Just outside of Ocala once stood an abandoned church which was used in the horror movie Jeepers Creepers where the creature was dumping bodies down a pipe which led to underneath the church. Then about two years ago a group of teens burnt the church down since it became a hangout spot after the movie was made. But at one time people use to love getting a good scare by visiting The St. James Church. Often people reported strange lights and fog surrounding the church.

Nearby where the church once stood is another church and a cemetery behind it called Wesley. We mainly focused on the cemetery because quite a few people told me about how strange it is. The cemetery dates back to the 1800s and its graves are scattered along a dirt road and some woods. Alot of them seem to be early pioneers of the area and some graves are all by themselves like one that is being uprooted by a tree. A strange fog often is seen enveloping the entire area.

Wesley Church was erected in 1888 then in 1967 it was rebuilt due to a fire which burnt it down. The church still looks very modern so at first we were confused that maybe St. James Church stood here but due to my research it did not however it was in the general vicinity on a nearby horse form which also borders this cemetery.

Many people say that whenever you drive near the cemetery with your vehicle you get static and your phones get scrambled. I do not know how true this is since we did not experiment with radios and such. The cemetery is in mediocre shape and its obvious there is a lot of energy surrounding it which tends to get very overwhelming. Its obviously visited by quite a few people who are brave enough to wander under the large oaks in search of the dearly departed but very few are aware of the history surrounding such a place.

Perhaps there is some truth that something more sinister is seen in the area maybe that is why they chose to film part of the movie in this area. But nonetheless two churches burning down in the same area also says a lot.

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Below the 100s of speckles you see are fog many paranormal groups will say its supernatural phenomena but its not. When you get 100s of white misty orbs side by side it is actually fog or heavy moisture content.

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