Bardin a logging town is a prime example of Old Florida little has been touched surrounding this town. The town of Bardin revolves primarily around Bud's Grocery. But its also an area with a national forest near by....ranch

es....and pioneer cemeteries which we also covered after our visit in Bardin itself.

Bardin is a logging town of course back twenty years ago the town was alot smaller and less logging had been done which probably accounted for the sightings of what is known as the Bardin Booger...some called Boogyman...others Skunk Ape or Abominable Snowman Of Florida, Booger Man, and Booger-Boo. A creature that is so famous that its in books, news articles, has a even a song out that played internationally called 'The Ballad Of The Bardin Booger". Another song by Billy Crain called "The Bardin Booger's Christmas Wish" also was pretty popular at the time.

The grocery store even sells Bardin Booger apparel so for anybody that was like hey what the hell is Lord Rick talking about now you have a better grasp on why it was so important for us to visit this location even if we did not get a glimpse of this beast.

The creature is described bear like some say is around 8' tall, long red hair, red tongue that protrudes out of its mouth, and has pointy airs. Some describe it more like a monster then rather a bigfoot.  Sightings of this beast did not occur till the early 1980s and they continued till about the mid 1990s. Back then when the sightings were hot would probably have been the best time to look for this thing but as logging continues such cryptids migrate further away. 

He is known to be mischievous....stealing sheets off clothes lines...and even pies off window sills. That is what bigfoot is its a scavenger it uses what it can find but not in all cases. Not when he was sighted killing a barking dog and crossing a road into the cemetery.  He is not a violent creature although one incident that happened came close to him perhaps being playful or trying to put a scare on some locals.

Doug Crew a longtime resident one night was in his truck with two women when something grabbed his truck and started to shake it violently.  Not only is the area known for this creatures sightings but back in the 80s a story came about about a ghost light that chases you then after that the whole Booger infestation came into play and I know folks that somehow that came out wrong lol.

Around that time a logger named Elmo Boone found some tracks deep in the woods which were barefoot and around 17 inches give or take. He also noticed stool which was neatly piled away from a bedding area of an unknown origin. Of course I did not hike as deep as him but I do know the location that the tracks were found. If I was still staying in FL I would hike to them at night but my time down here is up and pretty soon Ill be investigating redwood bigfoot up in California. 

Billy Crain's wife took an interest into the Bardin Booger talking to the locals about it and there are quite few credible witnesses and stories. Anybody who was a local for a certain period of time has had something happen to them in those woods. Keep in mind the area is surrounded by pines, oaks, and cypresses. Their is a national forest near by...two large creeks and the towns only store is Bud's which sells food, clothes, chain saws, and simple necessities.  Its one of the most secluded areas of Florida with dirt roads pretty much through the entire country. 

Another sighting that took place someone seen it while driving down the main road in town as it was crossing. She said it had to be around 8 feet tall and that is what most report it at. Crain's daughter was horseback riding and something was following them in the woods claiming that it was big and hiding. She said it made thumps and became closer maybe a bear who knows more then likely the Bardin Booger cause this is a creature that remains elusive and at his size would make alot of noise. Most reports even state that this creature is noisy and rather charges swiftly.

Many of the trappers and motorist in the area have seen similar sightings of a big creature crossing some of the roads most of them near the grocery store. I know why but I am not obligated to say but its obvious why this creature was sighted in this area for so long. Of course now that I put this up there will be some amateur group that will go out and look for it but what people need to understand is that this is not a creature that wants to be wants to remain elusive that is why nobody really has solid evidence of it till this day except sightings. 

One of the most well known stories of all comes from a local named Doodle Faagin who was sitting on the back of his pick up truck with a few friends. His friend Doug Crews spotted the beast walking towards them and was about 30 feet away staring at them with its pug nose and pointing ears. They were just stunned that is why people do not get photos of such beast I mean when you come face to face with it what do you do take its photo or do you stare to try and study what this thing is. Most humans cannot do both at once. 

Many of the farmers in the area have seen it its probably why most have dogs cause livestock more then likely back then was being eaten and taken from this thing.  The locals try to scare their kids with the stories some say they are campfire tales but to many tales add up to the same story that something back then was being seen surrounding the Bardin woods. I read one field report of someone hunting for deer then all of sudden this thing came crashing threw the woods scaring them away only to come face to face with the hunter. In my opinion it sounds like whatever it was had been protecting its territory or just trying to scare others away. Some locals have theorized that their was actually more then one of these creatures surrounding the little town of Bardin at one time. It does not scream alot but I have read confirmed reports of it screaming at hunters and even some hunters claim to have seen it carrying small deer away.

I mean i read some recent reports recently about others still having stones thrown at them...being followed...and hearing weird noises backpacking so perhaps the Booger still roams this area but is a little smarter now then he was back then. As viewers read our reports and see our photos keep in mind we went into these woods something very few do at night and we hiked in various areas of them hitting cemeteries, trails, and even along the creek bed. All areas this thing was sighted.

Over the years its died down alot some thing he migrated from the everglades because Northern FL is much drier and has more food sources. Others think urban growth has scared it away perhaps the creature has moved onto Ocala Forest nearby instead as I know an area there that has sightings of some weird beast also. What ruins any credibility is the fact that alot of the local kids been faking tracks its a real creature problem is people are hyping it up to be more then what it is perhaps for profit or to keep the legend alive. 

That is what makes this so wonderful is that you as viewers can put our information to your imaginations like you were with us searching for this beast in the woods. This was not about me finding it it was about our group visited this site so we could share with you the legend of Bardin. About four years ago I read about this creature and someone asked if we could check it out that someone faded away and so now I bring it to you the Legend Of The Bardin Booger!

© By

Lord Rick





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