The spring garden home was more then likely built during the mid 1900's. It actually sits back behind alot of brush and remains very hidden. It rather is an old style block home which is a very rare find.

There are signs that the house has been used as a crack house, hang out join, and by the homeless. There is ALOT of graffiti within the walls including some by a group who originally is from Buffalo NY. I found that to be hilarious actually cause its my hometown.

The house is in such poor shape there are floors, windows, and doors missing everywhere. The shed has so many vines in it you can barely get inside. Its just one of these places that remains desolate and uncared for. Its beyond repair and I am sure within the next couple years it will be demolished and probably be the place of a gas station or store since the land its on is quite large.

Its a  pretty mysterious home and the ghost that are here perhaps stay here not because they died on the property but to them its a place they can call home.

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