Paranormal > The Paranormal & Ghost Society

**NEW** Updates On Our Site "Pilot Hill Cemetery" Very Quaint!!


**NEW** Updates On Our Site "Pilot Hill Cemetery" Very Quaint!!

This is a very quaint addition on our site but as you can see I put allot of effort into every location we investigate no matter how relevant of a site it is even if we do not find anything paranormal. If others took the time to care as much as we did about these places they would not be riddled with human bones enough said!

This addition ties into our Bayley Mansion and Cronan Ranch investigations since the cemetery is near both of them. As a matter in fact this cemetery is really all that remains of the old ghost town of Centerville which was one of the earliest towns that was formed during the gold rush. Its not even far from where the first gold was discovered which led to the rush so its a very relevant little cemetery.

With that being said feel free to check it out I been trying to add one or two locations a week but I have a long ways to go because I simply do allot of investigations more then I can keep up with on the website. Therefore I am always behind a 100 places no lie. This just happens to be one of them we did after the Cronan Ranch which is nearby.

The town was changed from Centerville to Pilot Hill because back during the gold rush they would lie little pilot fires to help guide the pioneers through these hills. The town had it all its sad to see that its vanished without very little traces minus the graves of the dearly departed.

You can check out this addition directly at or if you wish to go through our epilogue for the investigation it can be found in:

Gateway 4/Portal 26

Pilot Hill Cemetery Prologue Page
Pilot Hill Cemetery Team Gallery
Pilot Hill Cemetery B&W Gallery
Pilot Hill Cemetery Notable Interments
Pilot Hill Cemetery Angels
Pilot Hill Cemetery Broken Not Forgotten
Pilot Hill Cemetery Nature
Pilot Hill Cemetery Scenic
Pilot Hill Cemetery Videos
Pilot Hill Cemetery Investigation 1

Our next addition on our site probably wont come till next week. Id get it done earlier but I am going to see my Buffalo Bills play up in Oakland and this weekend I have a couple investigations. Trust me their is no end to the paranormal research we do I stay busy. But in between were going to have some fun for sure!

Our next update will be from the Gold Bug Mine and a place called Hangtown. Its one of the first towns of the gold rush to develop known for its placer gold. Today the mines, mill and camp somewhat reside in a small canyon which we visited its pretty cool you guys will enjoy it.

Also next month in December before Christmas we have a major expedition up in the Black Rock Desert I sent out a memo about it on google and facebook if anyone wants to go. Its north of Reno we have two ghost towns will be visiting and allot of really intriguing sites. Just remember if you do not get in on this then you guys are missing out on all these cool places.

Yeah you can view them on our site anytime but to actually be a part of it and experience these places is truly what memories are made of my friends! Have a great day!
Lord Rick aka AngelOfThyNight
PGS Founder


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