Paranormal > The Paranormal & Ghost Society

**NEW** Journey Addition On Our website "Beckwourth Cemetery and Old Town-site"


**NEW** Journey Addition On Our website "Beckwourth Cemetery and Old Town-site"

I am so glad that this addition is finally available for all of you to join. I spent countless hours working to get this up. I held back on adding it to our site till I was able to do a second exploration which revealed to me the original town site of this pioneer ranching and lumbering settlement.

This addition to our site is a historical representation to honor James Beckwourth who was an Indian chief, miner, scout, trader, blacksmith and a freed slave. He came to the Midwest to join the Crow Nation and eventually came out west to improve his Beckwourth Trail which today is route 70 an alternative less dangerous path through the sierras rather then the rugged wintry Donner Pass.

Beckwourth lived in the town right across from the cemetery and ran a trading post where pioneers could stop to rest along with picking up supplies while journeying up to Marysville. He lived across the cemetery so I focused this exploration mainly on the graveyard but also the town site nearby. There are some really kick ass photos I took up here and I spent hours on this project not just on the website addition but hiking around to bring all of you this beautiful place.

I wanted to devote this addition and honor James Beckwourth who endured so much in life. He was ripped off and did not get paid for improving the pass but also more then likely he was murdered after he left his trading post to go back to the midwest to help lead a military column up in Colorado to another secluded tribe. Some think he was poisoned he died with a nosebleed that refused to stop.

This is an awesome addition on our site because you will see photography from the Spring then the Fall. The Fall photos you see I did a couple weeks ago and the video is fresh too. Its not often you get to see my current work because we are two years behind on adding things to our site. But I wont stop adding content this is ongoing so you will always see new places, explorations, ghost towns, cemeteries, mines, trains, forts, abandoned places and even the paranormal regularly.

If you would like to delve into our journey and honor James Beckwourth a very colorful character of the wild west you can do so directly on our site at or you can go into our investigation archives from our main page by entering our site then visiting the epilogue first in our archives which is just as fun if you want to journey into our site more in depth in the following section of our site:

Gateway 4/Portal 27

Beckwourth Historic Cemetery & Old Town Prologue
Beckwourth Historic Cemetery & Old Town Team Stills
Beckwourth Historic Cemetery & Old Town Team Exploration
Beckwourth Historic Cemetery & Old Town Site Gallery
Beckwourth Historic Cemetery & Old Town B&W Gallery
Beckwourth Historic Cemetery & Old Town Notable Interments
Beckwourth Historic Cemetery & Old Town Broken Not Forgotten
Beckwourth Historic Cemetery & Old Town Angel Gallery
Beckwourth Historic Cemetery & Old Town Scenic Gallery
Beckwourth Historic Cemetery & Old Town Nature Gallery
Beckwourth Historic Cemetery & Old Town Videos
Beckwourth Historic Cemetery & Old Town EVP's
Beckwourth Historic Cemetery & Old Town Exploration 1
Beckwourth Historic Cemetery & Old Town Exploration 2


Paracomedy 2016: More bloopers added check them out!

This is a magical addition their is something special about what we do here at The Paranormal & Ghost Society. It really has never changed in almost two decades of me doing this but it does get better all the time. We put effort and take pride in our work. This is not some scam nor am I some lunatic who calls dust demons and charges people to tell them their fortunes. I do however care about history and I journey in search of the truth. I see so many great things and we try to share them in a way that all of you can be a part of it. I am not after money nor fame I just want folks to sit back enjoy the work we do and I can assure you their is something for everyone with every location I do.

This is a custom addition crafted by me and to share it with all of you is an honor. Just remember everyone its important to not just follow me on facebook but to actually look at what we do and where we go. We want you to delve into our site and understand the main reasoning of why I still am here. This is to share locations like these on our site so please try to view our additions and updates. Also our site is best viewed with firefox or chrome on a wide screen monitor. Personal friends view my site on there big screens because they love looking at the thousands of photos we boast!

The next addition on the site will be our second case file from the Western Pacific Railroad and it will be an awesome addition. I have many more photos will be adding and a pretty fun documentary of me climbing trains. The addition after that will be the Chollar Mine and Mansion. So we have good stuff coming including some caverns and even a couple ghost towns ill be adding. Its all GOOD STUFF you snooze you lose because people mainly who run groups like me use there cell phone and their work does not show they really love doing this. So I am sharing my love with all of you welcome to Beckwourth!
Lord Rick


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