This was our first grain elevator investigation since I do not know the name of this one we will call it The Tifft Street Grain Elevator. Grain elevators started in 1842 and this is what shaped Buffalo's history since this area is well known for its canals, waterways, railroad yards. These towering behemoths mainly can be viewed from the skyway or near Tifft Farms Nature Preserve South Buffalo or as some say Lackawanna. This grain elevator has been closed since world war 2 and is composed of steal and concrete. Walking through this place I noticed over 40 pillars if not more holding it up. Now it sits there with its machinery inside rusting away, some large holes on the sides of it and collapsed stairwells leading to higher levels. Joseph Dart was invented the grain elevator which before 1900 they ran on steam and the muscle of immigrants mainly Irish. The most famous one most have heard of is general mills which supplies 28 percent of the worlds cheerios. I do not have alot of history on this particular grain mill however its located on the harbor and is now used to store small boats. Most grain elevators have basements or a lower level this one did not. However some have small buildings on top of them. Looking at this structure makes you say wow as you walk all the way around it which takes quite some time. This grain elevator is well over 60 years old. What really made us want to investigate it is the eerie look to it. However as a child you would hear occasionally about someone found murdered in one, or deceased and of course over the years you have to agree that some workers probably fell to there death since these are not exactly the safest places. Most grain elevators were made out of wood and burned down within 7 yrs of existence this one here being that is concrete is still standing and someday if it were to be demolished it would cost around 2.7 million dollars. Right now these elevators sit next to the Aquarama ship which we did investigate as well. I do admit this elevator makes me very uncomfortable its a feeling of do not go inside, once you are its get out etc. They are haunted but what is in these elevators is not happy based on the photos we took here. We can assume they died violent deaths or it was not there time to go. This elevator is just a piece of Buffalo's history and of course it was unloaded and loaded by ship since no railways are nearby. If you want a good scare walk in this place for about 10 minutes late at night it is haunted.

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This is the grain elevator we entered into if you notice to the right is a little red building with white garages. Those garages are very large so imagine how little we are walking in this place. Notice the building on top as well.