Movie Madness


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[1] A dying father looks for the perfect family to adopt his son in 'Nowhere Special'

[2] The movies, TV and music we're excited about this summer

[3] 'I can only give the best': Bon Jovi on vocal surgery and the road to recovery

[4] 'I can only give the best': Bon Jovi on vocal surgery and the road to recovery

[5] Why 1999 was such a big year for movies

[6] Minhal Baig's 'We Grown Now' follows two Chicago kids in the early 1990s

[7] You know it when you see it: Here are some movies that got sex scenes right

[8] 'The Old Oak' follows a small English community amidst the arrival of Syrian migrants

[9] A dying father looks for the perfect family to adopt his son in 'Nowhere Special'


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