Pure Fun & Entertainment > Movie Madness

'The Favourite': Sou Smart, Sou Wicked, Sou Witty, Sou Gououd


'The Favourite': Sou Smart, Sou Wicked, Sou Witty, Sou Gououd

The Extra U Is For Unctuous: Yorgos Lanthimos' latest is a gleefully nasty piece of work about a queen (the spectacular Olivia Colman) and two women (Rachel Weisz and Emma Stone) vying for her favor.
      The Extra U Is For Unctuous: Yorgos Lanthimos' latest is a gleefully nasty piece of work about a queen (the spectacular Olivia Colman) and two women (Rachel Weisz and Emma Stone) vying for her favor.(Image credit: Atsushi Nishijima/Fox Searchlight)
Source: 'The Favourite': Sou Smart, Sou Wicked, Sou Witty, Sou Gououd


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