The Walden House is probably one of the most unusual houses and oldest houses in the Town Of Lancaster. The house has been closed since roughly November 2000 because that is the newspaper we found inside. The house has very old staircases and looks more like it was built over 100 years ago. I noticed that the whole inside has been torn apart there are no walls really, there is a little step ladder that comes down going into the attic, and everything is just smashed to pieces no insulation, no flooring. The house itself is surrounded by trees, woods behind it, and heavy brush and as soon as you approach it you get the turn back type of feeling. There is a mild presence in the house although it is quiet if anything there is no moans or footsteps nothing of the sort maybe to quiet especially for a house so old. You almost get the feeling that when you approach it there is something or somebody living there. I do not know what happened at this house or why it was let go or even how it got in the condition it is. The orb photography that we got here is very debatable because of all the dust although in some of the orb photos there is a Mist/Ectoplasmic spread throughout them. We have only investigated this house once and we may or may not go back depending on what equipment we can come back with to monitor the activity and such. The basement to the house is filled with 2 feet of water so its quite inaccessible

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