Forbidden Universe

General Category => Greater Reno Tahoe Area => Topic started by: AngelOfThyNight on March 27, 2016, 01:29:54 AM

Title: Solar backers say PUC net metering changes unconstitutional
Post by: AngelOfThyNight on March 27, 2016, 01:29:54 AM
Solar backers say PUC net metering changes unconstitutional

Solar advocates calling themselves the Alliance for Solar Choice has petitioned district court to throw out the Public Utilities Commission decision changing the net metering rules.The petition for judicial review was filed in Carson District last week challenging the net metering changes as likely killing the net metering program.“The commission’s action not only puts a stake in the heart of future rooftop solar development but it also unjustly applies the new rates to a new rate structure to customers who applied for, installed or contracted with the utility to connect rooftop solar units before Jan. 1, 2016,” the petition says.Net  …
Source: Solar backers say PUC net metering changes unconstitutional (