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REVIEWING RITUAL Here In Reno Nevada: 36 Reasons To Not Get Involved



After doing promos spending time in the local scene in Northern Nevada I realized their is not much of a Gothic scene. Just because you put on some black eyeliner and throw on a Depeche Mode shirt does not make you goth. I live life as a goth when I showed to court I showed with all my rings, dressed Victorian Gothic and the whole getup because if your Gothic then you live that way all the time whether its work, court hearings, events, lectures and even when I was on Television that is how it is no in between. I do not fake it to make it or pretend just because I want to look cool. I found out by spending time going to Rituals events that their not so Gothic most people are in jeans and t-shirts as a matter in fact I probably was the only guy gothed out for most of the events I attended anyways my entire outfit I wore one night cost over 200 dollars honestly.

Its not even that you cant just play every era of music at an event and slap Gothic on it because its not. If you ever have been to a true Gothic nightclub or venue then most of you know their is a huge difference as to what Ritual is doing and what a real Gothic Venue offers. Trust me I know I spend time in the scene I do promos here and there but only for those I feel are deserving of it. I could have introduced ritual to the big time even one of my rich friends was going to give them huge money to DJ this past Christmas and they turned it down because the people were blind and disabled so they felt that those people do not deserve apparently to listen to Gothic, punk and industrial music utter discrimination folks end of story!

Being Autistic myself they laughed at me and they bullied me right out of their events they know they did it which is why we are here today because were here to reinvent the scene it cant be about two or three DJs and all their friends that they slept or had sex with or do drugs with. Then any outsiders get treated like dirt when those outsiders are people like me just trying to make friends and be a part of something with new fresh ideas. Not even new ones but Gothic traditions which these people really do not adhere by.

Below is a list of why I feel Ritual fails its a review its an honest one but its the solid truth. Its very cult like some people cant even get out of it because their afraid of what happened with me may happen with them but were mustering people everyday more and more who are providing me information and that will tie into their legacy even said reviews. With that being said here is why they come short and fail!

1. They discriminate and laugh at those with disabilities

2.Once you leave or refuse to attend events they harass you with fake FB accounts, sexual harassing messages, threats and they event threaten my friends. One friend they told of mine that they are now allowed to attend their events even though its not their events they are held by the bar not them!

3.Its all about money buy my shirts, key chains, spend money on this and that. Spend $10 dollars to listen to the same music every month. Most of it is not Gothic music anyways in fact they play slow music, 80's and even pop at times.

4.Ritual makes their events all about dancing ONLY nothing about making friends, meeting people, connecting with other goths etc its all about I play music you dance.

5. Their all ages Goth Night is held in a place that is a 35 by 35 foot room with only one exit in and one exit out. They block the other exit this is dangerous in case of a fire or even a mass shooter. The place has 200 people packed so tightly that people were being injured.
6. Allot of drugs at events yes these people are involved in drugs their friends pass them around to.
7. Members of their Gothic group stepped on my shoes 24 times I asked them to stop they laughed at my face and kept doing it totally rude. Yet they say that their events are welcoming and that you will be safe.

8. I was elbowed in the back twice by members of their group no apology was at the bar getting a drink when a group of drugged out members injured my back friends of there's they were high as a kite probably ecstasy which is the most common drug being passed around.
9. They turn away men all the time sexual discrimination anotherwards they purposely dis-invite men and tell them not to go because they want more women then men to show. Because its staff is involved in the grooming of female members. New girls end up being slept with and coaxed into having sex.

10. They advertise that events are safe yet I had to help some girl being attacked sexually against a wall right near where the DJs and Ritual was playing music they did nothing about it. I had to chase the guy off. Another time at the all ages I walked a girl to her vehicle because its in a bad neighbor. That same facility has also uneven floors like concrete sticking up and I fell going to the restroom. So the venues are in bad areas and not safe for Gothic attendees.

11. Uncle Rusty a part of Ritual has decided to take up fake accounts to spread a hate site about me which is 20 years old. That same Hate Site laughs at goths, pagans, gay teens, LGBTQ, overweight people etc yet he spreads that site along with his staff. The same site that laughs at Gothic people so if your Gothic why even bomb that site on my groups and pages. Shame on them!

12. Yes Ritual attacks our Gothic community they do not want us having our own here in the Reno area. In fact they attacked my paranormal group and my fb wall numerous times. In fact Uncle Rusty joined in on bullying me publicly after I was doing promos for him for free and getting him new people to show to his events nice huh?

13. I was threatened for leaving the group and not wanting to attend events. While another staff told me not to come that I am not welcomed to attend even though all I have ever done was post promos to get new people to attend because honestly at the time I was trying to help get more people to attend their events.

14. If you are not sleeping with the moderators or having sexual relations with some of them your an outsider and your on the window looking on in. Its staff has sex with most of the female members that is why females are definitely favored to attend that way its staff gets to pick who they want to hook up with so if your a male chances are they dont want you there trans is okay plenty of men dressed in mini skirts but they feel men are stealing the women away from them and yes some of the women are lesbian so they are out to sleep with the women too.

15.They tell you no dating is allowed yet this is a public night club so most of the people that show are walk-ins they do not care who Ritual is they come from the university to drink and partay. Its not there say what females I can talk to or who I can make friends with. They tried to tell me I am not allowed to make any female friends. During my time at events three women came up to me I did not come up to them. Most of them hung out with me and talked their was no dating going on never even tried yet they accused me of stealing their women away haha jealous much. I guess id be jealous to given the fact that I am a pretty good looking guy that dressed fully sharp at ever event I nearly attended while one its staff is fat, gray, balding and less then 5' so no wonder why!

16. Ritual holds events at Dead Ringer Social Club and Alturas Bar in the Cellar. Both venues are small, hot and the music is so loud you cant even hear your friends so much for Gothic gatherings. The bar holds the event just as they host DJs every weekend and other bands. However, Ritual flaunts it like they own the event and can tell who can show and cant show to them. These venues are small and if you dance at them your going to get hit, stepped on and people that are drunk will run into you end of story. These venues HOST Ritual which we will be filing complaints of all this behavior they are conducting towards me and others because its unacceptable behavior given they flaunt themselves as owning these events then they need to accept complaints about them too!

17. The group that Ritual runs is ran by staff that bully its male members. I put out promos on my own FB page shared them with its members to get their members to come to events. I had at times 20 to 50 likes by its members per post and video. In fact many kind comments from its members. Its moderators got jealous accused me of dating because I said look at all the pretty women wearing Gothic clothing tonight something to that effect then was called rapist, predator etc. I guess they wanted me instead to say look at all the obese women wearing crappy clothes and dancing drunk who knows. But I believe in positivity and when I say their are good looking people that has nothing to do with sex their the ones sleeping around. I never dated or slept with anyone and even if I did why is it Rituals business what girls in their group want to be my friends? Most of the women that attended those events were not their friends or members they were strangers because its again is a public night club so people go bar hopping to drink, listen to music and party! They also go out to meet people and I am allowed to meet who I want but according to Ritual I was not allowed to meet or talk to anyone I had to have the groups permission.

18. Very few folks are really Gothic at their events my friend and I were the only dressed Gothic people at the event. I wore a Gothic Victorian tail coats a few times and she wore Victorian dresses etc. They advertise this as some Gothic event but they show up in jeans and a t-shirt. So then we stick out like a sore thumb.

19. Group staff dates and sleeps with DJs that way when they mistreat its male members like me its okay because they all are in this elite circle of well I slept with her or I slept with him so if they bully our fans and members its okay will let it slide. Nothing ever gets done if your abused or mistreated you can file a complaint but when its staff doing it other staff do nothing because they all date and sleep with one another.

20. Why pay $10 to dance you can do that at home and pick better music then what they are playing. Xenophobia I mean Xenobia and Uncle Rusty play all their music songs from Soundcloud here online they run it through their speakers at the venues it pretty much plays itself a job a monkey could do. Maybe I should buy the equipment and take over at Deadringer I can put on one hell of a show smoke, Gothic music, dress like the devil and really bring in a show trust me maybe I will and ill do it for less then what Ritual is being paid cant beat that.

21. Drinks at the Venue nearly cost ten dollars a piece its to much by the time you pay the door fee, buy drinks then spend money on Ritual your broke and for what? To dance to DJS who spam a hate site, sexually harass a guy like me and create every week multiple fake FBs accounts to try to threaten us?

22. I have nothing against the members of Ritual even that Reno Gothic group. I met some cool guys at events to chill with they welcomed me but they were not staff they were MEMBERS big difference. Staff was ungrateful for my attendance while members were kind enough to introduce themselves to me so nothing against members and they are welcome to join our group as long as their is no fighting or drama.

23. The DJs have created over 50 accounts to harass us why I do not know is this little group I have a threat to them? NO! But that leaves only jealousy and they are very jealous of me because I been in the public eye on TV, radio shows, news articles etc for over two decades. I am an author to and a big time paranormal investigator. With a HUGE following but see my followers do not ass kiss. They are not telling me I have to have your t-shirts and key-chains and spend money on your dumb ugly paintings and sleep with you. Therefore, Ritual is very cult like these are DJs not singers or rock-stars or bands. These are people that get paid to play music once a month at a bar that is it nothing more nothing less and nothing that special!

24. Plenty of body odor its obvious the DJs do not bathe and sitting there playing music without moving all night stuffing your face says allot. Why are the DJs to ritual extremely obese is their only job? Do they not exercise? Or do they sit on FB all day harassing us maybe that explains it.

25. Ritual may be sued by my attorney they are stalking us they have been doing it for months because I left the group. I wrote its staff explained I was in the hospital and just got out and two friends of mine died. I came back to them publicly shaming me on that board. I gave those people promos instead they sat back let their own staff bully me, laugh at me, put me down etc. Even though Xenobia who operates Ritual told me to my face privately that she likes my videos and promos watches them all. Yet her staff had an issue with them make up your mind! She just did not have the balls to do the right thing and tell the same friends she dated and slept with to knock it off that its not cool what they are doing.

26. Ritual bullies people they do not like especially men and the blind and disabled. They are discriminatory yet they talk about how events are for all walks of life but they are not. I have talked to other men who got the shaft and honestly they have no business banning others from a public venue when its not their event they been lying to the public. They are just DJs asked to play every month so they play music big whoop but anyone can go to them even walk in drink at the bar.

27. I have talked to some women that had some bad things happen in association with Ritual especially by its male staff. They talk about how you are not allowed to date etc yet drugs and booze are often given to the new girls in hopes to coax them to have sex with its staff. While they tell men no dating because they want women for themselves which is all the more reason to not get involved with these events because certain people are treated like meat.

28. Ritual does not handle things privately they had a chance to contact us privately if they did not like our promos instead there staff put them down and started attacking me publicly after I had made dozens of friends through their group. It was staff doing it and after they did it they would delete my responses leaving theirs up only. The ones that were inappropriate they left up for a few hours to get others to join in too. So imagine one person calls you a sexual predator then the staff joins in and soon a few of their friends they are sleeping with. Imagine how awful that feels especially me who worked so hard to promote Ritual because prior events were small I brought a huge influx of people to them.

29. Do not spend your money on them its not worthwhile. The best Gothic scene is in LA, San Fran and Sacramento all close by. Go to those Gothic clubs they have real bands and play real Gothic music. Their is no clicks Ritual is about clicks its about the DJs and their close friends trying to control the scene in Reno. If they tell you to do this or do that people do it therefore the scene is not based on Goth its based on what they say and do.

30. No Gothic events are held really its more like my friends and I are hosting this please attend help put money in our pockets. Yet you show up and its staff are posers then you do an investigation and find out they are not Gothic but rather posers because they are in their 50s and 60s trying to look cool in front of younger people that in their private life nothing is Gothic about them. Fake goths anotherwards and if your not Gothic then dont pretend to be your not cool end of story.

31. They claim their community and events are safe but I was never safe at events. I cant show to events because they are stalking me now daily. In fact they tried to write FB saying my name is not Rick Rowe and it is. FB asked me to give them my birth certificate and I almost lost my account the same account I had since 2008 with all my children's photos on it which I nearly lost since they were kids thanks for that Ritual. Nothing is safe bout them they attack peoples personal lives, send friends after me that you find out they had sex with etc. I guess if I had sex with this person and that person id be on their side to. Its always about that not doing the right thing.

32. I asked Ritual for a public apology on their group and page they refuse to give me one for how I was treated. Then they act surprised when we review them or post a public radio show about them. Its not a surprise for me to defend myself when these people are attacking my groups with a hate site, creating fake accounts that talk about whether I am Gothic or not which is a joke because my friends tell me I am more Gothic then anyone they know and send you sexual messages. Yes Ritual sends me sexual messages to screw with me because they think its funny so all their friends can laugh at my responses back to them as they all sit in that little circle reading it together.

33. DJ Xenobia dated and had sexual relations with the groups owner. Now that same guy hangs out with her husband. If you want to be swingers that is fine but when the guy your swinging with grooms the female members and you do nothing about it what does that make you? Yet they are worried about who I can date or not date at a public venue. I met a girl once at an event who was not on the group she really liked me allot said I was cute I guess that is not allowed and that was a girl that was not even on their group lol. Yet these people all sleep around with eachother staff dates staff then when it dont work out they move on to another staff.

34. Xenobia and I were great friends at one time as a matter in fact I talked to her every event privately she was getting to know me slowly. She even friend requested me! YES! I told her id promote Ritual for her bring new friends and I was going to introduce her to someone big real big which could have potentially boosted her career as a DJ but screw that. She sat creepy on my friends list for over a month while her friends and staff called me all sorts of horrible names on the group she owns. The group she claims is safe for all and their is no bullying. Yet her friends bullied me for being a guy, saying on my own fb I hope I meet some cute girls at the nightclub and my promos which are full of positive energy. I had people watching my promos in all fifty states! This was good for Ritual they should have just STFU end of story no need to bring drama and public shame me so bad that I left. I did care about Lisa honestly as a friend but she failed to do the right thing when her friends publicly shamed and bullied me so that makes her complacent to end of story! Just because your friends do it does not make it right but when you slept with all your friends then its okay I guess who knows but doing what is right MATTERS!

35. Every time I brought free speech Ritual banned me for three days in their group. I was told that if women do not like me they will ban me so now I have to impress women at least I am not sleeping with them as the group owner is!

36. They told me they are going to put a curse and spell on me oh boy I am shaking in my bones. I tour and adventure in the scariest places on the planet cliff climbing, spelunking, night hiking etc I am an urban explorer and paranormal adventurer I been nearly killed on some of my treks you think I am scared of some mental person who has been married multiple times and divorced whose husband says to me she is nuts of them doing some hoodoo voodoo what a bunch of crackpots!

So folks you tell me! Obviously if I am going through all this trouble to take the time to put this out their then their has to be truth to what I am saying. I have talked to people they give me plenty of information but this is from my own experience attending events, talking to others and I was a part of that cult. I left that cult honestly and now its like you cant break free they wont leave us or me alone. They write my friends threatening them telling my friends they wont be allowed to attend events. They DO NOT OWN events anyone can come ill bring all my biker friends then what will they do lol dumb asses. They cant tell you that you cant come if they do then ill have to talk with the club owners that Ritual is discriminating and they can deal with it end of story.

These people are a clique they claim they want Gothic people to come out then you show up dressed all Gothic and they reject your friendship. Your an outsider treated like one and if they do not like you they treat you badly. The truth is after doing a full investigation we uncovered drugs, sex, plenty of dating by the staff within their own group they say no dating on and a whole other litany of other things. Would I ever attend these events again hell no I go to real Gothic scenes and clubs people know me. I am friends with Gothic club owners because I am really high and mighty when I say I am. Their just a group of DJs who want fame and to be idolized using Ritual as their own little playground when its not as Goth as you think it is.

Its all about control its their scene not ours believe me my friends. These people went to school together so they all have known each other for years so anyone on the outside who wants to be a part of it they reject treat poorly because they are intimidated by anyone new or different. The guy that owns the group has slept with dozens of the women in it including his entire staff and all of Ritual yes ALL of Ritual. Which makes them look so desperate like they date each other and sleep with each other have no care in the world about STD's.

Not only that but it makes it look like they cant find anyone outside their circle and that might be true because honestly who would want to date them or be with them I have no interest in any of them. I am far to great of a guy and good looking to ever get involved romantically with them and I think that rejection is what pisses them off but ill say it again in public THANKS but NO THANKS not interested go away lol. I never have tried to date anyone ill be clear about it was just there to make friends, throw out some promos and listen to music.

Little did I know they would victimize me because they are intimidated by my presence sheesh!

I went to their yard sale they had they tried to sell a person to a friend of mine for a 100 dollars we get back in the vehicle the purse you can get brand new for 50 dollars. Its like do some more drugs why your at it. That's how these people are I am merely sharing my experiences with the Reno Gothic Scene Group owned by Ritual we have to people need to be aware of the shenanigans not because we hate them because we can that is what it comes down too WE CAN and WE WILL!

One time at an event a drunk drugged out woman sat in my lap put her arms around me. I did not even touch her she was from the group though and was out of her mind. This is not the first time I heard from other friends of this happening. Yet they claim they want to keep people safe! Who will keep the men safe in one incident one of the people who went to an event got a restraining order against him for stalking and he did not even do anything it was dismissed. Do you see the pattern here everyone? Men are being abused by Ritual and the Reno Goth Scene and were going to make this right!

As far as my message to Ritual I asked you to stop nicely. Its not hard to go away if you dont we have other resources and avenues in order to deal with this and its your legacy on the line not ours. I am not longer in the public eye I am just enjoying my life because I am semi-retired now from all that shit so I do not care what you spread about me but I am a public figure and well known. So people will shun upon that treatment towards me especially knocking an autistic guy just makes you look that much worst so go for it!

Our members have been attacked folks in this group we must be strong, stay vigilant and if it happens its them because they think they can be the only Gothic group in Nevada that were not allowed to host our own events but I will promote other DJs and it wont be Ritual it will working to help them grow. I cant help Ritual is butt hurt about it you do not chase people away who are trying to help promote you. You do not shake my hand then bully me to look cool in your group in front of the friends your banging. Messing with me is not going to be favorable trust me when I say this.

So folks you thought you knew Ritual? Well maybe you dont! It takes a group of them to face me and sending their friends on fake accounts to intimidate me. Do you know I was threatened when I opened this group when I ran a local Gothic group even before Ritual came to be? Yeah told I better shut it down or else! That is the real Ritual and its not all of them its just a few people doing this because I want their members to read this and understand I love most of you I do. The ones that liked my promos, met me at Gothic night etc you got my love and my respect. The ones that bullied, threatened and harass me well you lost it to much drama for me!

That is why this group is here not to compete but to give those other people a place or home to be a part of around the Reno and Carson City area that were rejected or mistreated by Ritual and that Reno Gothic Group end of story. To reinvent the scene here locally not based off poser shit for money but based on real Gothic things like dark art, cemeteries, Gothic clothing, Gothic music and REAL Gothic events. Something Ritual does not bring to the table for its members or viewers. Rather its their own personal playground so they can get laid.
Northern Nevada needs a real Gothic group not one based off a small group of people that pick on some autistic guy like me think about it is that really nice or cool?

Do you want to attend their events after knowing all this their not as welcoming or kind as they claim its a facade, lie and I am not going anywhere so they can threaten me all they want. They just dont want our group here because they think they are the only ones allowed to run one and this my friends is a free country if you want to run a FB group that dont make you god it just makes you a group owner nothing more nothing less and that is all I am.
We are just here to kind of guide the scene a little and give you something you can enjoy as a members. Where your very SAFE and their is NO Bullying unlike their group that mistreats men, grooms women and puts on this huge facade. There is more to being Gothic then just dancing to Uncle Rusty and Xenobia so some of you know end of story!

I will show some of you what were talking about so please stand strong against this kind of behavior its not right what they are doing and I am not telling you not to attend their events I am asking some of you to reconsider after my harsh review so you understand that at anytime what they did to me they can do to you. I mean they told my friend he is not welcomed to attend public events they do not own these events lol come on now who does that?

Lesson in all of this you do not bully a public figure who has a huge following. I run radio shows, on television, write books and I am a journalist. I wont let this fly imagine how many they bully who do not have a voice? I give them a voice and their are people who do not like Ritual. I can always up the ante they have no idea my past history dealing with this kind of thing.

But I refuse to invest my time or energy into these people anymore I am done screw them. Will use our voice to let people know the real Ritual behind the scenes not the one that plays music at a bar DJing once a month end of story. If your not playing in shit then their is no shit yet they stir it constantly with me and for what? Because I left and told them I am not interested in their events based on what I just stated above? Because that is the gods honest truth!

I mean honestly look who owns and runs it these are a group of unhealthy old people who are dying to fit in. They are not doing this for anyone but to look cool and when they feel that is being threatened they bully that person like they did with me because I started to question things! Why else over six months later are they still coming at me think about it if you have such a great thing going on yet I live in your head then your mental lol.

Why attend such an event if these people are that nuts and have that much drama think about it. That is why I do not attend Rituals Events and I wont its not their events anyways its hosted by the bars so they have no say on telling others they cant come to them! Therefore they get one star from me for shitty service and how they treat people. Really my advice is go get some mental help I realize you have no health insurance for a psychologist and psychiatrist but that is not Lord Ricks problem now is it! When you stalk someone who left your events, left your group and goes away yet you keep coming at him your a lunatic lol.

As far as Ritual goes yes we can demonize you for your behavior your a public business as you claim. So yes we can review you and talk about you their is nothing you can do about it. If I do not do it here ill do it elsewhere and the next step will be google or a bigger platform then my tiny little group. I been down this road before with people like this and I had them shut down. Lets not go down that road because you decide to sexually harass my on FB as a way to intimidate me into not talking!

So folks that is my review and that is why we have our own Gothic group only ours targets a much more diverse group of people and region! I know this is a long post I get that but it has to be said because people want to know so now all of you know the truth! If you have gotten strange messages its from them I had a girl I liked that even got one from them come on now and yes she told me about it and thought these people are acting creepy. This kind of behavior is unacceptable so with that being said Join Us NOW that you understand why our group exist it makes more sense for those reading this! Ritual has done everything to keep this from coming out we have decided instead to post it publicly rather then our Gothic group since they have told FB that it is not a legitimate post which is why this will be appearing on quite a few public spaces beyond FB since our little group is such a threat to them!

I want some of you to meet the gothic clowns who are attacking our groups, fans, friends, family members and me. Look at these winners who laugh at me and question me being gothic lol.

With that being said Rituals Page Is: and here is their group:

Here is a review of Ritual:
This is our group we welcome all walks of life to join if you like dark stuff and local fun events:

We have EVERY single right to review and critique them what our fans, followers and peeps do with the information we just gave you is totally up to you.

Names are L.M. Staton or Lisa Staton, Uncle Rusty AKA Russell Burton, Chistina Underwood, Erica Wilsey, Chase Fuqua aka Christopher Fuqua and yes he has two Facebooks.

Those are my lovely stalkers from Ritual Bwarhahahahahaha some of them have three followers I have all together 30 fucking k bitches!

Since they enjoy taunting my FB I thought some of you would love to get in touch with them lets introduce you to the gang!

Don't forget to give Magically Clean Witch A Kind Raving Review:

Remember these people bully others, women get groomed, sexually harass others, men get discriminated upon and mistreated.
They laugh at Autistic people and they scam others out of money! Lets not forget the drugs and thinking they have the authority to ban others from
Dead Ringer Social Club and Alturas Bar Addresses To The Venues Below That Ritual DJs At Once A Month

Dead Ringer Social Club: 432 E 4th St, Reno, NV 89512 Phone: (775) 409-4431 & Alturas Bar 1044 E 4th St, Reno, NV 89512 Phone: (775) 324-5050

We are just getting warmed up and started my friends. These threats, stalking me with fake accounts, attacks, writing my friends banning them from the gothic scene etc is not cool and unacceptable!

You want to attack my friends and facebook every day well time to go viral I tried to play nice and asked them to stop numerous times! :D

Lord Rick aka AngelOfThyNight

Also Do Not Forget To Watch Our Comedy Roast:

AngelOfThyNight Radio Presents "Dark Roast The Reno Goth Scene Saga" -  Live With Lord Rick

Keywords: Uncle Rusty, Xenobia, Reno Goth Scene, Gothic Clowns, Freaks, Weirdos, Ritual, Stalkers, Grooming Women, Creepy

Here is the thing I am an upstanding guy ill match your respect with respect but ill match your disrespect with disrespect. Personally, I cant help that they want to create fake accounts to sexually harass me. I did not ask for that! I have gone to Rituals events many many many times none of them ever said hi to me or had a beer with me. But they think its okay to make fun of me or bully me or threaten me.

I dont have anything against anyone who goes to the events the problem is that its a clique and I heard this from more then one person attending Rituals events. If your not in that clique you get treated poorly end of story. Because I am not part of that clique they thought it was okay to bully me and I went to them for help about it instead they joined in that shit. That is a problem with them not me! If you want someone to go away then you dont create fake accounts to flirt with them and the funny thing is they throw each other under the bus pretending to be one another. I am sure they lie to their friends about that one because nobody likes to be caught with a finger in the pie.

I can give a shit less about going to their events most of my friends no longer go they dont want to after this. If your trying to grow a community you have to accept everyone not just your pals or people that you date within your circle. They all date eachother which means in a sickly way they all have sex with one another and therefore lie for eachother too. I want no part of that sick shit! You got a guy who is grooming women on his group and if I have to will have to send the women invites to talk about him here publicly about their experiences dealing with that freak.

Their is nothing special about a small room with two DJs and you being the outsider! If these people wanted to really make an impact they could have easily came up to me anytime and been normal by introducing themselves to me. Rather then allow their friends to bully me in their group then to have their staff doing it publicly to so yes you will be matched with the disrespect and disregard for me as a human being. The sad thing about these people is they claim their gothic which means that everything they stand against they are just like those they stand against with their popularity contest and bullying others. If you claim to accept all walks of life but then on occasion you treat someone else different that your intimidated by your no better then the people you dislike in life. You cant have it both ways! Ritual is discriminatory if you do not fit inside their clique certain people get bullied, harassed etc What some might see is a couple DJs playing music others see a group of people trying to control the entire gothic community around them in Reno. It does not revolve around a few people end of story but here in Reno they seem to think it does. They know what they did I could not even leave without being harassed by them and their friends. I had one of them email me about leaving and how dare I lol. Screw them! The events are shitty anyways its a dive bar in a bad part of town their is nothing gothic about it does not matter what label you slap on it. Its far from gothic and if I were some of you I would not waste your time putting money into Uncle Rusty or Xenobias pocket especially knowing they run a group that basically serves their friends and if your a guy like me your treated like shit unless you bow down kiss their ass.

The best way to deal with me is to go away leave me alone end of story. But see folks I can leave the group not show to events and they come on my FB lol. I live inside their heads all day every day I had a guy tell me just for being my friend he was banned off their group. Therefore if your friends with anybody but them they will treat you shitty forewarning its what they do. Lets face it some of them are mentally ill it does not take a rocket scientist to see that. Most of their friends do not work some dont even drive and they have had multiple failed marriages and relationships which tells you all you need to know. They all date eachother within their own circle over and over then when it fails they move onto to another friend of theirs. None of them even know what its probably like to date anyone else besides their own staff or friendship circle kind of sad but lame to. I dont care about these people they could have had free promos for life posters, gigs etc and they ruined it with the direspect for my hard work because why they did not like me well to bad. Their are things I cant stand in life to that does not mean I treat people poorly. Their legacy will be this over and over and over until I have felt I made my point! I do not owe them anything I do not work for them and their events are honestly kind of shitty. After you hear enough of the 80s music or hours of endless instrumental or you learn that its just like high school with the cliques you realize that you could spend your money on another more fruitful event or actually go to a real gothic club and deal with less drama. Lots of drama at these events my first time seeing Ritual two women almost got into a fight its just shit like that who wants to be a part of that yeah gothic night who is goth? NOBODY hardly but me and my friends that showed lol.

These people are not saints their a bunch of druggies and alcholics that is what Chase Fuqua is a drunk nothing more nothing less that preys on his female members. Throws on a bit of eyeliner and thinks I run this group now sleep with me I am so cool. His mods allow it yet they bitch at guys about trying to meet women at Goth night but its okay for him to fuck all the women in his group and date them all right? PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH! If guys are not allowed to date women in your group but you guys are fucking them then you must think your special lol. I guarantee you that messing with me is not going to go well till you issue a public apology for how I was treated end of story and it wont go well if you keep harassing me either. I really can careless what Ritual or the Reno Goth Scene group does dont care dont give a shit but when you attack my business, my FB and me then ill let the world know exactly who you really are. I did not ask for this nobody ask for a group of gothic posers to create fake FB accounts to flirt with me so they can laugh at me with all their fuck buddies on the Reno Goth Scene. Honestly, if you dont stop messing with me I still have quite a few cards to play and I will utilize every resource I have. I am a fairly easy going peaceful guy normal people would have just messaged me and talked things through but not them. If your group does not bully others well you had me fooled when I was being called names publicly and I was a good member. I posted regular, did promos, showed to all events etc and I was treated with such utter disrespect that is why your being slammed. Because they dont get it to much drugs who knows their brains are fried. If you treat people that way your not making friends out of them your making enemies.

Ritual will stay up on this thread even if I have to add to it I will! Is pretty embarassing really that a group that acts like their is some goth scene here treats one of their own like shit because they dont like the person. That is all it is you got jealous because you wore jeans and shitty holy tshirts and I came into the place dressed fully Goth so now lets hate on the guy. Oh wait he is autistic so lets hate on the guy! No wait I do not like how he talks so lets hate on the guy! Ritual is bullshit and ill make sure to let every gothic know and so far I have talked to dozens not to show to these events or their events because those events are for their fuck buddies and their own personal friends. Even though those events are really held by the bar they dont own them yet they want to make rules for others and I think I need to let Dead Ringer and Alturas know this because I never met a DJ group that tells its members if you show you cant do this or cant do that and this is my event and if you dont like it dont bother showing. Im sure the bar would love that kind of publicity knowing that these idiots are scaring off potential customers. Look at me I no longer go there and spend money at that bar on drinks or cover charges think about it. Because of their actions! So we will file the proper complaints if necessary the problem is with Xenobia is you see she dated and screwed Mr Fuqua who runs her group so even if he breaks the rules he gets a free pass along with any of her friends who bullied me. Instead of doing what is right. By doing whats right they should get removed or demoted but no you cant do that its hard to seperate from someone when feelings of emotions are there because at one time or another you screwed them.

Because I have not had sex or dated any of them its me who gets treated like shit and anybody new to their little so called Goth Scene. But the truth is they did horrible things to me HORRIBLE and they want to cover it up but its not going away the public will know not to mess with Ritual which is very cult like to begin with. I know some of you want to be in goth scene not in some cult or have some guy groom you because its DJs are enabling that individual. None of this would have came to light if they would have just left me alone but they cant their in love with me for some reason. Funny thing is I go to other events dont need theres lol their events are stupid anyways think about it. Its either you dance or you drink! If you try to make friends then they get pissed that your trying to steal their women. In fact one guy I talked to told me he went to an event a girl there put a restraining order on him nobody wants to go party only to have somebody who is on meth paranoid call the cops on them thats not fun. But you have some lesbians hardcore and a man who wants to sleep with the women from events so any man who goes to them gets chased out of there its not worthed man. They did that to me to accused me of dating there women as if they own the women here lol when most of the women that show to there are walk ins they are not even in their silly dumb little group. So now you guys have a better idea of what really is going on and why I am standing up for myself and other women along with men. Because nobody needs that kind of drama or shit! Xenobia was on my friends list she could have done the right thing and said look im sorry my friends are bullying you or sexually harassing you. She plays both sides of the coin tells me she loves my promos while her friend who is not part of it does not and its like yo all that matters is what she thinks not what your friends think but when your in a clique you will tell me privately to my face something different then what your saying to all your friends and that to me is two faced.

People need to understand that Ritual is bad news DONT go to their events is not gothic and its pretty lame really. Unless you want to see a bunch of men dressed in mini skirts and deal with being groomed by a guy who goes by Chase who has slept with all his female staff on the Reno Goth Scene group. The women have to be desperate to sleep all with the same guy running that group think about it they have five female staff and all of them dated or fucked the same guy. Nobody normal and sane would ever act that way very sleezy and tasteless then they want to lecture men sounds to me like we should lecture them about having more class and ethics when you run events. They think because they all fuck each other that its okay for them to break the rules and bully others or tell others what to do. News flash nobodies tell me who I can be friends with when your all having orgies with one another. Their sick disgusting people and they know their a bunch of depressed substance abusers which really makes me want to stay far away from people like that. People talk they act like I dont have their information that some people gave me but I do I have lots of information because their are plenty of people out there who cant stand them because of all the favortism, cliques etc and they have themselves to blame because they formed this culture not me not you it was them locally they formed it that way a place for their friends to fuck around and mess around. Now that someone points out all their faults, failtures and how ugly things are with them they are going to give me pay back? They started this shit I asked to be left alone and Fuqua and his exgf Erica decided to create accounts to try to romance me lol. You think I am going to just let that go fuck no! I am family now and I am not going anywhere unless you want to off me if you want to off me just say so lets be realistic here about shit!


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