Forbidden Universe

Pure Fun & Entertainment => Jokes & Funnies => Topic started by: AngelOfThyNight on April 12, 2017, 05:13:15 PM

Title: God asks asks Adam how he's doing, - "W...
Post by: AngelOfThyNight on April 12, 2017, 05:13:15 PM
God asks asks Adam how he's doing, - "W...

God asks asks Adam how he's doing, - "Well, it's ok but I am abit lonely". - "Ok" God answers. - "Let's do something about it. I can give you the most wonderful and satisfactory being and friend you'll ever need you'll never be lonely again, and you'll have everything you ever need". - "But it meens I need your arm and leg to create that beeing". Adam ponders and isn't willing to sacrifice his arm and leg. -"Ok" God says again. -"With only your leg, I can make a nice and welcoming partner for you, giving you no grief only happiness" Adam ponders again - he is rather lonly but really wants his leg. "What can I get for one of my rib bones ?" Adam finally replies.
Source: God asks asks Adam how he's doing, - "W... (