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 Post subject: Our Expedition At Noble & Bull Lake California - PCT
PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 2:01 am 
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Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:38 am
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Location: Las Vegas, NV
Our Expedition At Noble & Bull Lake California - Pacific Crest & Bull Lake Trail

Everytime I hike in the high sierras their is a moment where I feel fully complete. Nobody could ever understand this unless they are a true adventurer and put their bodies through hell because they can. If you ever have to ask why we do what we do then you could never understand. Each time we climb to the tops of mountains, brave rapids, cliff climb and jump chasms we do so out of the love for the great outdoors.
Since my time out west I have grown to really love the High Sierras. With each new place brings new advances in our Bigfoot research but we also get to see the very lands that were formed by many volcanoes millions of years ago. What once was lave spewing from its peaks today is a forest with wild flowers, streams, deep canyons and an abundance of wild life.
On this expedition we would focus our energy on two trails along with some off chutes primarily the Pacific Crest Trail. Some of you have probably taken back packing trips on this trail generally the hikers I run into here are very serious adventurers. You have to be to hike on this trail depending on the time of year their are life and death situations which adds to the excitement. I rather risk my life a 1000 times over then to hide in my shell never to experience life to the fullest.
This was a very special trip for our society even though its just Tammy and I we are both very thorough on our hikes. Its very easy say that on some hikes we can easily travel on foot for 20 miles. There is no luxuries like sitting at someone's home on their couch waiting for something to happen rather my leadership is to go out into the vast wilderness and FIND IT!
The purest investigations are the ones that derive right now in the sierras. Amazingly when your miles in the mountains all you can hear are birds chirping and absolute peace. I was telling Tammy it is a bit eerie to go so deep into the wilderness knowing you can hear a pin drop now that is serenity.
Tammy and I arrived parking up at Ebbetts Pass which is this narrow road along a cliff but eventually it takes you up to the Reynolds Peak parking area where you can hike north or south on the PCT! We of course were heading south however if we were to head north it would take us on the back side of Mount Raymond a massive dormant volcano that we brought you guys last year. So I wanted to see something new adventure to an area that you guys could see and be in a state of awe.
Our hike would switch back where we came across heavy snowfall blocking the trail up onto this meadow. Its very hard in the Spring to hike into the Carson Iceberg wilderness simply because of all the snow melt. You have sheets of ice just as you have trails blocked with huge drifts. Even though it was in the 80's in the early morning the sun was really beating down on us. I know my face was completely beat red at the end of our hike despite most of the hike would be very woodsy.
Tammy and I actually went to the top of this peak I do not know the name of it but when we stood on it we had 360 degrees of snow capped peaks. This is what I love about looking for Bigfoot is we get to go to places only this creature is found. Even if I do not see Bigfoot all the time I am very hot on his tail for the past few summers and its paid off.
Tammy and I would be taking a five mile trail to a place called Noble Lake then two more miles in a canyon to Bull Lake. Unfortunately what I learned is sometimes mother nature can win so we would battle it the entire lake.
When I first stopped at the meadow I stood on this peak smoked a bowl. My favorite thing to do outdoors is drink beer and smoke reefer outdoors. Its all about one man loving the outdoors and just having a good time. I can hike for hours on end just smoking a few joints and admiring the wildlife. The Bigfoot evidence happens all on its own but nonetheless every investigation does require me to be very meticulous. Its very easy to miss a track if you do not pay close attention to every inch of your surroundings.
The PCT was slowly leading us into a very green canyon nearly a half of mile maybe more across. The trail was constantly changing to higher and lower elevations. In the beginning we hit at least 20 snow drifts every single one of them we had to climb or walk through. On one of the snow drifts I fell and was sliding down the wash on my back. We had to be very careful as these sheets of ice were so slippery that one wrong move and it could be game over. You could fall down an entire sheet of us right into the rocks or trees.
We passed two very large narrow canyons filled with deep snow both were avalanche zones. Although this time a year its unlikely it could occur it is a possibility so we had to move steady across each zone. At the end of each wash the snow was deeper as it was packed against rocks and cliffs. At one time I stepped down and my leg went three feet below the snow. So it was obvious that it was not very stable ground to be hiking on.
Once we made our way past the snow the trail began to cross seasonal creeks. The amount of snow melting in the sierras is not a force to reckon with. We would come across five seasonal creeks with each one getting wider and more powerful. At times I crossed first leaping over them or a few rocks then I would assist Tammy to cross having her take leaps of faith with my hand out and pulling her towards me. Not something to mess with its really a hike that requires two people if you want to get far back here.
The trail would follow this lush canyon with a beautiful forest floor below. We could also see other peaks directly across the canyon including hearing the loud river below roaring. You see the seasonal creeks drain into the river below this is why creeks and rivers at lower altitudes flood or become great for wild water rafting. The Spring is when you catch these rapids and you get to see many seasonal waterfalls. Tammy and I seen a few really awesome waterfalls one of them I climbed up to and stood right next to it just amazing!
I really focused allot on nature with this hike such as photographing wild flowers, butterflies, deer etc. When people think of a paranormal group they do not realize that what I operate is more then that. Sure we are productive with documenting evidence but its important to also document everything that comes with it. I do not do what I do for money I do what I do for preservation so that others can live through our spiritual journeys that we take.
We had to be very careful crossing each seasonal creek some of them the water was moving so fast that all it would take is falling down and going right over a cliff. Some had smaller cliffs but still what awaited below each creek was jagged volcanic rock easily enough to cause you to become paralyzed if you were swept away. So whenever we do extreme hiking we use a buddy system and to be honest it takes years of outdoor experience to do some of these locations. If you figure its hard to traverse such terrain just imagine why Bigfoot would be found in some of these locations.
When we started to work our way along Wolf Canyon we were able to stand at times at vista points or on cliffs that overlooked it. Since the canyon is very primitive its a place where humans probably never go so my guess would be is that if Bigfoot is found in these parts its probably at the bottom of the canyon which is nearly almost impossible to get to.
The washes we crossed were very treacherous as water was blasting through them like log flumes. I did manage to find in a few snow drifts what appeared to be toe impressions. Snow is a great place to look for tracks but what I look for are the toe impressions as when a Bigfoot puts all his weight down it will leave curvature impressions where each toe is. I found a few in the snow like this and figured it probably was not a human walking barefoot.
One track I found was on a steep snow bank where you could see all five of the toes spanning about 7 inches across. All the weight was placed on the front of the foot which makes sense since something was trying to climb up the embankment. I took measurements, video and photos of the evidence.
Tammy and I followed the outer rim of the canyon till we reached the center of it where a massive series of rapids ran down to the bottom of the canyon. This was the most treacherous location considering that it is the focal point for the entire canyon. We tried in multiple places to cross but mother nature did not want us to advance onto Noble Lake which sat a couple hundred feet above us on the opposite side of the canyon.
I did take off my shoes and I stood right in the middle of the rushing water. My feet cramped up instantly as the water had to be minimum 40 degrees. Although it did not knock me off my feet one wrong step on a slipper rock in the churning waters could mean that my body could be swept away right off a cliff and who knows. Tammy weighs much less then I do and so she could not cross not without being swept away.
We ended up having to turn around which was okay because I did get some good evidence, nature shots and we hiked for many miles in a part of the sierras very few ever get to see. Between all the cliffs, snow capped peaks, waterfalls etc we had gotten enough scenery to last us a lifetime here.
I did happen to come across a couple hiking I stopped them to warn them that the way up to Noble Lake was very dangerous. They had heavy backpacks on and were planning on camping at the lake. Sadly its a risk people should not take without proper experience. I was able to stand in it but someone who does not weigh much could easily be swept to their death its nothing to mess with when you face mother nature head on. I worried about them a little bit but that is just me I have years and years of outdoor experience some people however go to the sierras and bite off more then they can chew.
I told Tammy it would be cool to come across some deer on our adventure. As its not to often you see a bear or deer grazing. Despite the fact that nature is very abundant with butterflies, exotic birds, wild flowers etc finding some of it is a needle in a haystack. Your dealing with a vast mountain range hell over 200 planes have gone missing in this region just to give you an idea of how secluded it is up here.
Tammy and I had dinner at the seasonal creek near a waterfall it was nice. I always pack food, drinks and snacks for trips in the sierras. Its not safe to not bring food and drinks considering most hikes average more then ten miles. Even though our backpacks weigh allot it is nice to have the luxury of smoking a cigar after a nice meal overlooking beautiful snowy cliffs.
The sun was almost down when we arrived back at the truck. In a meadow right where I was parked was three deer one of them being a doe. They were grazing just staring at me and going about their business. I also seen two more deer in the woods those ones ran guess I was to close to them as I was loading my truck up. It really made my day to see some animals in their own environment.
I was disappointed that I did not get to Noble and Bull Lake. Their is nothing more in life then taking an offbeat trail to a lake very few ever get to see. Many of these lakes were once volcanic craters that filled with glacier water. The waters are so clear and pristine you could technically drink the water from them. I on the other hand enjoy a good challenge so in a week I will be returning to the area to finish what I started which is searching for tracks up along both lake beds in seven days from now.
I did manage to find a back way in to both lakes through the Carson Iceberg wilderness where I have gotten some good Bigfoot evidence. It actually will take me on the other side of the canyon from Wolf Creek. So if some of you want to join me in a week let me know its going to be a beautiful hike that follows Wolf Creek then turns off into a narrow canyon and eventually comes out on the other side of the canyon we were just in a week ago only higher up as it looks down into it. So I look forward to the second half of this investigation which will cover about 17 miles of hiking and with those type of stats were bound to find something strange.
I can never get enough of the great outdoors and well being that I am a cryptozoologist my goal is always to provide proof that Bigfoot is very real. You have to understand that the sierras are very primitive their are no big cities or towns. Once you leave the pavement you could spend years searching canyons that some humans never even been to in decades. I always like to see places others do not get to see this is why I find strange things. I even came across a giant wood ant it had to be an inch long in reality ants are quite abundant back here as I had an entire ant hill go on the attack crawling up my pant legs lol.
Speaking of strange before I close this report let me just say one of the snow drifts on a hillside was covered in urine. This was not just a small spot but were talking about an area 6 x 6 feet of just yellow snow. Whatever urinated had to be very large their is no way a human could ever urinate that amount saturating the snow. When we were on the trail heading towards Noble Lake the urine was not there. On our way back it was however the only people we came across prior to it was the young couple. I honestly think that we had just missed a Sasquatch because not to far from the urinated snow was the impression of five pudgy toes in the snow. It was very exciting to find this evidence but it also goes to show you that this is a very elusive creature that can go right up a steep canyon and you would never see it.
I am so excited to go back here this time instead of entering from the Stanislaus National Forest ill be entering from the Carson Iceberg Wilderness which at times can stay snow covered all year around. More then often people compare this wilderness similar to the Alps which are snow capped and granite much like the high sierras. So sit tight because when this comes out on our website its going to be a jewel for all to enjoy. Always an adventure that is what it is about so embrace the journey because their is much much more coming your way. I do plan on in a week from today going out there to photograph the lakes and Wolf Canyon some more.
What I can tell all of you right now is that I took allot of great photos,videos and captured some great evidence. Including photos of a tree that has to be 500 years old its just that massive surrounded by these wild flowers. Its so picturesque it does not get any better then smoking my pipe a few cigars and just absorbing all of what mother nature offers. Some people find solitude in religion, hobbies etc but I find my peace being out in a land that has been barely touched by the sins of mankind. Everything is so preserved even the air is so clean and over time I hope I can convince some of you to relocate this way so you can become a part of something much bigger then you or I! 
Lord Rick
PGS Founder

Love is like a ghost sometimes you cannot see it but it is There

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