incite about how much paranormal surround this town and its history. Its sites like ours that make these memories last.  I mean you hear so many stories about paranormal crews coming to Savannah running out of various cemeteries what makes this sweeter then anything is I did the entire Savannah series alone and all these places I told you about I stood up in front of to face dark alleys, parks, haunted cemeteries, dismal streets and eerie buildings. 

These Haunting's we read about some of them came from other members some of them I researched. It could very well be the most haunted city in the world but being we are The Paranormal & Ghost Society we will always be looking for the next journey to take and so......on this day.....

I bring you Savannah!

© By Lord Rick-AngelOfThyNight


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