Subj: [ParanormalGhostSociety] This Week's Investigation Report.... 
Date: 11/9/2006 3:29:16 P.M. Eastern Standard Time

Strange Kinzua Investigation 5
The areas we consider Kinzua are the upper reservoir, overlooks, dam, Jake's Rocks and finally Rim Rock area. These are all very close to the dam and once was land given to the Indians. Lots of ghost back here, dancing lights seen and sometimes Bigfoot activity.
Denny and I parked up in the woods at the upper reservoir. This is an area I have filmed animal mutilations and seen a white ball of light in front of me. But on this investigation this area changed a lot of the trees were being cut down and logged.
Right away I noticed no deer, raccoons, coyotes, bear or anything let alone tracks. This is always a high animal habitat and not to see any tracks bothered me. The exposure to this investigation was not so much bigfoot or UFOs but what or who is eating all the animals. Where did all the animals go?
Was there a bigger bigfoot population eating more then it should or was the government messing with the habit by putting animals here that do not belong such as big cats.
We walked up along the reservoir seen this bridge leading to pipes sticking out. It was quiet up here but the type of road you could picture bigfoot standing on.
We checked an old shed found nothing in it not even signs of animal life. Denny explained how they put in coyotes to control the deer then put in big cats to control the coyotes then how the big cats have overrun the population and probably are eating all the animals up here.
No tracks and no animals that is what it came down to. Denny stuck his hands in the grill of his truck to warm them up then we ate pretzels it was almost a full moon up there and we were the only humans in miles so real secluded.
Denny then took me to Jake's Rocks it was one of our last stops of the night not to far from the Reservoir. It was eerie up there I got out a few times felt watched. But we did not hear a thing back here. I was tired and cold. Denny was having problems with his heater. All he could think about it what would happen if we were to get stuck up there.
Lot a lot of activity but I would not want to walk the lonely road in the dark. Its just that type of place a road for miles in the mountains made of dirt woods on both sides and no life or civilization for miles. At this point I was pretty tired so I was more then happy to get back to base get some rest since we had plans in the morning.
When I am up in this area I always feel watched but more so I feel Indian spirits around me as we drive around. See I already been to these areas and really you do not want to over investigate them so we just drove around hoping to see something. The next day we woke up and went out to Hermit's Den.

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This photo above is an entity I have captured before you really have to love what we do here its so amazing how many of the same entities visit with me.

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