General Category > Rants & Raves
Its a damn shame...........
Sometimes I wonder why I do what I do meaning host sites, forums, communities and great content. I mean think about it when I opened up this community Friday I posted it to facebook, google+, forums and to friends. Only 1 friend of mine signed up here everyone else either ignored me or said they would join and didn't. It not only is a disappointment but it hurts my feelings and makes me question why I am even bothering anymore. I have thought about deleting all my work, facebook, google and website. I figured if I just disappear that will be it no more disappointments or people being ass hats to me. I pay to host this people can at least show some respect. I am so sick of TV shows and these other dorky sites getting all the credit. I am so sick of people telling me they are my brothers and my sisters my ass! What people do is use me enough said! The only time most people want to talk to me is when they want something other then that who gives a fuck about Lord Rick or the hard work he does. If I was ghost adventurers or some lame paranormal site I bet this place would have thousands of people posting. Why should everything being about quantity why is it so hard to find quality people who love the paranormal and want to talk about it? I am starting to question other peoples loyalties my friends should have signed up here they did not. Then again they don't care about any of my work its the truth. People just do not get it they really do not. On my forums you have freedom to be you I am not a control freak you can have an opinion, post what you want and say what you want I really do not care. Who would not want to be a part of something where you can be you? People tend to be ignorant in society and nobody gets it yet. I am still one of the best paranormal investigators in the world what you can learn from me is not only invaluable but its real. So for all my friends who ignored me or did not join here you can count on me distancing myself from you. I do not trust anyone easily and once you lost that you lose me. Nobody wants to join here that is fine! Sign up for dumb ass facebook groups then I know its to hard to come onto our site to post because I am not some multi billionaire! Its a damn shame people think like this! Anything Lord Rick even if its stellar is a bad thing right? This community is a bad thing because I asked all of you to join and be a part of a community where we can all get together to discuss various topics! People just do not get it they don't! Sadly the world is full of ass hats and inconsiderate folks! In three days 1 person signed up despite the millions of hits I get on google+ everyone would rather look at my stuff then be a part of the bigger picture! I now know for sure nobody has my back or gives a fuck about me point taken! If you cant see greatness in the future of PGS then its not my issue. I get two types of people ones who do not care or are just sickly jealous. Well no need to be jealous I have 1 member here that is it because all the rest of my friends fucking bail on me everytime I try to do something nice! Imagine if a 1000 people joined here and most of those folks worked together with me. Imagine what we could accomplish! Only a fool would fail to see this seriously!
Lord Rick
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