Purdom Cemetery is named after James H. Purdom and his family in 1870. His family resided in the area fairly close to the cemetery which sits on a very dark wooded road so definitely it is secluded. It is said that other  members of the Purdom family are buried here however there are very few stones with the name Purdom on them. There is however a few miles away a little pioneer cemetery called Lungren Cemetery with a confederate soldier William J. Purdom buried there. Perhaps this was James Purdom's brother or there is some relation. We were not able to find the Lungren Burial settlement which has five stones however Purdom just a few miles away contains at least 200 burials with many different families that are permanent guest at this fairly vast cemetery.

Anyways James H. Purdom was born in 1835 he was a confederate soldier in the Civil War and passed on in Geneva around 1916. Next to his stone is a woman buried by his side named Elizabeth most likely his wife. The cemetery's road is even named after the Purdom family which I believe leads to Lake Erie where the Purdom family resides near. So perhaps this is why the cemetery was built here since he was a confederate soldier it was apparent that this cemetery contained many other civil war soldiers like himself. 

There are a total of 8 civil war soldiers buried here I found only four perhaps the other ones no longer contain flags, markings or were vandalized This cemetery contains more civil war soldiers then any in Volusia county to the best of my knowledge. But it also has soldiers from Seminole Wars, Vietnam, WWI, WWII and even the Korean War. So alot of history goes with the burials here. 

There is a grave of one Confederate solder by the name James Sauls which is marked with emblems he served in the Seminole Indian Wars and the Civil War. He was the son of Samuel and Mary Davis Sauls who moved to Florida in the 1820s. In 1858 between the wars James Sauls married Martha Minshew and they also resided very close to the cemetery. The land they lived on was almost mosquito free since it was higher ground. They also had a second child which was born while he served with the confederate army near the Carolina and Virginia border and that's how there daughter got her name Carolina Virginia Sauls.

But there is many other soldiers buries as well such as James Sauls wife had a brother or father who served as a confederate which is also buried here by the name W. B. Minshew. There is also other soldiers names like John E Parrot, George W. Paterson, Lewis Powell, Frank E. Reeves, and Robert W. Roberts much of who we do not know about all that remains is there broken stones and a confederate flag that is blowing in the wind.

The cemetery is not very well maintained the grass in some areas is very deep some stones are buried by weeds and grass. Many trees drape the stones here and the cemetery on almost all sides is surrounded by alot of woods. This is not the type of cemetery you can just drive around in many stones are spread out in various areas and to my surprise this place of the departed goes very far back. Sometimes there are parts so dark you cannot even see stones till your right up on them. But one thing that stands out is the poor condition of the stones.

There are some stones broken in half just laying on top of each other, some so worn you cannot even read them, stones tipped at 45 degree angles, while some of the upper burial stones made out of bricks are collapsing almost exposing coffins and bodies. You will see this in the photos below so this is a very very creepy cemetery. There is this one section that is so badly vandalized that there is just piles of stones collapsing and laying on one another for many feet. 

But then you go fifty feet away and you'll see stones with candles, knickknacks, trinkets, photos, wreaths, flowers etc. There is this one tree in the cemetery that has like 20 angel knickknacks surrounding it with chimes hanging off all the branches. The cemetery is very segregated as if there are parts of it that are kept up and parts that are forgotten. It seems like the families here wanted to be buried in different parts of the cemetery some of them even had a stone foundation put around there graves to perhaps keep the family plots together. 

But many of the stones here also contain some strange words on the stone or symbols. For example one stone we encountered had and upside down pentagram carved onto the stone. Another wards a Satanist and near that stone were a few others with symbols on them. But then for example you have stones with sayings like these "He is not dead he is only sleeping", "He Fought A Good Fight", "Here Lies The Body Of Truth", "A Day is ending, Fishing is done, I go Home with the setting sun", and "To Live In The Hearts Of Those We Love Is Not To Die". Of course there is many more but this just tells you how much Masonic work was put into the stones and how unique this cemetery is. Often I will visit many cemeteries where the stones just have a name and a date. But many religions and types of people are buried here including a few perhaps Mexican  burials with Spanish written on there stones.

I found this cemetery to be extremely haunted beyond normal levels. I mean there are alot of patchy cold spots, movement within the cemetery, a strange weeping sound, and of course you will see from our first investigations photos that alot of ectoplasm. The ectoplasm is so strong that in the flash you can actually see it moving all around you. But many different ghost haunt this cemetery perhaps some of them are unsettled soldiers or perhaps they are upset at the condition of this cemetery but whatever the case is all parts of this place are very haunted. Just walked past the 2 brick pillars that say Purdom Cemetery are enough to make others turn back and definitely if you ever felt like you were watched this place no matter where you go you are watched its as if you cannot escape it. But what is even more so is knowing that these ghost here are very capable of hitching a ride with you. There is just so much energy here enough where I could tell Amanda my investigator where they were standing at each time.

But I want to give those a perspective on how powerful some of these entities are. I walked around the cemetery and of course I goofed off a little nothing out of the ordinary as I like making others laugh now and then. Well when I arrived home after our first investigation here I fell asleep and right away I was back in the cemetery its as if my soul either went there or they came to me. There was many entities surrounding me they looked all very disfigured or rather uncomfortable to look at from my dream. They were pretty pissed off in my dream I remember the one kept trying to scare me getting up in my face walking in circles around me like some Night Of The Living Dead movie. They would not stop until I promised them that I would no longer wear my Halloween mask in the cemetery. I did it as a Halloween joke but some entities are more serious then others and it seemed to perhaps offend them. As soon as I comprised in my dream with them I woke up grabbing my heart, short of breath, breathing hard and I was very startled. I was like wohhh what just happened. Well my point is that this is a cemetery that MUST be taken very seriously these ghost here are very real and very strong enough to manifest on camera. They are not evil but I feel that the ghost that haunt this cemetery are perhaps very unsettled, upset maybe even very lonely as they attached themselves to me my whole time investigating there. This is a forewarning heed it because yes ghost can come to you in dreams its all about you being in a weak state so that your soul can interact with its surroundings. 

Anyways this cemetery first investigation was a 2004 Halloween special and a good one if that but we must ask ourselves does the Purdom family hold a bigger secret? Who are the soldiers that are buried here? Why are there so many children buried within the cemetery? What lurks beyond the woods surrounding the cemetery. This place is bound to give you chills do you dare to enter it with us? Take a walk with us in to one of the scariest cemeteries in the history of our organization.

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