Paranormal > Phantoms Sports Association
Super moon Madness: Phantoms VS The Knights 3-9-20
It was the eve of the biggest super moon of 2020 sometimes things get strange maybe its a mental thing but we were locked in a battle with the knights a team who is new to the league and they were struggling but so were we in two previous losses. The game had its highs and lows we dominated them the last five minutes of the game really running out of time to mount a come back but we were closing on in. Their was plenty of aggressive play on both ends but I took a hard couple falls as well where I felt that fouls should have been called where they were not. By the end of the day the only thing that matters is who won and unfortunately some are still not playing their positions in the zone which ended up opening up lanes for the other team which attributed to their victory besides quite a few missed buckets. Their is about eight minutes of the game missing not sure what happened the cams only do about 22 minutes at a time of recording so if it does not get restarted or batteries do not get changed out we sometimes lose a little footage so I apologize to our team about that. I do think we made the Knights work for it a little so definitely a learning experience for everyone who played being we were down a few players. It was a hard loss because we were tied with them in the league and they made quite a bit of mistakes that we should have picked up on. Communication is so important in basketball and if one cog or two is off just a little bit it effects the entire teams ability to mount a win. We only play this team once will have to wait till next year to have another shot at them. Being down players with injuries or having some who do not show to practice to learn formations is what led to this loss as a coach not having others show to the practice the previous day really showed in this game you could see it. Therefore, its just something we have to suck up no less it was a good game for a super moon wouldn't you agree?
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