The Paisley Forest runs on into the Ocala Forest in a small town where lots of eerie things happen like strange deaths, cemetery vandalism, occult rituals, man men etc etc point being its one of these towns that you could blink your eyes and drive right past it.

The town is full of woods some of them woods have miles of dirt roads and trails. The locals know also about a large giant creature which they say is harmless known to most as Sasquatch/Bigfoot.

There are different sections within the Ocala Forest that feel different. Some areas are serene while other areas are full of ghost activity. Then some areas you feel watched while other areas you got strange people who stay out in the woods causing others problems. 

Last time we were here we could not get out of the car cause the rainbow people were throwing a party on the foundations of a ghost town which strangely this time we did not find. But we were able to actually park and do some hiking on a trail, walk and drive down a few unmarked dirt roads.

The area we hiked at was once a ghost town actually some say its the town that gave birth to the Rainbow People which are traveling hippies in simple terms who live out in the woods. Its all good they are friendly people from what others tell me and fairly well known.

However this area is also known for bigfoot sightings, ghost, and many of the locals will not venture back into the dirt roads back at night. Its one of those places that things tend to happen if your caught out there. Don't I know that cause while we were out there for our first investigation my vehicle was stuck and we spent over an hour digging it out in the middle of pitch darkness lights running out and strange feelings deep in the woods.

I do not have alot of history to the area but as soon as you hit one of the dirt roads it just leads to many more trails and rugged dirt trails all within driving distance to the town itself of Paisley.

Your not going to see alot in the photos there are no houses, historical sites, markers etc it is what it is you and mother nature and of course the supernatural that surrounded us on our journey. Over a year ago there was an incident about a man who shot some cops and was hiding on these dirt roads trying to escape being caught. So its a real secluded area anything can be back here UFO's, Bigfoot, Ghost etc and nobody would blink because the Paisley Woods consume the area.

© By

Lord Rick-Angel_Of_Thy_Eternal_Eve


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