Subj: [ParanormalFlorida] Saturday's Investigation Report....  
Date: 8/2/2005 1:19:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time 

Washington Oaks State Park & Gardens

We actually went the wrong way due to lack of signs finding this place and ended up at Flagler Pier again lol. I guess the beach was calling for me who knows. But we went back the other way and one of the most gorgeous things about investigating in the state of Florida is when your riding on that long road along the beach.  The moon was gently reflecting off the ocean the sea breeze was coming in the window and I had some nice music going on. Jason was amazed by the beach houses which were 3 stories high.

We arrived at the forest entrance way and really it was pretty calm at this time. We watched as we walked down this long dark road a beige lightening over the ocean. We could hear thunder off in the distance as well rolling.

As we went deeper into the woods we passed by a trail but decided not to take it since the sun would be coming up. We ended up noticing some movement on the road which turned out to be an armadillo. I chased it and actually caught it on film on the run lol. Trust me those things can run fast so I was pretty proud of myself.

We walked down the road where it almost dead ended then eventually turned around entering the gardens area walking on a brick walkway. This area had a plaque on the live oak and their was a bandstand, chairs etc surrounding by high bushes all around.

Eventually we took another road which led us to the Owen D. Young Visitors center which was once a lodge I believe for one of George Washington's relatives.

The lodge was very eerie as we walked through this stone tunnel out onto a patio. The lodge had many flowers grown, stones surrounding it, stone walk ways etc and most of it we could not get in but there was a presence here.

Jason and I then walked out to the Mantanzas River where the river. It was very quiet and gloomy. We walked along the river where their was Manatee signs, grills, and benches.

We came back to the lodge and I heard something out in the woods. Then I heard in the distance dogs barking. Eventually we left the lodge and went off hiking to the gardens which is an area fenced off by iron full of brick walkways, rose bushes, flower etc absolutely gorgeous.

I did feel watched and their was some energy here but for the most part the gardens were peaceful. The dogs got more intense as if they were getting closer.

Jason and I went back to the lodge but we took a trail which led us along the river and found a plaque telling us about the plantation that use to reside in this area. We also found a well and I thought I heard talking back here of some kind like voices perhaps ghostly but since we were the only ones out here its a good possibility. 

We started heading on back without any lights at all just the flashes in the sky and a pitch black road in the middle of the woods. I sensed something following us and their was a sense of discomfort. We made haste to get back to the car and close up the investigation.

When we got back out to the main road we took some photos and something for the Paracomedy page lol. All of sudden a car came by or mini van which pulled up to the front. I dove in some thorn bush and Jason had half of him sticking out by some wall lol. Whoever it was shined a spotlight then took off. Oh my god it was so funny I had over 100 of these things stuck to my shirt and clothing.

I am not sure what my thoughts are on this place. I mean their is movement, odd noises in the woods, some cold spots, and some areas that just are really uncomfortable to be at. If anything I would believe that the inside of the lodge is probably more haunted then the outside. The river itself is very gloomy since it was a place of much death a few hundred years ago when pirates sailed down it and wars broke out in the area. 

In conclusion to this report we got some really nice photos. It was a rough investigation we did not get home till 6am for one. For two I passed out on the way home and was driving in a field came pretty close to ending up hitting a tree. I been getting bad tunnel vision since I moved to Florida that is why I need other drivers. 

We had alot of fun on the beach, got some great photos, unfortunately no good EMF readings. Washingon Oaks really was mild in activity not many good photos a few very faint orbs so a return visit is necessary.  I should have photos from these investigations updates in a couple weeks.  It was a very timid night not alot of activity but we did have alot of strange things happen like the brim of a hat found on our car antenna.

Lastly I know I do not have to mention this but I feel its important to convey my feelings as a friend to my members but also as a leader. Saturday we were suppose to have another investigator she ended up showing to my house so I could have her sign our waiver of consent and so I could go over protocol etc.

Well she showed up intoxicated at my house with her friend. I want to stress this if you drink and drive I want nothing to do with you. I mean it would go against everything I believe in especially knowing my friend Rob our friend and investigator was killed by a drunk driver. People must understand that their are rules you may not like me you may hate me you may not want to be my friend anymore. But I cannot condone my members taking advantage of me or take life for granted like this. 

I mean this is why our organization has very few investigators cause even though we like to have fun when it comes down to being serious others do not take it serious. Some only want to use the group as a way to get out then they quit cause they do not get their way. Others lie to me or do not follow rules etc. 

What happened to me Friday was a disgrace I mean my friends car almost got hit, my foot got stepped on so hard I almost could not walk, I had a shirt full of vomit thrown at my face, and was blamed because they got a ticket coming up to meet me for an interview. All because two people wanted to drink. If you as a member cannot show some respect for me or this organization then I suggest not getting involved at all.

As the leader the one thing I face is so many tribulations. I am the one who deals with the members who complain, the ones who are not serious, the ones who threaten me etc I put alot of time into this organization with investigations, research, planning, parties, meet ups, daily information sent out, and then the website. I answer 100s of emails and I do my best to make each of you happy.

But either you support me fully or you do not it cannot go both ways. I am tired of my members hurting me when I offer a hand in friendship. People act like leaders do not have feelings. But the truth is being a leader your always faced with the hardest decisions because sometimes you have to be strict sometimes you have to be an asshole. If you do not people will end up stabbing you in the back that is the type of work we do we meet good folks and we meet bad folks.

I want to make something very clear about a few things as well. A little off topic yes but I feel its important to address. I am an empath and a fairly good psychic. Naturally I am a caregiver. I like to think of my members and investigators like a close circle. If you ask for something or need something I am going to do what it takes not just as a leader but as a friend to make you happy. 

But occasionally some of my members want to get involved on a more personal level with me they want to hang out, be friends, get involved romantically, physically, etc etc etc etc and that is fine I am a real person.  Besides the paranormal I have a life outside of this group and I am not afraid to be ME. When it comes to my investigations and this group I take things very very serious for safety. I plan things out extremely thoroughly and I have rules here for a reason so nobody gets hurt. I may be a leader but I am also a friend. It hurt that this person came to my house in this condition then turned saying I am cold cause I would not condone this type of behavior. But the truth is maybe I care to much about others and for that I am condemned.

In my personal opinion I have a job to do over the years we have been on ships, catacombs, potters fields, asylums, historical sites, buildings, towers, woods etc look at our accomplishments. Sure we do not get the recognition we deserve cause we get judged easily by other groups or the media. But I am in this for the long run so that my members can enjoy what we have to offer with a wealth of information. But so that everybody has a chance to investigate learn about the afterlife as well as our odd world.

I mean everybody thinks because I am the founder I do not deserve friendship or respect lately that I meet. The one thing I do have to say is that many of you have stuck by me for years you read the messages, you look at our site, and have been with this group since it opened. You have gotten alot out of it and will continue to do so by supporting us.

But I want to make this clear if your a lady who writes me starts to tease, flirt, get involved with me etc etc which is fine cause aside from this group I am a real person to and need friends..... some think cause I am a leader I do not have a life. But if it leads to more do not turn around later using it against me that is just so not right saying well your the founder blah blah. This person told me the only reason why I do the paranormal is to find women the sad thing is that the last two meet ups I sat alone, my 4th of July party no members attended, and the truth is I been living in Florida for over a year and I DO NOT KNOW ANYBODY STILL. The life of a Ghostbuster is a lonely one each weekend I risk my life work so hard yet have so very few who care about me as a person. I do not get paid to do what I do so its very obvious that what I do I love with a passion. Dealing with ghost on a weekly basis, howling for bigfoot and teach others about the paranormal is what we do here. 

I am very hurt what happened to me Friday that is why I was not on hardly all weekend. Cause I cannot believe lately the behavior of some of my previous investigators and members. I have been very depressed over the whole ordeal cause I know what its like to have a member disappoint you. Hell its like an investigator leaving you at a haunted place.

So with this in closing please support who we are. I may be your leader but I am a friend to all. But if you cannot show me some respect then you obviously cannot respect what we do here. The one thing that makes me different then other founders is I get dirty right along side with my investigators out in the field. I meet with others and allow others to interact with this group by investigating. Hell I am human to I date, I make friends, I hug, I like a good beer and paranormal debate. People think cause I am the founder that I am not allowed to be happy or something.  I mean that is the issue I am having people lately are so scared to meet me they think they got to drink to impress me or they show up to a meet up hide at the bar stalking me just watching.

So lastly grow up PGS does not condone drunk driving. All my investigators get a pre interview that way you understand the rules, future goals, and what we expect from you. I feel everybody has a right to get to know me as a person which builds chemistry as a team and who knows where it can go to television programs, books etc But do not play with my feelings I will be very hurt I mean I work so hard at this. I am a real person to not just a screen name on the internet.

Oh and I want to apologize for the report being put out their so late. I been sick with migraines, fevers, dizziness and have not been on the up and up. I am running also behind in website updates. But with me moving in a couple weeks to my new place things should calm down for me. The meet up is still on and Saturday their will be another great investigation. All I am is saying is treat people the way you want to be treated. I do not want to be treated differently all because I am your leader I like to make new friends and I try to meet as MANY members possible. I do have some bigger plans for this group in a couple years and then its goodbye Florida.

Those that are to far away or even have been on an investigation understand the meaning of bonds/friendships. Some of you who live close your lucky to have such a great group near you where people can come together be friends. Where you can come to a party or meet up. Some of you are lucky cause we are one of the best adventure teams in the country you will get your fill of the paranormal with us believe me.

Peace & Serenity
PGS Founder

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