The hake house i do not have much history on. However i can tell you this if you ever seen a haunted house in the movies this would come close to that. Although the house is not high in paranormal activity the mystery is what makes this house more unusual. Judging by the houses foundation, structure i would say its over 100 years old. The basements are very low as to where you have to bend your knees to walk and it looks like hell has hit it. Most of the roof is gone, the first floor has a hole the size of a pick up truck in the center, the house looks to be partially burned like it sustained some sort of a fire. The garage reminds me of a house even with old fashioned windows etc. This house exist in the middle of nowhere at night in the woods near the house you can hear the stream trickling. Not much else i know about this house but we will make a return trip or 2 before concluding what we are dealing with.

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