This has got to be one of my favorite wooded areas in the State of FL. Not alot of people know about this area but its rumored to be the best spot in FL to view the stars. The prairie also have woods, trails, dirt roads and three fairly large lakes. You talk about seclusion you cannot see any lights, hear any cars, its almost completely silent out here. That is what makes this place special its so secluded and silent its not like some places where you hike and come on out on a road. Once you get into this place their are 30 miles worth of roads and if you followed these woods you got about 100 miles till it reaches Lake Okeechobee so its definitely a huge area. 

Mainly consisting of flat pine woods and oak hammocks it is also home to the reintroduced whooping crane and many wild cats. Even though the area is peaceful this is a dangerous place there are swamps with gators, their are snakes, their are coyotes and packs of them. Its not one of these places you hike alone at night in and the trails are so poor that its very very easy to get turned around. 

Their is alot of history to this area that is why I chose it to venture into. I felt that with its history it would make the perfect outdoor adventure into an area with a long past. There are two pre historic Indian mounds somewhere in these woods probably near one of the lakes. Cause the Native americans would take the shells and bones discarding them making a shell midden. With lakes in the area and streams more then likely this was the site of of both burials, temples and shell middens. Most native Americans built there villages near such mounds. 

This area was part of the last large open cattle ranch in the country which lasted till about 1949 then the FL Legislature passed a fence law requiring all cattle to be fenced in. But at that time alot of the land in FL was open ranges so this law really made things difficult on the ranchers. 

The Seminole indians first herded cattle here around the early 1800s. Eventually the American Colonist replaced them after the second Seminole War around the 1840s when the Seminoles fled to the Everglades area. At one time these prairies were full of wolves and panthers. I still think the panthers roam these woods today and definitely coyotes too. 

The type of cow that was located here was a small, bonny, long horned descendant of Spanish Cattle which could endure the heat, drought, insects and poor forage, and rugged terrain. The cattle were rounded up with dogs by semi nomadic cow ranchers. The dogs were usually part hound and bulldog. The name Florida Cracker is said to came from the distinctive sound of a cowman's whip. Each year in this prairie from Feb. To March it was burned to kill pine saplings, oak, and palmetto to encourage the growth of the grass.  Sometimes forest fires actually can help the land and that was the practice yearly here. 

Eventually in the early 1900s lumbering and naval industries took the railroad south which led them to this area. The pines were turpentined and the large trees were cut. They called the area at that time three lakes ranch but in 1974 it was purchased under the Environmentally Endangered Lands Program which would protect and manage the wet prairies, marshes and provide natural flood storage. 

At one time on this prairie was a two story ranch house it stood between two of the lakes which we worked hard to hike back into it. But over a century ago and outlaw sold cattle to Cuba and they paid him in gold. He buried the treasure out here.  Nearby was a well it drew many cattle ranchers and they would camp here. But they would not stay in the house cause the doors would open by themselves. Many claimed they were chased by a headless rider more then likely Parkers ghost but strangely nobody knows how Parker died perhaps someone took his loot and killed him that is my theory. 

This is a vast area and there are birds with a wingspan of over 6 feet in the area trust me on this they are real. Their is also a strange feeling to the area we went in very deep off roading. The more I hiked and drove in the more I wanted to see. We visited Lake Jackson and Lake Marion we also hiked to the tower which sits in the woods overlooking the entire prairie. 

Its just one of these places if your in FL you gotta hike out in the history here is long and it does have its share of ghost tales. Not to far away is a story that was passed around called the Horror Of Holopaw about a creature that was seen across the county and even near this area. If you want me to put it in simple words for our fans and viewers Bigfoot roamed this area does he still who knows anything can hide back in these lands.

© By

Lord Rick-AngelOfThyNight


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