Subj: [ParanormalGhostSociety] Last Night's Investigation Report  
Date: 12/15/2004 4:31:18 PM Eastern Standard Time 

Last night was a real special investigation and a completion of some very major paranormal locations. Normally we do not go out during the week to often but I wanted to really bring you these stories. I also had some good news given to me last night so I had to get out for another one of our great adventures. Lee and I visited last night The Turnbull Palace Ruins & Old Fort, New Smyrna Free Library, Depeyster and Cruger Sugar Mill Ruins, The Pacetti Cemetery and Finally Ponce Inlet Lighthouse. It was a long night and we did not get home till almost the sun came up but Lee finally got his wheels so we were able to do some really great places just in time for Christmas marking The Paranormal & Ghost Society's 10th investigation this week alone. It was a pretty chilly night out here in some areas of Florida it got down to about 18 degrees so not alot of people out and about perfect for some ghost busting and seeing other paranormal occurrences. We headed out fairly late down to the second oldest city in Florida New Smyrna and so our adventure begins here.

The Turnbull Palace Ruins & Old Fort

At first we had trouble finding this place kept going over the bridge but the road actually went under it to get to this historical landmark. We parked next to a group of people guess we scared them off after they probably got freaked out by a man in a Santa Hat and A skinhead hahaha. But that was good for us as this place had a interesting feeling surrounding it.

As we headed out of the car we went straight towards a giant rock with a memorial of some kind. Slowly we made our way on over to a coquina well now used as perhaps a place to plant flowers. I did see a few of these wells. Eventually we walked on over to to this stone circle I do not know what it was for but it was odd like perhaps it was part of some circular building at one time. But something was obviously was here since it sat up higher then the rest of the ground nearby.

Eventually Lee and I headed to a stone stairwell which would put us right on top of the palace ruins or now called the old fort. It was pretty high up and we stood atop just in amazement because we were able to view the entire set of ruins. It looked like a giant stone maze with different boxed in sections. These ruins are massive. Lee and I jumped down over the wall down this long isle. Walking up it slowly the walls surrounding us were taller then us so it was pretty dark walking through the high grass growing inside of the fort.

We walked up a ways then things became tricky the passage became very narrow and starting twisting and turning like a maze. We kept walking till we strangely reached a dead end. It was pretty eerie I felt like something was in the passage with us it was a real uncomfortable feeling as every corner I turned felt like a surprise. The one cool thing however was being able to look at all the stars in the sky from inside the fort since it shielded out all the light.

Lee and I climbed up the dead end and started walking on top of the forts narrow walls. We had to be real careful because on one side it was a 10 foot drop and inside was a little less but still we were high up. Lee was trying to come up with perhaps some theories about this fort and its structure. We stood atop talking for awhile. I could feel a few cold spots. In one of the foundation areas he jumped in to some high grass. I ended up jumping from one wall to another being very careful not to fall down a narrow passage.

There seemed to be alot of energy within the walls of the fort a few times I would catch a glimpse of ectoplasm just within the flash keeping a mediocre distance. I mean lets face it there is alot of history here and with history comes alot of ghost.

We eventually got down off of the fort and walked on over to some bunker of some kind. It was a concrete building built underground and you could see concrete steps leading down into it with ventilation. Lee thinks it could be a electrical station of some kind but why would it be underground with even another set of storm cellar doors. It just to me was odd nothing conspiracy like just did not expect something like that to be built near a old fort.

We walked around the fort some more came across another one or two monuments made out of coquina covering the history more in depth on this great place. Lee pointed out to me a few giant stone blocks pulled out from a wall and sitting in the middle of the walkway. We thought this was odd I mean the size of these coquina blocks and weight is pretty grand so for them to be pulled out of a wall in this area really got our curiosity going. 

I also found a plaque on one of the walls and stepped up another set of stairs. We stood there and I looked at the intercoastal water way across from me. This made since on how this place at one time was destroyed as I could envision ships sailing near the water and firing there cannons since the fort sat fairly close to the waterway.

We walked around the whole entire fort and eventually made a stop to investigate a old historical library on site which will be posted in the next report. We did finish off the fort with ease our last stops within the grounds was a live oak tree where its rumored a cannon ball was stuck inside of it. We did not see the cannon ball but there was a hole in one of the limbs. The tree was one of the eeriest oaks I had ever seen as it twisted in all kinds of directions. Lee measured it and estimated it to be about 400 years old so it did sit here when the Indians once buried there own here before the fort was built on top of it all. He also mentioned being able to see faces within the tree.

We took some photos and closed off the investigation I have to say this was one of the most interesting places I have visited in Florida and we had loads of fun climbing and exploring. Now for our library report which also sits near the old fort.

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Subj: [ParanormalGhostSociety] Investigation Report Catch up  
Date: 12/19/2004 7:21:20 PM Eastern Standard Time 

The Turnbull Palace Ruins & Old Fort
After some searching we found the park. There were memorials and signs all over telling about the history and uses of this area.
While walking on the ruins, I noticed that while the activity I felt around the area was low, I was struck my the size and odd design of the place. It was designed very oddly for a fort, and even odder for a house/palace. Inside the corridors I felt a very odd energy I cannot explain.
Overall my impressions about this site, other than the weird architecture and the bunker next to it, any haunting I felt seemed to be faint and residual. I did not get any photos of anything here, but I believe Rick did.
With one exception, the tree that I measured and saw faces in. I felt a very strange energy, almost a "guardian" feel. I think that the tree could have absorbed energy from the Indian burial days.