Forest Lawn Cemetery one of the largest in Buffalo NY  and one of the most well known. It has over 40 sections to it spans around 3 very well known roads and probably is more then a few square miles. The cemetery itself has very high rod iron fencing all the way around, rolling hills, a chapel on sight, a few ponds, 2 streams, bridges and 100s of trees, 1000s graves, mausoleums. 

The cemetery  first opened in 1849 and they currently give tours to see some of the more prominent people buried there such as Millard Fillmore ex president, General Ely Parker, John J Albright, Lawrence D Bell just to name a few. This cemetery has more beauty to it then it does a place of sadness or distress. There is everything from Celtic crosses to tombstones that look like bowling balls. To even a valley of crypts.

Nobody knows if its actually haunted since very few have been able to get in at night but we have twice taking a chance as the cemetery is under surveillance to bring you the story. There are rumors that the cemetery is haunted by a famous Indian chief which people often see.  Many heroes in the civil war were buried here and they do offer day time tours. 

You can also purchase a complete 160 page book called The Forest Lawn  History Book which runs about 40 Dollars. You could spend probably days just looking and walking around but getting a grasp on the size and beauty of it we may never as i am sure there is always something new to see here. 

Employees and visitors have seen many different supernatural events occur here. For example a phantom car that disappeared after being spotted by workers. A child hitchhiker near the entrance which vanished, Also a barefoot apparition in a white gown seen walking in the cemetery according to Mason Winfield. The whole area is strange though you have to understand why at one time the War of 1812 had soldiers walking through here before it even was a cemetery. It is also said that the land may have had other occurrences such as battles, unmarked burials, and other strange events. Now you have the cemetery sitting on top of it all and of course the supernatural will exist here no doubt on that.

Another thing I would like to add is that Forest Lawn was investigated when our organization first came to be and you can see a difference in our photography. Last year I really did not have dedicated investigators or anybody to help take photos so it was very difficult to get any work done here. So my main focus on our second visit here was to quadruple our productivity on evidence that this place is haunted. On our second visit we covered almost the entire cemetery as we spent a few hours walking around and I could not have done it without my 2 dedicated investigators Mark & Liz. We captured many ectoplasm shots and even saw some phenomena with our naked eyes. We also found a tunnel in the cemetery that is so haunted beyond normal levels that it is a paranormal dream come true.

So is Forest Lawn Haunted a BIG yes!

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