Paranormal > Phantoms Sports Association
Phantoms VS Klean King On 3-11-20
We started off really strong against Klean King even pulling out ahead stocked with new players, talented subs and quite the arsenal. As a matter in fact we came out swinging and were controlling the game. It was a real defensive battle at first the team during warm up at least those that showed early enough had a chance to work on a 3-2 defense which worked for awhile then it begin to crumble and they simply kept pounding through the circle putting in buckets. We simply were not scoring to match them either which has attributed to three of our losses because we can miss 30 maybe even more times a game which is a huge loss in points for us. They are an ninth seed out of eleven teams in the league and they broke out against us. However, their was some great steals, rebounds, defensive plays, good shots and we were more aggressive compared to other games as you can tell. Tammy who watches my cam makes sure its always running but had to work late so towards the beginning of the second period after scoring a three point while playing for awhile I went to the cam realizing it missed about eight minutes of our game sorry everyone. You will see me walk away from the camera because during the game I went to check on it realizing I had not seen Tammy yet and sure enough I was right it was off. This team will be back next year and will have our chance again because will be a smarter, closer and wiser team by studying this footage along with their systematic style of play. This was a hard loss for me as a coach because even when I switched man to man we still had some opponents wide open to many times therefore that tells me we just have to improve. So more work will need to be done to improve the defense and work towards consistency in those much more closer battles under the net offensively in regards to scoring more often. The referee was not doing a great job with this game we had guys pushed, elbowed and tripped up nothing was called by him. Sometimes it only takes a ref who is not doing a bang up job to effect the game entirely and its outcome. To make matters worst the score keepers shorted us some points which would not effected the outcome of the game but still they need to stay off their cell phones. I think that goes for any game they are supposed to be monitoring.
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