Paranormal > The Paranormal & Ghost Society
Lord Ricks 2020 Santalicious Holiday Bizarre
First off & foremost my apologies for this being so late but between work, exploring, friends, family, basketball practice and medical issues my time is very limited. But I wanted to invite all our subscribers to enjoy 2020's great Christmas tree hunt and holiday bizarre created by none other then myself. Every year this is our virtual holiday card we post on our channel but better late then never and some of you can enjoy it for years to come considering its length. My hope is to inspire 2020 was a difficult year for all of us and so let me help you escape even for a short time. Will start off in the snowy sierras to find us the perfect xmas tree do a little journeying through the mountains with some music playing then it will go right into Virginia City where will live it up which is a tradition we do every December to do some shopping. After the festivities their is a Santalicious gallery of all the wonderful events we experience such as Birds Of Prey, Journeying to ghost towns, holiday lights, time with friends, family, good eats, Santalicious naughtiness and of course Christmas as well. While my channel may be directed at urbex, paranormal etc it also is a hub meant to inspire others and share my light with all of our viewers. Cheers to the upcoming 2021 year lets try to make it bigger and better!
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