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AngelOfThyNight Radio Presents Lord Rick's 2016 Holiday Spectacular
We welcome our fans and viewers of AngelOfThyNight Radio with your jolly host Lord Rick to enjoy this very raunchy naughty Holiday 2016 Spectacular featuring everything from Creatures of Christmas lore, satirical holiday news, new years resolutions, fat shaming Santa's, FEATURING special clips from getting lost in Dick's in San Francisco to bad Santa going postal with a battle rifle in the Black Rock desert, Holiday Justice, Poinsettia Spritz Punch, New Years Resolutions, Naughty Xmas stories, carols, kick ass tales, Holiday satire, paranormal 2016 highlights, tales of adventure, Aleppo, peace on earth, drinking, toking, Aliens underground in the Black Rock and the satirical joys of Christmas.This is a jammed packed episode with a little of everything all the way from satire to some of the Paranormal & Ghost Societies greatest death defying moments of the year. Come on out bitches grab your bongs, pipes and booze join the revolution! What is AngelOfThyNight Radio? It is very comedy meets reality seasons greetings sit back and enjoy the ride! In conclusion the show ends with a lovely Lord Rick Bad Santa Gallery featuring E's Jammy Jams "Jolly Old St Nicholas" AngelOfThyNight Radio is for entertainment purposes only and we are here to wish all of you a very happy new year so you better hold on tight!
Also please make sure you check out Lord Rick's Spectacular Christmas Tree Hunt which also coincides with this special episode which is a fun filled family adventure featuring some humor, pretty snowy forest and Lake Tahoe at:
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