Subject: [ParanormalGhostSociety] Last Night's Investigation Report....
Date: 8/16/2005 8:46:16 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time

Pilgrims Rest Cemetery
We entered the back of the cemetery and it was fairly cooler inside then outside the cemetery. The cemetery was lit up by near by businesses although it had a couple really dark sections. I was teasing Jasmine stood behind a tree and surprisingly she must have a six sense for me cause she looked right at the area I was standing. Good job Jas hehe.
I did walk around a little bit on my own here I could tell you right now that the energy was twice as strong here then at Volusia Memorial Park. So honestly size does not matter when it comes to cemeteries as this place was quite small yet had a more foreboding feeling.
We walked around found a couple confederate soldier stones. I was amazed at how many grave stones were leaning, illegible, vandalized, or weathered. This surprisingly is NOT an old cemetery just a little under a century old yet most graves looked two hundred years old. The grass in some areas was high and I went out front to take some photos of the gates.
We did noticed a very fowl odor near the dark section of the cemetery and Jason got some mediocre EMF readings. Whatever was here was not a constant power source it would come and go. But eventually we got a steady reading and we followed it. That is when I looked up in an old tree and noticed that whatever it was also went up.
Eventually we lost the readings as whatever this was apparently went to high above us but it was pretty amazing how accurate our readings were. I noticed when I looked up above us in the trees that is when we lost the reading. So something here probably does not want to be seen. But we were surrounded  for awhile.
Eventually we did leave just wanted to take a few photos so we could set up for a future investigation here and I am pretty sure I know where we will get some good EVP and evidence for the future. We do not know what the smell was but it did smell similar to perhaps a decaying type of odor. We then visited Ormond Beach The Birthplace of speed.

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Subject: Ormond Beach Adventure Report...Weeks late, bad team member bad!
Date: 9/5/2005 3:31:17 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: FairieGlamour76
To: AngelOfThyNight

Pilgrims Rest Cemetery

Ok this cemetery was like maybe 2 blocks from the one we were just at, So their was no time for rest. I was pretty interested to got to this one just because I have been stuck so many times at the damn traffic light next to the place that I have just stared off into the yard many times b4 and with a name like Pilgrims rest I was expecting a lot of old graves. So we park and get out I told the guys to go ahead of me because nature was calling and since I'm not a guy I cant just grab any random tree and go on, so they went on into the place and I took care of my business, of course it was time to tease me.. When I walked into the place Rick and Jason were no where to be found, I was trying to zone in on them and was doing a pretty good job too finally they came out. This place was not well kept at all, it was a lot colder in there then outside where we had parked, I felt a little creeped out and began to feel slightly ill, this is when I began to notice the smell of decay. The EMF detector was going off some what but the readings stopped rather quickly, that is till we got to the front of the cemetery, the readings got strong again and so did the smell. Rick tried speaking to the entity and told it to touch me, I was like um no...don't touch me! The readings seemed to go up into the trees, this was a pretty strange place and felt a bit lonely. The smell was so pungent! It was almost stomach turning. Rick took lots of pic's this place was real small and right off a main road we pretty much left there soon after and moved on to the beach....