Paranormal > Phantoms Sports Association
Check Out The New "Phantoms" Sports Team Hub On Our Site.....
Check Out The New "Phantoms" Sports Team Hub On Our Site.....
I am very proud to present our new sports team hub and home for the Paranormal & Ghost Society Phantoms. The hub on our site will allow our fans, friends and players to access our team via the web at anytime. Users will be able to view the teams schedules, scores,team apparel, stats, rosters, celebrations, videos, game photos and so much more. It will tell you where we are playing for those who might want to attend a game. I may eventually live stream our game if we ever reach a championship in the future also just an idea.
The hub will allow our players to customize and purchase jerseys also allow others to visit our facebook team page anytime from it. The entire purpose of integrated our sports team into our site is to make it fun for the players and viewers alike. What you put into something is what you get out of it and I am very passionate about who we are and what we do here. Which is trying to get others more involved with not just our research into the paranormal but other activities as well including athletics.
The hub also serves as a way to recruit players for our team it will draw in hopefully more people out of the woodwork in the Carson City, Gardnerville, Reno, Dayton and Tahoe areas. As it stands right now our team is getting ready for the indoor soccer season games will probably start in May and our basketball season starts mid summer. So their is time to sign others up if you are interested in playing for us. As you can see I have long term plans for our team for many years to come so this really is a great opportunity to get others involved at the same time promoting The Paranormal & Ghost Society organization.
I spent countless hours putting this all together prior to this all we had is a simple page under construction for many years. That is because when I first started the Phantoms years ago I ended up going through divorce, surgeries, almost died twice, moved around allot etc. So I never was able to focus on our team to build it or find a sports dome that would host us. That now of course has all changed and games in 2017 will be held at the Carson City MAC which is central in the region here in northern Nevada.
Everything has been revamped because were getting ready to compete. As we play more games our hub will grow as I add videos, photos, stats, schedules etc so I cant wait very exciting news not just for me but our players and our fans too. Even if you are not a player you can purchase a jersey even customize it. I do plan on offering hats as well and maybe embroidery products down the road that will look very sharp.
We do hope you will check it out maybe even save it in your favorites so over the years you can watch our team grow. Its awesome that this will be our year that we make it happen. I actually cant wait to coach my own team because the one I play for now is a giant headache for me the captain is kind of an ass to me despite I had a 3rd degree sprain and chipped a bone in my elbow from being tripped. I would never treat my players the way he does but some people in adult leagues are cocky they think that the only thing in life is to win no matter who's toes they step on. So the day I can play against my old team will be a day I will relish believe me.
With that being said please check out The Phantoms Sports Team hub at and if you could please give our team page on facebook a LIKE that would mean allot to us at
I really had hoped to add that ghost town on our site this week but I know better then anybody that its probably better to knock off one project at a time otherwise if I rush everything it wont work right or be done properly. The hub is a nice looking addition on our site just like any paranormal case we add. I put allot of time and effort into everything we do I also am a graphics artist so I custom make all our buttons on the website period.
So next week ill add the cursed town of Purissima this week you guys get to enjoy our new sports hub through our website. If you are interested in playing for us please contact me anytime otherwise we hope to make a few fans and those who can respect what it is were trying to do here. Have a great weekend in a few hours I am going to some estate sales then hiking this weekend so ill be very busy and do not expect things to slow down anytime soon so bare with me.Its 2am here so goodnight everyone thanks once again for checking it out. GO PHANTOMS!!!!
Lord Rick
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