Trinity Lutheran Church Cemetery is located directly across the road from Cold Springs Cemetery. This is a very small cemetery that is around 1 acre in size. This cemetery runs along the train tracks and part of it is on the hill while the other part dips down. There is roughly 100-200 stones located here most are in very solid shape considering this cemetery was incorporated in 1891 from the Cold Springs Cemetery Association. Which later It is now part of the Trinity Lutheran Church in Lockport. The cemetery is right next to the country club so the spirits can enjoy a golf ball or 2 occasionally chipping away at there headstones. Being a female hitchhiker haunts cold Springs Cemetery across the road its no doubt that she also haunts this cemetery as well being that they are so close to each other. The older stones seem to be where you first enter into the cemetery also what is unique is that it is very easy to miss since trees cover the front of it. This cemetery was mainly created for veterans of the church. 

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As you can see very plain looking stones here nothing fancy like a lot of other cemeteries you see.