
One of my most prized and controversial subjects. This is something our organization has not dealt with or at least seen but they are said to exist. The legend of Vampyres is not something that has started in this 20th century they go back 100s of years. Everyone is fascinated with them there lust for power, immortality, the ability to levitate and change into fog, a wolf, bat etc. or so the legends say. Some great movies that deal with Vampyre theories such as Bram Stokers Dracula, Dracula 2000, Buffy or even Angel deal with many different views about how Vampyres live in the world. I am going to break down what a vampyre is and possibly why they exist. First off and foremost all the myth about garlic and crosses is just that myth. Vampyres are either soulless people or people that were sired (meaning chosen to be one). I believe there are some real Vampyres the first kind I think is the actual kind real fangs, real blood drinkers, and ones that can transform to a point sort of  like the werewolf theory. I think real Vampyres are rare I am talking under 100 total on earth. I think like the stigmata is a gift from Christ the gift of Vampyrism comes from elsewhere some say the devil himself. Perhaps its a curse for something that happened a long time ago its said most Vampyres did not want this fate being immortal means watching the ones you love come and pass, living the pain of never resting, having to remain hidden as well. Dracula is the most well known or translated as Vlad the Impaler. The other type of Vampyres out there is the human kind people who think they are real Vampyres some that buy the fangs, or file down there teeth, or drink human blood, have sex with multiple people thinking they are real ones. This seems to be a fad of the 90s and now 20th century. You have Vampyre cults and worshippers people that act like them dressing all in black. But this is why we are here to explain to others what's real what's not and prove the existence of many different paranormal phenomena in toady's world. In the last 10 yrs I have encountered 100s of people who actually think they are Vampyres they tell me they can fly and they come from Dracula's bloodline they go to nightclubs claiming they will find another victim to sire etc etc to me that Vampyrism is a psychological disorder to seek attention or to get away from what we call reality. Alot of these kids run around dressed like one but do we really know how a real one dresses like in today's society? Do we know if they like sunlight or if they drink human blood or animal blood? Vampyres in theory are real but its important to differentiate the real from the frauds and its important to debunk the myths and know what is true and what's not. I myself am a true Vampyre fan growing up watching The Lost Boys and Fright Night it just always made me so curious as a boy. All good legends must start from somewhere and usually most legends start with a truth and become over exaggerated so I will let everybody make up there own mind into the vampyre phenomena.

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I am gonna post some information by cat on the shadowlands I couldnt have said it better so below you will find all of it.



Myth & Lore:
A vampire feeds on the life essence of their victims. This usually occurs by drinking the blood of their victim. The reasons that the vampire needs blood to survive varies from culture to culture. Some feel that the vampire needs blood to flow through their veins to keep their bodies animated and limit the damage of decay. Others feel that the beasts feed as a sadistic habit in order to wreak havoc and fear.
This theory of course also makes on think that it may not be the blood that animates the vampire, but the fear & pain. Vampires aren't particular they will drink the blood of animals as well as humans.

The most obvious characteristic that you think of when referring to the vampire is of course that the creature is dead a yet walks among the living. Most tales of vampirism tell us that these beings have fangs, are afraid of sunlight, they can shape-shift, (i.e. bats and wolves), they cry tears of blood, sleep in a coffin during the day and have extreme levels of strength and speed. Of course it goes without saying that this creature is immortal, unless of course killed using the proper methods.

As stated before different cultures have different myths about the vampires. For instancing European beliefs the vampire is dead, zombie like, hideously deformed from death and inherently evil. Whereas the American legend has been handed to us by Hollywood. The creature is a sensual, desirable one. Most of our movies and fiction combine the myth and legend of Europe, but also adds the dash of Americana, making this being a seductive beauty, with brawn as well as brains, and sometimes even a dash of compassion.

Who is a vampire? Are you predestined from birth to become one of the undead? In older lore vampires were people who died unnaturally and couldn't face the fact that they were truly dead. In my research I found some really fun and interesting ways of becoming one with the undead. The most common way of becoming is of course being bitten by a vampire. From here on the becoming is very bizarre. Lets start with some of the predisposition's; being conceived on a holy day, being weaned too early, being born the seventh son of the seventh son or receiving a curse. The last two are my personal favorites a mother who did not eat enough salt during pregnancy and a mother being stared at by a vampire while pregnant. Enough of predisposition's, lets move onto ways that you can cause yourself to become a vampire. Common beliefs in older lore include being a witch or were-wolf, being cruel or evil person, committing suicide, being murdered or being the murderer. All these things can make you a vampire upon death. But wait, there are more ways to be a do-it-yourselfer. These are my personal favorites in this category; eating sheep killed by a wolf, leading an immoral life, (i.e. prostitutes & treacherous barmaids), or (for a priest) saying mass while in the state of mortal sin. For the Europeans after death be comings include; wind from the Russian Steppe blowing on the corpse and being buried face up in the grave, the latter of the two believed in certain parts of Romania. Other after death causes of the becoming are; having a cat or other animal jump or fly over a corpse, having a shadow fall on a corpse, no burial or improper burial rites, murder that is unrevenged, having ones brother sleep walk (?), death by drowning and finally stealing the ropes used to bury the corpse. So my research turned up many way to become a vampire.

How do you detect that someone is a vampire? Ever wonder if your friends, family or teachers are just Vampires leeching you dry? The following suggestions are taken basically from old myths and lore. If you find a corpse that is bloated, showed blood in the mouth, grew long nails and hair chances are that you are dealing with a vampire. (Of course in modern times we have realized that the previous conditions are all part of decomposition.) To detect a vampire at graveside or in the cemetery, if you are not looking for anyone in particular, first look for fingersized holes around the grave, look for disturbed dirt, constant mists, disturbed coffins, moved or fallen tombstones footprints leading to and from the grave, (just make sure that they aren't your own), no birds singing, dogs barking and refusing to enter the cemetery, geese screaming when near the suspected grave and last, but not least, groaning sounds from under the earth.

If you think that someone you know has been a victim of vampirism or might possibly be a vampire here are some ways of detection. If the supposed victim suffers from one or more of the following list chances are that you are dealing with the undead. Things to look for are sleeplessness, nightmares, anemia, bite marks on the neck, (dead give away), exhaustion, nervousness, irritability, sleepwalking, difficulty in breathing, no appetite, weight loss, aversion to garlic, strange dental growths and photosensitivity. All taken together means that you are either dealing with a vampire or a parent of young children.

The appearance of the suggested vampire is also important. You should look for the following; fangs, red eyes, long fingernails, paleness, reluctance to enter a house without an invitation, hairy palms and aversion to bright lights. Also look to see if your family and/or friends have a reflection or cast a shadow.

Once you have determined that you are dealing with the undead, the following information is to help you prevent, protect and destroy your evil demon. Prevention for pre-burial is fun, here is just a sampling of what I found; destroyed vampire that caused death, close all windows, prevent moonlight from falling on the corpse, cover all mirrors, (keep in mind that these are old rituals used when people still buried their own), place corn or garlic in mouth and cover all standing water. Now for some of my personal favorites; pour incense into eyes, nose and ears of victim. Bind the body of the victim by tying the mouth shut, tying legs or feet together, weld the toes together (?), and then wrap in carpet or net. Decapitate the corpse and place the head under the arm or between legs or bury it in a separate grave. The number one favorite to prevent a loved one from becoming one of the undead, stretch a dead cat or dog across the threshold to the house.

If your prevention does not work, then you should try to protect yourself and your loved ones from the same fate. Garlic of course is one well-known method. It can be used on windows, doors, around the neck and under armpits (?); if you mix it with water it can be sprinkled or sprayed throughout an area. Also try fishnets on windows, doors and graves, for some unknown reason vampires are obsessed with untangling objects. Seeds are another way to protect yourself, just sprinkle into yard or walkways; vampires are compelled to count seeds (i.e. the count on Sesame Street). Holy water is yet another popular way of protection. Bells ringing will keep the undead away if ringing constantly. My last suggestion would be placing mirrors on the doors, because, as one author put it, it really annoys the vampire that they cannot see their own reflection.

If your prevention does not work, then you should try to protect yourself and your loved ones from the same fate. Garlic of course is one well-known method. It can be used on windows, doors, around the neck and under armpits (?); if you mix it with water it can be sprinkled or sprayed throughout an area. Also try fishnets on windows, doors and graves, for some unknown reason vampires are obsessed with untangling objects. Seeds are another way to protect yourself, just sprinkle into yard or walkways; vampires are compelled to count seeds (i.e. the count on Sesame Street). Holy water is yet another popular way of protection. Bells ringing will keep the undead away if ringing constantly. My last suggestion would be placing mirrors on the doors, because, as one author put it, it really annoys the vampire that they cannot see their own reflection.

Now that I have given you the information to detect, prevent and protect yourself from the evil critters, lets move onto Myths of the creation of the vampire. Many authors have written about vampires and their creation, but the story or myth that is my favorite is the "Myth of Merrydeath" by an unknown author.

The tale tells of a beautiful queen ruling for her children in ancient times. Keep in mind that this is a time when men were still new to the earth. Queen Meredith had taken a lover after years of being alone due to the king's death. Her lover was Mambayan, a warrior chieftain and close friend of the king. Well as all good love stories go, her lover was wounded in battle. Also around the same time a vampfara was imprisoned in the castle keep. Meredith tried everything in her power to save Manbayan, but to no avail. Death was imminent. An old crone suggested that since the vampfara appeared to be able to heal itself, maybe they should try the blood of the vampfara to heal Manbayan. Meredith formed an idea in her mind to visit the vampfara and request his help. That very same night she did visit the vampfara. When she requested his blood to save her lover. The vampfara thought about her request and he requested his freedom in return. He told her that she must carry his blood inside of her, as it had to be kept warm. He bit her and drank her blood greedily and just as she was about to die he sliced his wrist and held it to her mouth, making her drink his blood. Then he told her that in order to save her lover she must repeat the same procedure. Of course they have now died and been made into vampires. The kingdom rebelled against the lovers who now walked with the undead and cast them out. As the story goes they are still roaming the night together and the vampfarant was freed as per agreement. That is the myth of Queen Merrydeath.

Below Is A Photo Of  Draculas Castle

Source Unknown


Graves Of Vampires?




When you think about vampires usually the first name that you think of is Dracula. Bram Stoker is the man who penned the famous novel "Dracula". It is thought this story that most of us are introduced to vampires.

"Dracula" was actually based on a true Romanian Prince named Vlad Tepes, (pronounced Tzepesh). He was seen as a hero by his countrymen. According to most legend he was considered a fair, but very cruel man. Most of the information about this prince has been handed down to us by verbal tradition in his homeland, and by Russian and German pamphlets printed shortly after his death. The verbal form tells us of his conquests for his country, whereas the pamphlets portrayed him as an evil demon.

The name Dracula (draculaea) simply means son of the Dracul. The name Dracul seems a little harder to decipher. Some say that it means demon or devil, while other historians assert that Vlad the II belonged as a knight of the order of the dragon, hence the surname dracul- dragon, the insignia of the order was a dragon being knocked down by a cross. The knights were a group of Slavic rulers and warlords sworn to uphold the Christian faith against the Turks. The name Tepes is also report to mean "the impaler".

So that was the history of the name, but who was this man so closely connected to the vampire. His life started off well as the son of the prince of Wallachia. At a young age he was captured by the Turks and imprisoned by the Sultan. It has been suggested that Vlad developed his sadistic tendencies during his captivity, as he would not convert his allegiance to the Sultan. Vlad was eventually released as the Turks thought him subdued.

Vlad the III actually ruled Wallachia three separate times as the prince or voevod (warlord). He first ruled in 1448, he left the throne the same year because he realized that at that moment in time he was not strong enough to defeat the Turks. His second term as ruler began in 1456. He ruled well with the help of his allies, he ensured peace in his country. He was always depicted as a sever ruler. He was ousted by his brother with the help of the Turks, in 1462. His third and final rule only lasted a month in 1476. At this time he was beaten in battle by the Turks and killed afterward. His head was presented to the Sultan as proof of his death and his body buried in a monastery. An interesting footnote to this story is that when Dracula- Vlad Tepes the III's grave was later opened all that was found was a pile of horse bones.

Of course there were reasons why the Turks were afraid of Dracula and his countrymen considered him so severe in his punishments. Vlad the III was known as the impaler because that is how he killed many of his opponents. There are numerous stories that tell of the atrocities committed by the man.

One story tells of how he impaled his victims in geometric patterns, the height of the stake indicated the rank of the victim. The corpses were often left rotting for months as a deterrent to the Turkish armies. Vlad was not just an impaler, he also had a few other tortures that he seemed to favor such as, nails in the head, cutting off limbs, blinding, strangulation, burning, mutilation of sexual organs, scalping and skinning. The list seems to go on and on, too morbid to continue.

He did not like the noblemen of his country, because they were untrustworthy, and he often employed his methods of torture against them as well as his enemies. At one point he even had his noblemen building Dracula Castle. It has also been reported that he was not fond of the ailing or poor. To rid his country of these people he held a feast for them. At the end of the feast ordered his soldiers to bar up the exits and burn the great hall to the ground. His reason for this was so that the poor and invalid would no longer be a burden to his countrymen.

There is never any mention of Vlad the III being a Vampire, just a sadistic ruler. Vlad was a hero to his people, even though his methods of his punishment were unequivocally severe and cruel. He helped defeat the Turks and kept them out of Romania for many years. I have used many different sources for this history and all tell the tale a little differently, but the same basic premise is the same throughout all sources. (See acknowledgements at the end of the article.)

There are other famous people in history that were considered vampires. In the next few paragraphs I will tell of Elizabeth Bathory, the Vampire of Croglin Range, Arnold Paole, John George Haige, Fritz Haarmann, Martin Dummolard and Peter Kurten.

Elizabeth Bathory was a Transylvanian noblewoman born in 1560. She was married to Count Ferencz Nadasdy. By the age of 25 years old she became obsessed with her beauty and terrified of growing old. When her husband died in 1604 Elizabeth moved back to her family lands in Vienna. She began to practice certain forms of sorcery, which included attending rituals that sacrificed animals.

Elizabeth became obsessed with blood by accident. She was correcting a servant girl for not performing her duties to the satisfaction of the countess. Elizabeth went after the young girl with a pair of scissors. Her blood was splayed over Elizabeth, whom upon cleaning discovered that it made her skin more youthful. This started her descent into hell; it is thought that she participated in the murders of over 600 young girls. She preferred the blood of younger girls and considered them to be her fountain of youth. She would torture her victims for weeks and sometimes month before actually killing them. By December of 1610, only six years after the death of her husband, she was brought to trial for her atrocities and found guilty. Due to the fact that she was a noblewoman she would not be put to death for her crimes. She was sentenced to life imprisonment in her own home. She was placed in a small room with no windows or doors, only an opening for food to passed through and slits for air. The documents of her trial were sealed, when later found they were not completely intact. The rumors still circulated that not only did she bath in the blood of her victims, but she also drank it as well.

The vampire of Croglin Range is another interesting story. There is no exact name given to this creature, but when chased by one of the victim's families, it disappeared into an old family crypt that had been in the town for hundreds of years. When the vault was opened by the town's people it was discovered that all the coffins but one had been destroyed. Inside the remaining coffin was a mummified corpse with a fresh bullet wound. The villagers disturbed by this sight of the corpse removed the vile being and burnt it on a funeral pyre. That vampire visits the town of Croglin Range no more.

Arnold Paole is another unique character in history. This story is actually documented and can be found in a few history books from the area. Arnold Paole was from Medvenga, near Belgrade. The story goes that he returned home from Greece in 1727, where he had served in the army. Upon his return he married a local girl. He often told her that he feared an early demise. Sure enough, while working on his farm he fell from a great height and was returned home, he from internal injuries within a few days. After a month townspeople had begun reporting that they had seen Arnold in their homes. These people soon turned up dead from reasons unknown. Arnold's body was exhumed. When the coffin was opened they found the body had experienced no decomposition, old skin and nails had been replaced by new. There was even fresh blood on his lips. A member of the group that had exhumed the body staked Arnold. The corpse sat up and screamed, fresh blood flowed from the wound. The group then began to do the same to all of Arnold's victims, careful to surround the bodies with garlic. All was quiet until 1732 when there was another group of unexplained deaths. The town took no chances this time and exhumed all of the corpses to investigate. Again they found no decomposition among the bodies, so they performed the ritual again. One theory explaining the second outbreak was that Arnold had also attacked cattle as well as people and when the cattle was slaughtered for meat and consumed the vampire qualities were passed on to the innocent victims.

John George Haige was another character in history whose claim to fame was vampirism. In 1944 the "Acid Bath Vampire" was born. John had a troubled youth in Wakefield, England. He claimed to have a reoccurring dream about a forest of crucifixes, the crucifixes would turn into trees dripping blood. There was a man there to collect the blood and offer it to John, but that was when he would wake up, never tasting the offering. He would later rent a basement workshop and shortly thereafter commit his first murder. He only drained enough fresh blood from his first victim to fill a cup, which he would drink. Then he would dispose of the body by dumping it into a bathtub and pouring acid on it, letting it melt until only sludge would remain. Then he would gather the sludge and dump it down a manhole located in the workshop. He killed many victims this way and was caught because of his increasing acid orders. This led to his arrest, where he confessed everything. It only took a Jury 15 minutes to deliberate and return with a guilty verdict. He was hung on August 10, 1949.

Another fun character was Fritz Haarmann. He and two accomplices committed many grisly murders. Fritz was into cannibalism and like biting his victims on the throat. His other good qualities consisted of being a child molester and selling the flesh of his victims to unsuspecting customers in his cook-shop. Fritz was beheaded in April of 1925. His brain was donated to science for research.

Martin Dummolard was a man possessed by a woman. He was called the "Monster of Montluel". Martin met his mistress Justine Lafayette when he moved into her boarding house. Martin would drink the blood of his victims and take the fleshier parts home for Justine to eat. They murdered close to eighty girls before being caught in 1888. Justine was beheaded by the guillotine, and Martin spent the remainder of his life in an asylum for the criminally insane.

Our final story takes place in Germany and is about a man named Peter Kurten. The "Vampire of Dusseldorf" as he was known, was the son of an alcoholic father and a mother who just didn't care about anything. He was a truck driver, a bespectacled little man, very unassuming, however, this man was able to assault or murder twenty-nine people during his reign of terror. His victims were strangled, raped and then he would slit their throats so that he could drink their blood. He married, hoping that it help him to control his urges. This did not work. He was a devoted husband by day and an evil creature by night. Eventually, he confessed his crimes to his wife, who then turned him in to the police. He was convicted and sentenced to death in 1931. He wrote letters to the families of his victims, stating with no remorse that some people crave alcohol, where as, he craved blood and apparently needed some kind of sexual fulfillment.

Of course these are just a small sampling of those in history that were considered vampires. These people needed or craved blood to survive just as our Vampires of lore needed blood to survive.

Are there really vampires? That is for you the reader to decide. Those who lust for blood must have some reason for this need, but again that is for you to decide.If you have any questions please contact me at I will do my best to answer them.



Vampire Folklore


In every culture around the world we find signs and folklore pertaining to vampirism. In this article it is my goal to introduce you to the many faces and characteristics of the Vampire in different countries. I also intend to explain the different categories and classifications of vampires, as well as introducing some more new legends. Also contained in this article please look for more information about vampires, as I will continue to research this species. As you know there is nothing like a good vampire story. So without further delay onto our first legend. The story of Lillith.

This tale comes from a rabbinical fable called a Midrash. Lilith was the first wife of Adam. She was cast out of Eden because she refused to assume a subordinate sexual position. Lilith was transformed into a nocturnal monster whom mated with animals, and sought out the children of Adam & Eve, killing them vengefully and consuming their flesh.

There is another version of this fable, which we will look into later when we examine the different species of vampires in other cultures.

How about a little vampire humor to set the stage:

Imagine vampire astronauts. Now what about being in orbit, where the sun appears above the horizon about once an hour. You get up. You go back to bed. You get up. You go back to bed.

Lets start off with some quotes from a few authors that have written extensively on the subject of Vampires.

"Vampirism was one of the most demonic outbreaks of mass hysteria ever to sweep the world. Its origins are rooted at the beginning of time and almost all of them are founded on superstition."


"The origins of the vampire myth lie in the mystery cults of oriental civilizations…..The Nepalese Lord of Death, The Tibetan Devil, and the Mongolian God of Time."


"There is evidence to suggest that the vampire emerged at one time and place, and then diffused around the world from that primal source."


Thus we begin a study of the vampire in different cultures. At one time it was believed that vampires were ranked highest among the demons as chief agents of sin by the different cultures of the world. Almost every country has some sort of vampire legend. Often they have two or three legends. The stories can be traced back as far as the time of Egyptian pyramid building. Egypt or India has been considered the birthplace of the vampire. It also has been suggested that the home of the vampire is Tibet. Santorini is traditionally the most vampire-infested place in the world.

Some characteristics that different cultures attributed to vampires are quite interesting and should be noted. The Greeks and regions of the Balkans believed that blue-eyed people were most likely to become vampires, this belief was due to the fact that there was a serious lack of blue-eyed people in that region. They were different and therefore there must be something wrong with them. The Irish believed that blue or gray-eyed people had the ability to see ghosts and as vampires where sometimes considered the walking dead these people would be able to see them for what they were also. The Greek also believed that red hair combined with blue eyes was a vampiric attribute. An interesting note, in European folklore there was never mention of fangs as an attribute of the vampire. Earliest mention of fangs is in literature, VARNEY THE VAMPIRE in 1840.

We can also look at the study of the Slavic and American Vampire. Considering the original association with evil, disease and death it is amazing that this creature of darkness has become the most sensually appealing part of American culture today. The vampire image originated in Slavic traditions. The image that we started with before literature and Hollywood started messing with it was a horrible beast.

Prime example of this creature would be the Balkan vampire. The vampire of Eastern Europe was often considered either a very old woman or a very young woman. There are only rare examples of male Vampires, and when they turn up their characteristics are usually quite different. The version of the male vampire is not a noble one, they tended to be the of the opposite social strata. Hermits and the homeless were often targeted as vampires and put on trial for the murderous ways in Medieval Europe.

When we look at the vampires myths origination one can understand why some beliefs are that the vampire originated in the Far East. Such places as China, Tibet and India. With the track caravans moving along the silk routes to the Mediterranean and then spreading the stories out along the Black sea coast to Greece, the Balkans and of course the Carpathian Mountains, including Hungary and Transylvania. Slavs came from the north of the Black Sea and were closely related to the Iranians.

Another facet of this tale to look into is between the Church and Vampirism. With Christianity in the world the role great evil changed. One god and one strength, evil thus became weakened. Vampires of seduction, possession and death were considered the minions of the devil along with alchemists, witches, sorcerers and atheists. When the Catholic Church formerly broke in 1054 AD the Bulgarians, Russians and Serbian’s staying Orthodox, while Poles Czechs and Croatians went Roman Catholic. This split caused a big difference in the development of vampire lore. The Roman Church believed that incorrupt bodies were saints, while the Orthodox Church believed these same incorrupt bodies were those of vampires. Roman Christianity won out with the vampires and other pagan beliefs only surviving in folklore.

While researching for this article I came across a quite interesting piece of work on the Web Site PATHWAYS TO DARKNESS. It was part of a collection called "In the Blood" written by Steve Bernheisel. This piece explores the similarities between the Catholic Church and vampirism by our modern definitions.

The link between the church and Vampirism is the act of communion. Millions of Catholics participate in this act every time that they attend mass. By drinking the wine and eating the host they are eating and drinking the body and blood of Christ. The theory here is that by drinking the blood (wine) of Christ you have eternal life with God.

This is similar to the vampire but only in modern traditions; (keep in mind that the earlier vampire traditions of Europe did not always depict the creature as one who rose from the dead. It was more like a beast or cannibal.) Our modern day vampire folklore however, shows that our risen from the dead creature drinks blood and is given eternal life, as blood is the life essence of all creatures. This is something to think about.

Here is some further information about the vampire that I did not have at the time the first article was written. Basically the following are all preventative measures. You can keep a vampire in his grave by nailing his clothes to the coffin walls; this will also prevent him from eating the shroud. Another form of prevention was opening the graves and checking to see if the corpse has become one of the undead. A child’s grave would be opened after three years, a young person would be given five years before the opening, and an adult would be checked after seven years. Also one could try placing a headstone over the grave, it seems that headstones were not originally used as a remembrance of loved ones, but as a weight to prevent a vampire from escaping. Try burying food with the vampire, as a well-fed vampire does not feel the need to cannibalize itself or leave the grave to vampirize others. The last way to document is taking the left sock from the corpse and filling it with stones, then throw it into the river.

Varieties Of Vampires

From the erotic tales of the Lamia in Roman & Greek literature to the decrepit depictions of the Raksas by the Hindu’s Vedas, one can see a certain evolution of the role of the vampire that parallels humanities concept of the forbidden & evil. People of polytheistic religions with many Gods and Goddesses who are all assigned certain responsibilities., would most likely be able to recognize the various degrees of good and bad and the importance of all in life. Those of a monotheistic belief would most certainly have set definitions of what is good and what is evil in a black & white outlook. This is something to keep in mind while reviewing the following information on the varieties of vampires. Also a critically important characteristic to watch for is the selective feeding practices of the vampire, they are partial to children and members of the opposite sex.

So without much further ado here is the list of Vampires in different Cultures:

The walking dead, the Drauger & Aptranger in Old Norse literature-

From the people who brought us Beowulf comes even more fun creatures. The Vikings concept of the afterlife, once dead body placed in the grave believed to become animated with a strange life and power. The dead person continued a pseudo life within the grave. These creatures are not depicted as a spirit or ghost, more like a description of a Nosferastu. The undead were known by many different names in Norse literature.

Haubui- (Norwiegin)- a mound dweller. A dead body living on in its tomb. Rarely found far from the burial place. They will only harm those who dare to trespass on it’s grave.

Drauger- Icelandic Saga- this is an animated corpse that comes forth from its grave mound or shows restlessness on the way to the burial place. This creature is also know as an Aptrgangr (after-goer or one who walkers after death.) The Draugr is the roaming undead most frequently encountered in Icelandic Sagas. Whichever name used, the undead of Scandinavia was a physical body, the actual corpse of the deceased.

The physical descriptions of the undead in Scandinavian cultures are said to be "hel-blar" or black as death. Another term used to describe the undead is "na-fole" meaning corpse pale. The other characteristics of the Draugr are the undead sports that can swell to an enormous size and also heavy which suggests that the swelling be not due to decay gases. Described as being uncorrupt and for many years after death. The creature has extreme strength. They tend to kill by crushing their victim to death.

The Draugre also possessed magical powers, they had knowledge of the future, can control the weather, shape-shifting capabilities. The Draugre could also move magically through the earth, as though they were swimming through the stone.

Luckily for the Vikings there were precaution that they could take against the Draugre. These precautions were practiced from Viking times to present to prevent the dead from rising again in Scandinavia. Some of the easier ways to prevent the dead from rising they could place an open pair of scissors on the dead persons chest, laying straws crosswise under the shroud, they would also tie the big toes together so that the legs could not be separated and needles run into the soles of the feet.

The precautions listed above were always done directly to the corpse, the following however, were precautions taken on the things surrounding the corpse to prevent it from rising. When the coffin is carried out, the bearers would stop at the door, just within the threshold and they would raise and lower the coffin three times in different directions, thus forming the sign of the cross. Once this has been done all the chairs and stools on which the casket had rested on, must be turned over. During the actual burial, in the churchyard, the parson must pray for the rest of the dead and binds the grave itself with magical words, thus making it impossible for the dead to escape.

The Scandinavians also had special corpse doors in the home. These were bricked up openings that could be torn down to remove the coffin, feet first. Then the doorway would be resealed again firmly. This was done immediately

Because it was believed that the dead could only enter a home from the way that they were removed. By removing the corpse feet first it was thought that they were depriving the undead of a clear view of how they were removed from their home.

Considering the time period during which the legends of Scandinavia were created it is no surprise that they were unaware of the effect that the germs from the corpses had on them. So, of course, they believed that the deads were just trying to spread evil. As the draugre was dead it was felt that they had a longing for the things of life and even envied those still alive. They felt cold, hungry and longed for their loved ones. So to express their feelings and needs they killed things. They would decimate livestock of those that they cared about by running them to death.

To kill the Draugre, one must overcome them by hand to hand combat, wrestling it until it has been subdued. Then the combatant must decapitate the ghost with a sword. Some traditions have the hero leap or walk between the head and body three times. Or the hero could drive a wooden stake into the headless body. The final step was to burn the remains until they became cold ashes and then either bury the ashes in a remote spot or throw them out to sea.

Note that the Draugre and the Grendel of Beowulf display a lot of the same characteristics. The Grendel was a giant shape-shifting creature, a dweller of the supernatural environment. The Grendel spends most of its time acting out motives of envy and desire for the things in life (does this sound vaguely familiar.). Incorporated are elements from the old Germanic culture of Anglo-Saxons and newer influences of Christianity.

"The Vrykolakas {Greek for vampire} is the body of an evil and wicked man, often one who has been excommunicated. Such bodies do not, like other corpses, decompose after burial, but having a very tough skin, become swollen and distended…" by Leo Allatius, ON CURRENT OPINIONS OF CERTAIN GREEKS. (1645)

The Vrykolakas were an incredibly ravenous creature. This is especially true as there were two different species of the Vrykolakas. One was dead and returned from the grave and the other, alive, but in a dreamlike state, as though they were sleep walking. The latter, was usually spotted roaming at night when the moon is full. Seized by thirst and blood, they go out at night, scour the country biting and tearing all that the meet, both man and beast.

The Vrykolakas also have roots in Macedonia, (which is not only associated with Greece, but also the Balkan area). These creatures are active from 10pm until the first cockcrow in the morning. They have become vampires from natural causes, in this case from having a desire to have wine over its face. The cure for this species is by pouring boiling oil over it or else by sticking a long nail into its navel. It would also be worthwhile spreading birdseed over the tomb, because it will have to count the seeds before leaving.

In the Adriatic and Aegean regions the Vrykolakas travels at night and knocks upon doors, calling out the name of someone inside. If the person responds they will die soon after. This particular species gains power as it ages.

The Kathakano is a vampire from Crete; they are very similar to the most common garden variety of vampires, with one exception. they can only be killed by chopping off the head and boiling it in vinegar. The Catakano is from the Crete & Rhodes area. They are described as having a mouth that is always grinning, showing very white teeth. It spits blood onto its victim’s skin, producing horrible burns. The cure for this form of vampirism is burning its nails in flames, boiling its head in vinegar or isolating it behind a barrier of water, salted if possible.

The Lamia is part of Greek and Roman Mythology and folklore.. These are exclusively female vampires, which often appear as half-human, half animal (most often a snake and always the lower part of the body.). They ate the flesh of their victims as well as drinking their blood. Lamias could be attacked and killed with normal weapons.

The Lamia was created. At one time she was the Queen of Libya and feel in love with Zeus, the leader f the Gods. Together the God and the mortal woman had many children. Zeus’s wife Hera, found out about the affair between her husband and the Queen, she found out about the children fathered by her husband. She decided to teach the queen a lesson by killing her children and then killing the Queen. Because of her punishment, Lamia decides to take her revenge. She has decided that all should be punished. Women should suffer as she did by losing their children, on which she feeds. Also she is reputed to entice men into sexual intercourse, then devours them in a gruesome fashion. Through these sexual encounters she bore many supernatural children, collectively known as the Lamiae. The children were sorceresses with the head and breast of a beautiful woman and the bodies of snakes. They used their siren like voices to lure men and children to them, and then they devoured them by sucking their blood.

The Brucolaco is a Greek vampire. It is decried as having swollen, tense and hard skin, as though it had been tanned. When hit this vampire sounds like a drum, for this reason it is nicknamed Timpanita. He has a sonorous voice, but it can also emit one scream per night. He causes death to anyone who responds to his nightly call, thereby spreading the plague. It has become a vampire by being excommunicated from the church. The preventative cure is not to excommunicate it when alive. A minor method of defense, when hearing the vampires calls at night, not to answer until repeated the second time. When the evil becomes apparent from the grave, one must cut off the head of the vampire and burn it. At Milo it is advised to cut the head of the vampire off, cut it into pieces and boil it in wine.

The Bruculaco are from the Greek regions of Thessaly and Epirus are people who fall into Catalepsis; the soul thus being momentarily separated from the body and going into that of a wolf making it thirsty for flesh and blood.

The Vrykolatios is a vampire of the Island of Santorini. They are described as fiends, which banquet, on the living. Keep in mind that the Island of Santorini is considered one of the most vampire infested places in the world.

The Empusa another Greek vampire. This one possesses a demonic spirit that could enter the body. They are usually said to be in the attendance to the Goddess Hecate. Described as demons, which can take human form from time to time, their most common incarnation is a Phoenician woman.

The Mormo was also a Greek vampire. It was considered a terrible denizen of Hades that attended to the witch-Goddess Hecate. Apparently they were quite nasty little creatures; however, little other information is given about them.

From the Grecian Islands we now move on to Russian Vampire Lore. Our first look at Russia gives us the Upir & Upyr. They were a very integral part of Russian FolkLore. This vampire was able to walk the earth in broad daylight and according to legend the Upir rose at noon and fed from the populace until midnight, when it was forced to return to it’s grave to rest.

The Upir was also popular in the Ukrainian region of Russia; this version was noted to eat large amounts of fish.

Another legend related to the Upyr in Russia showed us a vampire that was considered extremely vicious. It will first attack children and then continue on to kill the parents. It rose during the day and slept at night, and in doing so had a fairly human appearance.

The Upierci of Russia becomes a vampire by suicide, violent death or practicing witchcraft during one’s lifetime. They could cause drought, even dry the dew on most plants. The cure for this type of vampirism was to drown the vampire in a lake or river (salt water was not indicated). You could also destroy this vampire by transfixing it with a nail, however, you must not hit the nail more than once or the Upierci will revive.

We also have another vampire with a Similar spelling, the Upierczi, was seen in both Russian and Polish folklore. These vampires were also known as Viesczy. They had stingers under their tongues, which was used instead of fangs. They were active from noon until midnight and could only be destroyed by burning. When burned, the body would burst, giving rise to hundreds of small disgusting animals (maggots, rats, etc.). If any of these creatures were to escape then the Upierczy spirit will escape too, and will seek revenge.

The Myertovjec was a favorite of the European Russians. It had a purple face and was active from midnight until the cock crows thrice in the morning. They became a vampire from natural causes; if the deceased was the son of a werewolf or witch; or else if in lifetime it had behaved as a werewolf, a sorcerer, an apostate, or if it had cursed it’s own father or the church. The cure for this type of vampire is only preventative; one could sprinkle poppy seeds along the road leading from the tomb to the house of the deceased. When the evil becomes apparent, the people closest to the vampire must either transfix the creature through the chest, nailing it to the coffin or else burn it.

The Vourdulak is also a Russian vampire. In Russian folklore to be a beautiful but evil woman. I haven’t been able to find any more than that on this one.

The Eretica was a formidable Russian vampire species. It was an evil Russian spirit, who was a heretic returned from the dead, o woman who sold her soul in life, or a mixture of both. They take the form of a haggard old woman and gather in Ravines to perform a sort of Sabbath. They are active only during spring and autumn, and the result of seeing the eyes of one would result in a slow and painful death.

From Russia we now move onto Romania, these people really had some interesting vampire folklore. I think the best place to start would be the Moroi. These vampires are considered one of the undead, but they were viewed more as guardians of their mortal families. Obviously, one of the more friendly vampires or spirits. They can be male or female, they do, however, exhibit some of the characteristics of the Strigolii. Another trait mentioned about the Moroi is that they went out at night to fornicate with whomever they stumble across.

The Strigoi of Romania is also one of the undead. They attract utter revulsion and fear of the populace. They were a blood drinking species and hunted by most of those living in the Balkans. Another source claims that the Stirgoi are living, (as opposed to the undead), the soul has the ability to voluntarily leave the body at night. Sometimes such souls appear as sparks traveling through the air. They could take the form of insects or higher animals. They are not usually associated with blood sucking. They could steal the vitality of their neighbor’s crops, beehives, etc. The Romanian word Stirgoi is derived from the Latin word Stryx. Romanians believed in "witches" that would change into screech owls at night to prey on unattended infants by drinking their blood and sometimes eating their internal organs.

The Strigoiu are legends from the Wallachian region of Romania. They are infamous in Romania and considered undead. It was said that they lived at night in an abandoned or ruined house. They became vampires they had red hair, or were the son of a seventh son. The preventative nail it to the coffin or else cover the tomb with tow and then put a certain quantity of explosive in it and blow it up. They were said to be generally friendly towards Gypsies.

The Strigoiul, yet another version of this vampire legend found in Romania. They were very much like the original vampire legends with the exception that they like to attack in flocks. They can be killed by putting garlic in its mouth or by removing it’s heart. It was sometimes considered a demon or a witch.

The Varcolaco, and Murohy are also of Romania. The characteristics of these beasts are that they can take on the aspect of a dog, a cat, a frog, a toad, a louse, a flea or a spider and they are particularly active on St. George’s day and St. Andrews Day. They became vampires generally through heredity, but also by dying unbaptised or by suicide. They can bite without leaving any signs of a wound. The preventative cures include tying a thorny bush to the shroud. It was believed that suicides especially should be put in running water as soon as they are dead. As soon as the evil becomes apparent, one should remove the heart and cut it in two, plant a nail in the forehead put a spoonful of quicklime or a head of garlic in its mouth. Some other preventative cures include smearing the body with fat of a pig killed on St. Ignatius day, sprinkle shroud with holy water, take the corpse far away into the mountains and leave it there. If the vampire is female, plant some iron forks in its heart and eyes then bury it in a very deep grave face downwards. An interesting note here, the reason that vampires are buried face downwards is that if they try to dig themselves out of the grave they only dig themselves deeper into the earth.

The Varacolici is a Romanian spirit that is reputed to have the ability to cause solar and lunar eclipses. They appear as pale humans with dry skin and travel on an astral thread, called midnight spinning, only going as far as the thread remains unbroken.

The Muroni another spirit from the Wallchian region could change its shape or form at will, enabling it to kill its victims easily. It could change itself into various animal forms thus covering up for itself and leaving misleading signs of attack.

The Norferat of Romania became a vampire by being the illegitimate son of two illegitimate parents, or by being the seventh son of a seventh son. They would appear as an attractive person of the opposite sex who would repeatedly visit the homes of their victims. The victims would then slowly lose vitality and die of illness and exhaustion; this apparently took some time. Some stories even depict them as those who have been separated or torn apart from those that they love in life and in death seek to be reunited with their lost loved ones. Another added attraction of this vampire is their ability to make the husbands of their loved ones impotent.

The most recognizable name on this list of Romanian vampires is the Nosferatu. This was a spirit that again was the illegitimate child of illegitimate parents. It had a strong hatred for newly married couples due to it’s own illegitimacy and wreaks havoc on such couples as making the groom impotent, the bride barren or a mixture of both. Soon after burial, the Nosferatu embarks on a long career of destruction. It delights in tormenting and enjoys engaging in wild orgies with the living. The male of this species can father children.

The next part our journey takes us to Albania, Here we find the Shtriga. This species was an elderly woman who preyed upon infants by drinking their blood. They also caused adults to wither and die. They could change into a moth, fly or bee at night. Albanians blamed these creatures for crib death. Ironically most Albanian infants who died in their cribs, died from the being so over protected form the shtriga with swaddling blankets. Most of these children grew pale and sick from the lack of sunshine.

The Llugat and Sampiro of Albania go around at night wrapped in their burial shroud and wearing high heeled shoes, it’s tomb is indicated by a will ‘o’ wisp. These creatures are created from being an Albanian of Turkish blood. It spreads death and destruction wherever it goes. While investigating these beasts I found another source that stated that these creatures were said to be reasonably harmless, only feeding briefly on its victims, not actually killing them. Again proving that almost every source you use is going to have a different story.

Onto Africa and the Asanbosam of the Ashanti of Southern Ghana. They are considered normal vampires with the exception that they have hooks instead of feet and they tend to bite their victims on the thumb. They like to attack sleeping people in villages, and they aren’t very particular for they will attack men, women and children. An interesting note to add here is that vampires bats rarely attack humans, but when they do, it is usually on the thumb and the bats that attack are usually rabid. In other regions of Africa, such as Togo and the Ivory coast, the Asanbosam are believe to reside deep in the forests, most often they are encountered by hunters. They take generally take human shape, with two exceptions; their teeth are made out of iron and their legs have hook like appendages. Anyone walking by the tree in which it resides will be scooped up and killed.

The Obayifo are found among the Assanti people living on the Gold Coast of Africa. This is a living vampire, which can be male or female. It is said to leave its body at night to feed. The Obayifo is particularly fond of young children as their main course, and has been known to cause blight in crops.

The Wume of the Slave Coast became a vampire by being a criminal in life or else being the victim of a curse. The only cure is to bury it in a secret place.

The Adze resides in Southeast Ghana and Southern Togo in Africa. This is the spirit of the Ewe that flies around in the form of a firefly, but if caught, it will change into the form of a human. It feeds on blood, palm oil and coconut water; it prey on young children, especially handsome ones.

The Impundulu is found in the Eastern Cape region of Africa. It was usually passed down from mother to daughter and was used to inflict suffering on ones enemies. It was said to have an insatiable appetite and had to be continuously let to feed. It also would take the form of a handsome man and become a lover to its mistress.

In Serbia & Montenegro We find quite a few tales of folklore concerning the vampire. Lets start with the Veshtiza, this was an old woman possessed by an evil spirit. The soul leaves her body at night while she is sleeping and wanders until she enters the body of a hen or a black moth. In the body of the creature she flies around until she finds a home inhabited with infants or young children. Her favorite food is the heart of infants. At midnight the Veshtiza would sometimes flock together in the branches of some tree and hold a meeting while snacking upon what they gathered that night. An old woman having the attributes of a witch may join the meeting. She must recite certain stereotyped phrases to participate in the gathering. The phrases were never given in my research source. Another source states that the Veshtiza was a witch and entered the homes of neighbors in the form of a moth or fly. She would then bite them. The victim over a period of time would grow pale, develop a fever and eventually perish. In Montengro, not only did they believe in the Veshtiza, they also believed that a corpse could become a vampire in an animal jumped over it, and that the undead type of vampires would return to their graves in the form of mice. One tribe of Montenegrains believed that vampires spent part of their time in the form of wolves.

The Vlokoslak is a Serbian vampire that was also called a Mulo. They normally would appear as people wearing white clothes. They could assume the shape of horses and sheep. They were active day and night. They would eat their victims as well as drink their blood. One could kill this species of vampire by cutting off the toes or by driving a nail through its neck.

The Vlkodlak has the congested face of an impertinent drunkard and blood colored skin. Always aged more than twenty and can remain active for seven years, then becomes a man again to repeat the process in another part country. This unfortunate once human being becomes part of this species of vampire by committing one of the following misdeeds in life; murder, perjury, incest with its mother. Another way that the dead would become a Vlkodlak is by having been killed by a were-wolf or by eating a lamb that was killed by a were-wolf. The specialty of this species was causing solar or lunar eclipses.

To prevent the dead from becoming one of these vampires you would have to cut off the toes and thumbs of the corpse or put a nail into its neck. If the undead has already risen one could try piercing the navel of the creature with the branch of a Hawthorne and cover all of the hairy parts with tow, then set it on fire. To light the fire one must use the candles that were used for the death vigil.

The Vukodlak of Montenegro is said to be able to easily turn itself into a wolf and only goes out to hunt when there is a full moon. You would be able to tell the resting-place of this species because crows will never go near the tomb.

India seems to be the country most heavily populated by vampires. Lets start with the Baital. This vampire race was short in stature, only standing one and a half meters tall. But, height was not the only thing that had set this species apart; it seems that the Baital was half man and half bat.

The Bhuta, from Indian Mythology is the soul of a man who died an untimely death, usually violent in nature. This is an ill-intentioned spirit that wandered around at night animating dead bodies and attacking the living like a ghoul. They can also be found in cemeteries or other deserted places, feeding on excretion and intestines. An attack by one of these creatures would usually result in severe sickness or death. The Bhuta also have a problem that they lack shadows and therefore cannot settle on the earth.

The Rakshasa was a powerful Indian vampire and magician. They like to confuse those around them by appearing either in human form with animal attributes (claws, fangs, slitted eyes, etc.) or as animals with human features (feet, hands, flattened nose, etc.). The animal side is very often a tiger. They are known to eat the victim’s flesh in addition to drinking their blood. The Rakshasa are a shape-shifting species of Hindu mythology that were originally created by the Brahma to protect the sea from those that wanted to steal the elixir of immortality from it. They lived in Lanka (Ceylon) and were ruled by Rawana. Later they became identified as demonic creatures that would often take the shape of a seductive woman and lure men to their deaths. In other accounts these creatures lived in trees and caused vomiting and indigestion to those who strayed to close to its domain. It was said that children would become one of these creatures if they could be induced to eat human brains. The Rakshasa were no longer human but still possessed a physical nature, they loved to prey upon the helpless. Another description of this vampire was a grave wandering, flesh eating, blood-drinking version of elves sporting fangs and drenched in blood. As you can see there are several different versions of this vampire, but they were all accepted as reality by the Hindus who wrote of such a creature in the Vedas. It was possible to destroy this creature by burning, exposing to sunlight or exorcism.

Another evil spirit of Hindu mythology and folklore was the Brahmaparusha. This vampire-like creature was a head encircled by intestines and carried a skull from which it drank blood. It was told in folklore that this evil spirit enjoyed eating humans and it would drink the victims blood through the skull it carried, then eat the victims brains. Afterward it would wrap the intestines of the victim around its body to perform a ritual dance.

The most famous vampire of India is Kali, who had long flowing hair, wore a garland of corpses or skulls and had four arms. Her temples were located near cremation grounds. She and the Goddess Durga battled the king of demons Ruktabija, who could reproduce himself from each drop of blood spilled. In order to defeat her opponent Kali had to drink all of Ruktabija’s blood without spilling a drop. She did this, thereby winning the battle. Other names for Kali were Sara or the Black Goddess, by the Gypsies. Her followers were called thugs, and practiced thugee, these people were eventually held responsible of ritual murders in her name.

The Pacu Pati is another powerful vampire from India. Deemed as the lord of all beings of mischief. It is seen at night in cemeteries and places of execution. The Pisacha, another name for the Pacu Pati were a race of flesh eaters. They are described as evil ghouls that were created by the vices of humankind. Although its attitude is generally not human friendly, it will cure diseases if enticed to do so. Its favorite pass-time is the consumption of human flesh. Also included in this species is the Mmbyu (death), it was considered the chief of all malevolent creatures. They were vampires of a demonic nature who torment their victims through demonic possessions.

The Vetala of India was also called Punyaiama, meaning pure race, as in the Veda. It looks like an old woman, which was deformed with long slits for eyes, discolored skin, poison fingernails and was known for canabalism. It sucks the blood of sleeping, drunken or mad women. It would enter the home by passing a magic thread down the chimney of the home. The Vetala also had the ability to possess corpses. These corpses would have their hands and feet pointing backwards.

The Churel or (Churail) is a vicious vengeful ghost-like vampire found in India. It is normally a woman who died while pregnant during the Dewali festival or while unclean at any time. They are said to have vile appearances, possessing pendulant breasts, thick ugly lips, black tongues and unkept hair. They preyed upon young men, keeping them captive and slowly draining their life forces until they become withered old men. She is said to hate life, and keeps all her greatest spite for her relatives.

The Masan Also from India, is said to be usually the ghost of a child that delights in tormenting and killing children. The Masan was able to curse a child that walks in its shadow. It will also follow a woman home should she allow her gown to drag on the ground over his shadow.

The Masani is a female vampire of India; she is said to be the spirit of the burial grounds. The Masani is black in appearance and her hunts are conducted at night, starting as she emerges from a funeral pyre. Anyone passing the burial site will be attacked.

The last vampire of India that I will touch upon for now is the Gayal. It is classified as a vampiric spirit that is usually created due to the death of a man who has no one too properly performs the burial rites at his funeral. When he returns the Gayal reeks his revenge upon the sons of others and upon his own relatives. The threat of a relative returning from the grave is usually enough to ensure that proper burial rite are performed.


Species Of Vampyres

Supposedly, there are 15 clans, each one having different disciplines, powers, and abilities. These Clans, whose leader gives name to the clan, and a brief description are given below....But , I have found that are actually more than 25 for some reason or another they have been hidden, an kept in the land of the forgotten by the other clans. An when one takes into consideration the Caitiff," known as the Clan less" There truely is no way of really ever knowing just how many there are. 


They are Vampire-Wizards. Powerful and united, they are the most mistrusted clan of them all. They have learned how to use their vampiric blood to enhance their magical abilities and have created a series of incredibly powerful rituals for their benefit; ranging from boiling the blood of anyone they touch to a ritual which allows them to walk freely out in the sun and even catch a suntan. Their power is so that they made themselves vampires; in other words, no vampire embraced them. 


These are the Vampire Artists. Their primal purpose is to create and protect art. They are beautiful, and are probably the clan which most relates to mankind. 


These are the Vampire Politicians, always meddling with leadership and trying to take control of everything. 


These are the reckless Vampires. Their basic want, after blood, is freedom and having fun. Usually they ride bikes and most love leather. 


These are the crazy Vampires. They believe that only through madness can the truth and enlightenment be obtained. They are awfully funny, and make great companions. However, some are not as crazy as they might want you to believe. 


These are the shapeshifting Vampires. The ability to morph their bodies, basically changing organs or turning themselves into animals, primarily huge bats or wolves. These are the vampires who have the closest relationships tp animals. In fact, one of their abilities is to talk to animals. I myself have always wondered what those damn dogs are always saying when they bark. 


These are the deformed, bald-headed and horribly looking vampires. They almost always stick to the shadows, and live in sewers. They are the Vampire Spies, since they are experts at keeping themselves hidden. Ruthless, yet sentimental, they are a powerful bunch of vampires desperately seeking plastic surgery. 


These vampires have the power to control and manipulate shadows. They are quite powerful and feared by many. 


These vampires are physically unstable. Their bodies are in constant morphing, almost always deformed into some pretty odd forms. Their minds are almost always as unstable as their bodies, yet they always seem to have a purpose. 


These vampires are chaotic and reckless. They thrive in doing evil things and usually hang out around pagans, satanists, and anything that has a perverted, evil side to it. 


These are basically the Mobsters in the Vampire World. They are intelligent, smart, ruthless and cunning. Little is known about them. 


These vampires are the Healers. They have a third eye on their forehead, and they can only drink the blood of those who give it willfully. They are also the ones who truly believe in Goodness. According to legend, Tremere himself drank the blood of Salubri, turning himself into a vampire. These vampires are also the ones who truly believe in Golconda (or Vampire Enlightenment) where a vampire's need for blood is no more


These vampires are even more hideously deformed than the Nosferatu, because they are not merely deformed, they are decayed. There bodies didi not stop rotting when they became vampires, therefore, they continue to rot. Their primal discipline is to decay anything else they touch, and cause things to rot. They usually prefer to hide themselves, but come out a lot more than the Nosferatu do. Also, they are known to have originated in Caribbean, primarily Haiti. 

These vampires, however, have formed larger groups by combining their clans for a greater purpose. Those who believe in the Masquerade (a belief that vampires and humans CAN co-exist and that vampires can live in the human world as humans), have created the Camarilla,. The clans who belong to the Camarilla are: Tremere, Venture, Toreador, Brujah, Malkavian, Nosferatu and Gangrel. Another belief is that of no belief at all, where you, as a vampire, do whatever you want. These are called the Anarchs, and are composed of members of any clan who wish to be free and spontaneous. Another belief is that vampires should BE VAMPIRES and let the humans know they are vampires. These believe that being a vampire is power, and should be encouraged, as well as a vampiresque behavior.