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AngelOfThyNight Radio Presents: Lord Rick & The Pimp Of OZ - 3/25/20
AngelOfThyNight Radio presents a Covid-19 special edition coming off of hiatus where comedy meets reality as we talk about big corps trying to take over gun control, 2020 pandemic, brothels, journeys, political unrest, 420, St Patties, Valentines Day and of course RAW parody! This four hour edition covers a little bit of everything but also as a way for us to touch base with our family, friends and followers during these strange times. You can listen to it all at once or take it on an hour a day surely it will be a cure for your boredom during quarantine in Lord Rick & The Pimp Of OZ with special guest Sir Winston and even an alien! This show is for ADULTS and MATURE audiences ONLY! This show is for ENTERTAINMENT purposes ONLY! Do NOT miss out on the fun and we hope your offended all brought to you by the one and ONLY host of dark satirical raw blotter "Lord Rick"!
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