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Pure Fun & Entertainment => Video Game World => Topic started by: AngelOfThyNight on April 15, 2024, 11:02:44 PM

Title: Dragon Age co-creator says adapting the beloved RPG into a Fallout-style TV show would be a "terrible idea"
Post by: AngelOfThyNight on April 15, 2024, 11:02:44 PM
Dragon Age co-creator says adapting the beloved RPG into a Fallout-style TV show would be a "terrible idea"

David Gaider has surprised fans with his next TV show pitch


The lead writer of BioWare's Dragon Age series has shared what games he thinks will make a great TV adaptation, and the BioWare RPG isn't one of them.

On April 15, David Gaider—who now heads up Summerfall Games—shared his opinion on what game needs a TV adaptation next. Surprisingly, the developer's answer isn't Dragon Age. Even though Gaider is responsible for the game's setting, he thinks bringing the story of the title to TV is a "terrible idea."? 

Replying to a tweet asking what video games fans would like to see adapted for TV, Gaider says, "I imagine everyone would expect me to say Dragon Age, but that'd be a terrible idea." Instead, the developer looks to other studios' work: "I want to see a David Lynch-style (on acid) Disco Elysium. Or maybe Banishers."

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Fans of Gaider's work have also replied to him with their suggestions. One follower suggested an Animal Crossing TV show, to which the former BioWare veteran replied: "If it had little to no resemblance to the actual game, sure. Animal Crossing but it's a tense political thriller." That wouldn't be my first choice but I can see the potential.

Elsewhere in the replies, some have questioned why Gaider doesn't think a Dragon Age or even a Mass Effect series would work, to which the developer explains: "You take away the interactive element and you're left with a pretty stock standard fantasy story." The Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical writer continues: "It would take a pretty deep dive to distill the elements of each that make them unique and interesting. Not impossible, but it would take more than a rote adaptation."

As for Mass Effect, Gaider says: "Much like Dragon Age or BG3, I have a hard time picturing a Mass Effect show that does anything we haven't already seen a dozen times. The Halo TV show, for instance, could just as easily have been Mass Effect."

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Despite this, if there was interest around a Dragon Age TV adaptation, Gaider says he'd be up for the challenge of helming it on one condition. "I'd be happy to write a Dragon Age TV show," the writer replies to a fan, "but I can tell you right now that a party-based fantasy trope-filled romp a la Honour Among Thieves would not be my first choice. Or second. Or even third."

Speaking of the BioWare RPG, here's everything we know about Dragon Age Dreadwolf. ? 


Source: Dragon Age co-creator says adapting the beloved RPG into a Fallout-style TV show would be a "terrible idea" (