The William Street Country Home is an abandoned farm that sits on a dirt road away from traffic, houses etc. I use to drive past this place occasionally and feel some sort of vibes from the property. Honestly I do know have the full history of when the home was built or who has lived there. But I will tell you this. There is 2 barns one which is larger then most barns in the Buffalo area. There is a garage barn, an old foundation, and another building which is completely destroyed. The house itself is very large there is a storm cellar and a basement which are separated. The house has an upstairs which again is separated by 2 different stairwells going up. What is so odd about this country house is that the barn, all the buildings, and the house have been hit by some sort of fire. One room in the house is black and cindered. Some parts of the house are heavily burnt, collapsed, etc however the house still stands and the flooring is still very solid. Based on the old stone foundation the house is probably a little over 100 years old. There is still some of the old type of doors remaining, a pantry with an old unpainted door, Amityville type of rooms, old wallpaper probably from the early 1900s. The other unusual thing is the barn this is over 100 feet away from the house and there is parts of it that are burnt. The stairwell to the basement of the barn is blocked by a pile of wood even some of the hay still sits in the loft. A lot of the flooring is unstable but the barn itself is very old lots of areas to explore in it. Walking around the property you feel a sadness its almost like a tragedy of some kind occurred here. Even though the house was burnt it raises questions as to why other buildings are burnt on the property. Years ago in the Lancaster area most people lived quietly on there land, came into town to get what they needed and basically raised there own crops. This country home sits far away from everything and you know back in the early 1900s death was very common you had smallpox and other diseases as well as in the home funerals since this town had a very low population a 100 years ago. So what I can tell you is most likely there were deaths that occurred here and it is one of the more eerie places to walk around in at night based on the condition it is in. This is not the type of place you want to have your car break down at night just looking at the house would give you a foreboding feeling. The ghost of this old farm house still haunt the premises.

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