Forbidden Universe

Fun Forums => Cannabis Heaven => Topic started by: AngelOfThyNight on March 05, 2016, 11:11:29 AM

Title: The Head of the Democratic Party is a Huge Hypocrite on Marijuana
Post by: AngelOfThyNight on March 05, 2016, 11:11:29 AM
The Head of the Democratic Party is a Huge Hypocrite on Marijuana

The chair of the Democratic National Committee, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, accepts that she’s a political outlier when it comes to her stance on marijuana. She approves of its medical use but opposes legalization — as a matter of personal principles, she told The New York Times. But those principles might be informed by another kind […]

The Head of the Democratic Party is a Huge Hypocrite on Marijuana | The Daily Chronic

Source: The Head of the Democratic Party is a Huge Hypocrite on Marijuana (