Subject: Last Night's Adventure Report......
Date: 8/31/2005
CC: FairieGlamour76, JayJW99347

Princess Place

We took a side road named King's Highway its one of the oldest roads or highways in the country. At one time stage coaches would travel on it. The road was dirt and heavily surrounded by woods. We did not see one vehicle as we went deeper and deeper into the thick. I kept saying please do not let us be stranded here cause their is no gas stations or houses for miles just preserves, swamps, lakes, woods etc
I felt going down this road ALOT of energy ghostly mainly but as a psychic I could tell you that their are other things lurking out here that I could sense too maybe skunk apes or other Cryptid creatures. The road was very rough so I had to go very very slow as the struts on my car are in bad shape so yeah we are talking 5 mph down this road lol.
Eventually we came across another dirt road and parked at some wood gates which split off into 3 different directions. We parked the car and gathered our gear for some serious hiking. We eventually went off into the woods and it was dark all we could hear was crickets. We spotted quite a few deer all over.
Their was a few trail heads as we went down the road but we were staying off the trails cause our main agenda was the historical lodge deep in the woods. I did not hear much but their was a very heavy cold spot on the road which was inconsistent with other temperatures to the surrounding area.
We did not even know where we were going I mean their was a lot of side dirt roads one of them was campers hill which is a place where people camp under the stars. It appeared nobody was up here. We passed over a creek and swampland my concern perhaps was gators which like to sit on the banks nearby but we did not see any.
Also I noticed a luminescent hazy object in the sky. Every single star and planet was visible last night clear sky's except this one spot in the sky was hazy and glowing. I do believe it was a UFO as honestly I cannot define what it is we saw but Jasmine noticed it to and was wondering what this was. I did not mention much to the team but I seen one to two meteors in the sky. We were walking and also seen a glowing object head towards us Jason said it was a firefly but this object was like a strobe light very white, large and traveled in a straight line eventually coming behind us and totally disappearing. It was pretty intense. Later we did seen other fireflies but none that fit what came towards us.
Eventually we came up to a light and the road split one way was to the lodge the other was to the island hill house. We finally came to some historical sites so I was pretty excited.
I took us to the island hill house and sure enough we hiked up this hill which took us around a lake of some kind. It was more like a marsh I bet the gators in their were quite friendly lol. Sure enough we came up to this house I cannot say I ever seen a house like this. It had wood stair cases around it and it sat up on pillars and beams. Their was a lower section but parts of it extended outwards only held up but wood.
It was a pretty interesting house some windows had lights and I looked in some and the paintings just looked alive on the walls. One of them looked like a Lincoln painting and that one just was real eerie. I walked around the place setting off a motion light and eventually up on some deck with lots of tables and chairs. It was overlooking the marsh pretty eerie really and as I told Jasmine since most of this house had lots of glass I felt like as we passed different bedrooms something was watching us.
Their was one room we looked into a computer was on and I felt like something was sitting their looking at us. I cannot say that this place was haunted but it was very uncomfortable to walk around. We did however walk around it twice and once around the upper floor. The upper floor went all the way around the entire house it was real odd.
Mainly the thing with this place was is feeling watched maybe a few small cold spots but I just did not feel to cozy here. We went back down the dirt road and ended up back at the intersection. In a near by field their were 3 deer grazing. Carefully I approached them they would look up I would stop I got about 15 feet away then the smart one of the group peeled off and I did not get a photo off but I got very close to them.
We started to head on off to the lodge which was another long dirt road in the woods. It was very tiring we were a couple miles in the middle of nowhere. Eventually we came up to this wooden structure it looked more like a giant wood house and the lights were on in the attic. I walked around it a few times and realized it was an old tavern I seen the beer neon lights and poker machines. I guess this is the restaurant to serve tourist who visit here.
Their was motion sprinklers on the walk way so when I walked past I did get sprayed so I tried to trick it and that did not work out to well. This tavern had some energy to it very gloomy but you could feel something was here as well just watching from its darkest windows. Eventually we came across a giant clearing with different roads, wood fences, even signs. One sign pointed towards an artesian well which I could not find it was real dark.
Another road led to some house and their was red lights on the gates probably sensors. This place was like a fortress I mean I do not ever think I seen motion sensors on wood gates before. So we stayed clear of this area although in the distance looked like their was other structures I turned back and headed towards this giant long structure which at first looked like a ritzy mansion but as I approached it and see wood logs holding up its roof, wood decks, multiple green doors I realized we reached the hunting lodge. This lodge keep in mind is the oldest structure in Flagler county and trust me I am so lucky to visit it. The walls of the lodge are made with pink coquina even as you look at the coquina blocks you can see giant sea shells embedded into the walls of this old lodge.
The entire lodge was lit up all the way around as a wood porch covered the entire perimeter of the lodge. We walked up on the porch and I sat on a rocking chair kicked my feet up on a wooden bucket. The lodge today is a museum but it is restored and made to look like it did back in the 1800's.
Jason and I went up to the river and we had to be careful their was a steep drop off. Their was a giant dirt digger here also he climbed in I took his photo. It looked like they were building a dam here maybe to stop the water from flooding the lodge that is my speculation since we found new concrete slabs stacked up.
The lodge was peaceful but it was eerie I mean looking in the windows at the long wooden dark hallways. Their was even a couple historical plaques around the property where you could read about the history to the area and place.
I then took us into the woods where I seen a glowing light. We ended walking towards this light that looked like another house in the woods. I first wanted to check out the woman's bath house and servants house. They were wide open so I did peak inside both of them. Wow talk about an eerie feeling these structures were rotted, wooden and were over a century old.
Then I found an artesian well and a swimming pool. Now this is not your normal pool this was the first swimming in ground pool in the state of Florida. But others say the one found at Debary Hall may have been the first one its hard to speculate. But this pool was very old lots of cracks in it and their was an old wood diving board. YES you can guess what I did lol. I stood out on the diving board it was solid just very weathered. Nobody took my photo:( but I looked down in the pool and it was very deep and falling in would not have been good because their was some pretty weird plants growing on the bottom.
We followed the pool to the end and it was very deep. Their was water pouring out of a hole into some fountain. The well apparently or spring constantly keeps the pool water flowing so this was a cool site. Eventually I walked us back to some old stables. In the middle of the woods was this barn with bars on the windows. This place was really awesome and a ramp led right into the barn doors but it was locked up.
I really enjoyed this but what bothered me is the lights that I thought I seen in the woods were no longer shining. It was odd that we seen such a lit structure off in the woods then as we got close to it the structure went pitch black so we did not proceed further into the woods cause either the living caused this or it was just a mirage reflecting from other lit lamps caused by the lodge nearby. We climbed over a small wooden fence Jasmine got stuck between the two wood rails I had to take a photo haha it made my night.
We did eventually start to head back I do believe their was more sites to visit I mean the area is huge but a lot of things are down unmarked dirt roads and we were getting pretty fatigued with the humidity. We dreaded the walk back it was very far from the car. I did hear something in the woods to breaking branches along the road.
On our way back we crossed over a creek. Jason and I did spot a gator just staring at us not a large one probably 3 to 4 feet in length. That was about it we had seen a few deer running out in front of us but for the most part it was quiet except one cold spot we walked threw which really was intense. We walked almost the whole road with no lights till we got back to the car that is when my camera was not working which was real strange.
We did get in the car and headed back down the dirt road and went out onto old king's highway. We must have driven for miles in the woods cause I wanted to experience the dirt road to see if we could spot anything strange this time of night. Only a portion of kings highway is dirt and so with luck I got to travel the entire dirt road. It took us a long time cause I had to go slow but I will tell you it was one of the most eerie routes we have ever taken since we been based in Florida and everybody in the car was real quiet as I was swerving around limbs in the road and watching out for animals etc. we eventually came out into civilization and headed on out to our final place of the night which was Mala Compra at Bing's Landing.

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Subject: Last Night's Adventure Report.......a few days late lol
Date: 9/4/2005 2:22:22 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: FairieGlamour76
To: AngelOfThyNight

Princess Place

This was another long drive, but that was ok because it gave us all time to rest, This place was way deep into the woods, Rick had to drive slower then a turtle walks because the road was such a mess. Eventually we were able to park by the gates and we went on in. This place was so dark, total nature and really weird eerie feelings. I think there were so many different kinds of energy's going on here it was really hard to say this was this and this was that, I'll just say there was a lot of weird shit going on in this place. 

We walked and came upon a few signs that said the camp grounds were down a trail,. on we kept going we were in search of the hunters lodge  & the island house. This is when it started to get creepy, First off the sky was very clear except for one area, it was almost like a haze in the sky, Rick started flashing his light to single it, and then something of a glowing white to a pale green started coming towards us, I thought for sure this was the end of me, I figured I would end up on a milk carton because I was going to get abducted. Rick started telling me stories about what happens before you get abducted. Ya see Rick knows what I'm afraid of and I think he lies to play with my fears sometimes for his own amusement lol, but this light was pretty freaky. It came at us, I felt watched, it passed us circled around and then was gone, Now we did see fireflies but this was not a firefly, this was definitely something else. We found another sign and headed to the Island house. This place was weird it was 2 stories with a wrap around porch up top, it felt very cold in a sense there, When looking in you could see Old pictures on the walls and you could just imagine them to have eyes that followed you. This place seemed to get to Rick a little bit, he felt much more then I did and I think might have even seen something at one point, He and all of us just felt real un easy their, we took some Pics and went on looking for the hunting lodge. 

Back into the woods we went on and on, we came upon another building, i guess it was a bar or restaurant, it was funny there were automatic sprinklers their to scare off any wild life that got to close to the building, well Rick got to close a few times lol, it was funny to see him get wet! Finally we found the hunting lodge, it was really cool, a huge 1 story building that seemed huge in size with all wooden pillars that looked like tree trunks with branches sticking out of them all along the building, you could see the seashells in the coquina blocks and there were some rocking chairs at the end of the porch, I kicked back for a few while Rick and Jason took some Pics I liked the out side of this place, but could feel something very cold inside of the building, I just felt watched.

 Then it was time to start walking again. We came across what was most likely a servants house and a swimming pool, the pool was really cool, although it did smell like real hard water and it was pretty nasty inside of it, I got a good feel of people partying there back in the olden days, I also had a sense of a few possible deaths by drowning, I'll tell you that my feelings were so strong right there it was as though I was back in time looking threw a plate of glass at images of the past, it was pretty strange. And of course Rick had to climb on the diving board, (NUT!). 

We started back, and what a long walk back we had, there was yet another fence, this time i yet again was about to be the brunt of a joke. Ok I'm short like 5'4 everyone else can glide over a fence with ease, I of course have to straddle, hang on or be helped over, this time the fence was wooden with narrow planks, I was trying to figure the best way over, to crawl under it, squeeze threw it or hop it, I tired the squeeze approach, it wasn't working thanks to my boobs (something else the guys don't have to deal with) and then of course Rick got camera happy again, I was less then pleased! I said the hell with this, and then saw that there was no need to climb the fence because there was an opening, something I know Rick knew but just wanted to tease me again, you guys just wait I'm going to get him back someday so good! HA! 

We walked back to the car & I was so happy to see it! after the cemetery my feet got blisters from my wet sneakers with no socks, then I had to were my flip flops in princess place, and I had new blisters from them. Rick's camera was acting weird we eventually got back on the road, we drove for what seemed like forever. The guys were passing out in the back seat and I was trying like hell to stay awake.