Forbidden Universe

Fun Forums => Cannabis Heaven => Topic started by: AngelOfThyNight on January 28, 2019, 12:04:13 PM

Title: Study: Daily Cannabis Use Associated With Grater Retention Rates Among Subjects Undergoing Opioid Agonist Treatment
Post by: AngelOfThyNight on January 28, 2019, 12:04:13 PM
Study: Daily Cannabis Use Associated With Grater Retention Rates Among Subjects Undergoing Opioid Agonist Treatment

Study: Daily Cannabis Use Associated With Grater Retention Rates Among Subjects Undergoing Opioid Agonist Treatment | NORML

VANCOUVER, CANADA — Daily cannabis users undergoing therapy for opioid dependence are far more likely to complete their treatment regimen than are non-users, according to clinical trial data published in the journal Addiction. Canadian investigators assessed retention rates among 820 subjects enrolled in either methadone or buprenorphine/naloxone-based treatment programs. Researchers reported, “[I]ndividuals initiating OAT (opioid agonist treatment) were approximately […]

Study: Daily Cannabis Use Associated With Grater Retention Rates Among Subjects Undergoing Opioid Agonist Treatment | The Daily Chronic

Source: Study: Daily Cannabis Use Associated With Grater Retention Rates Among Subjects Undergoing Opioid Agonist Treatment (