Subject: [ParanormalFlorida] Last Night's Investigation Report
Date: 4/9/2006 4:55:52 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
To: ParanormalBuffalo@yahoogroups. 

 Shoe String Theatre

I been trying to investigate this long before the newspaper did a story on it but as busy as I am with so many investigations you tend to forget such places in these little towns in Florida.

James and I spent a long time trying to find this place and ended up in the worst section of town right in the middle of drug deal alley lol. Some lady watched us as we slowly drove by while some guys seen us and made a quick run. After this I just about had given up so I stopped by my friend Kathy's got a phone book and found out we only missed it by a block. So yeah I was pretty discouraged lol.

We eventually found our way to the theatre after the road was washed out and well despite that it is a theatre it still had the old school house look to it.

We got out and of course unfortunately we could not go inside it seems like all these owners to these haunted places give everybody else a tour but us so I just focused on the entire property which was very large.

James and I took some EMF readings and photos starting off from the parking lots working our way to the front where the porch was very dark. The eeriness set in I felt multiple entities on the property but they were shy perhaps school children?

We walked around the dark long side of the theatre we could barely see I did not use any lighting for this excursion. There was an opening in the lattice so I took a photo and James yelled rat messing with me and yeah he caught me off guard this time lol.

On the back side of the theatre was some storage sheds, an old antique chair, a grill, sink, and a theatre sign with a light nearby. We explored the area a little even the pile of wood probably used in there fire pit. We could not help notice the size of the grounds here a perfect fit for a school yard back many years ago.

We walked around the entire school a couple times going up to the stage doors, on the porches, etc all the windows were boarded up and a small light was beaming through one of the cracks. I did not notice anything out of the ordinary accept that I could feel entities hiding in the shrubs on the darker side watching James and I conduct our investigation.

Perhaps the activity here is more residual or on a certain given night rather. I am sure the place is just as eerie inside no doubt there. Afterwards we stopped for sodas and ice cream then concluded the investigation. It was still lightening out a lot as we left the school and it started to sprinkle. This time the lightening was bluish/white.

All in all it was a nice outing not to much activity and probably a few minor orb shots but at least we will have photos for everybody to see and history up on our site that you can look at in weeks to come. I guess I was a little down last night which can often effect my work but its real hard at times trying to do everything yourself not having hardly any investigators, publicity, donations etc you start to run cold and dry.

But I have to say my night out was very pleasant first time wearing shorts on one in weeks the weather was real humid, warm, the lightening going off gave it an eerie feeling and we got to tour some pretty interesting places. Peace
PGS Founder


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