The Jackson Avenue house is roughly 100 years old give or take. I do not know the whole history about the house but according to Cher the clock use to fly off the wall, one time a window flew open, and the one room was very cold where a lady passed away in where her son use to sleep and he use to see somebody go into the bathroom. The dogs seem to also be looking at something pacing back and forth. Also still occasionally they become active as footsteps are heard, feelings of being watched from the pantry, cell phone dials on its own and a miniature twist light comes on. From investigating this house twice I can definitely see the activity grow from the first visit all the way to the second one as our second one we were able to capture ectoplasm and heard sounds. Anyhow on to more about the house.

The basement of the house has a coal house or room where they use to dump coal down to heat the house with a furnace. I do feel some discomfort in the basement and near the pantry area where its dark. I do sense something there I cannot say its evil but there is some sort of spiritual residue in the air about it. I did not like the attic and I also think there is more then one ghost there at least 2-3 in the house. I do not think the ghost there want to make themselves known nor do I think they are unhappy. 

What makes this house also interesting as Cher showed me is the faucet on the sink is quite old they made those type over 100 years ago so a lot of the house inside still has an old school look to it. The house is located in the Warren Pa area I will not disclose anymore information about it since I respect all areas I investigate. 

Over a period of time I will try and make the ghost comfortable enough with me so they show up this will take time since most ghost become very laxed with there occupants. All ghost want a family to stay around it helps make there afterlife less lonely and more pleasant. 

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