The Springville Country home is located on a private road. It sits on a hill in the woods and has a very southern plantation type of look. The barn is embedded in the hill which we did not investigate. Chris one of your investigators has been to this house before and he said that he seen shadows moving here before. He also claimed his friend heard a boys voice say get out and a girls voice speak in Latin. This house is very very eerie looking it radiates with a strange energy and its very old probably 1800s based on the the fact that the basement is all made in stone and the whole house is made of wood and other materials that are not used in today's architecture. The house seems to be alive I cannot put this into words but now it sits abandoned and locked down fairly tight. I am not sure if this was a plantation of some kind but based on my finds I believe this house was used as a residence for the owners of the Springville Animal Hospital which is very large and foreboding just a few hundred feet up the road.

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