Honestly I can tell you that I do not know the history on this cemetery. However what I can tell you is that the cemetery exist on a hill. When you come around the Ben you will see the cemetery is higher up and there is a wall below it I guess to provide some support since the cemetery is right by the road. It seems that the cemetery is roughly 200 years old most headstones are from the 1800s there is probably only room for 1-200 headstones however there is no more then 50-80 stones here. The cemetery is heavily vandalized more so then that most stones are very weathered. There is an area here that does have a small rod iron fence perhaps around some prominent people back in that time who wanted to keep there family together. The stones are very scattered you will have a few laying up against a tree, then cut down the hill and have another, then find one back near the woods etc. I am going to assume since most stones are from the civil war period that its possible this is where some soldiers were buried. Warren Pa did play some role in the civil war. The strange thing about this cemetery is you really cannot find much history on it honestly it does not matter how hard you search which means that the cemetery is either privately owned however the last burial that occurred here I believe if I read correctly was 1929 so apparently the town has taken over. It would seem many of the burials are unmarked. It is very pretty to sit on top of the hill and look at the town of warren at night. I enjoy this cemetery very much and we hope to maintain occasional monitoring of it since there are ghost that roam this graveyard of the past.

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Jim our member wrote me & said that this cemetery is of German Immigrants. He also said that its Irvine Cemetery which name does not matter however one of the key stand out is the Guy C Irvine is buried here and hence the name. On our second visit here the ghost were much more playful and active and we produced twice as amount of ghostly photos in twice the less time.

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