Subj: [ParanormalFlorida] Last Night's Adventure Report  
Date: 2/27/2005 10:41:06 PM Eastern Standard Time 

Osteen Cemetery

What a great last minute find for an investigation. We drove down this two mile road in the middle of nowhere except for the woods on both sides of this dirt road. It had what you could call a suspenseful feeling. We had no idea even what to expect driving down the road. As we came around the bend there were two giant brick pillars.

We drove down the road in the heart of the cemetery and I almost got stuck in deep stand but I pulled us out of it. This was not the type of place to be stuck inside of believe me. 

We sat in the car for awhile because it was raining and I did not want to get false orbs.  We heard movement off to our right in the woods where we were parked. To me it sounded like a small animal or deer like. We eventually stepped out when the rain subsided and right away I led the team over to a fairly older section of the cemetery.

As we were talking and I was taking a few test photos I heard a moan of a man near by. All of us heard it but it was not a nerve wrecking type of sound. It put me on alert though that something ghostly was in this woodsy cemetery. We then walked around further and heard a clinking sound it was not chimes but it was as if something banged on a tombstone. 

So definitely there was some noises here and one part of it I really felt as if something was watching us near a group of headstones. I looked over there alot throughout the investigation. Eventually we went across another dirt road within the cemetery to a newer section this part was cooler but other then that not a lot of activity.

Then I read a monument at the entrance which stated that a house once sat where the cemetery is today and went on with a little history to this hidden area. I took some photos then proceeded on over to the oldest part of the graveyard which had many broken stones some of them were in piles what ashamed. The guys fixed one of the stones so I commend them for such an honorable deed. That just shows you we are more then just paranormal investigators but we also care about the places we visit. 

We finally finished off the investigation at the Osteen family plot which the cemetery is named after and the town its in as well. There were a lot of stones started from older to newest pretty interesting. Then we closed out the investigation.  There was a beer bottle we found as we walked to the car.

As we drove off I continued the dirt road which loops around and the car got stuck. I had the guys get out and start to push it was not budging then I turned my wheel real hard and it started to pull out. I almost backed into a headstone it was pretty close but somehow things always work out in the end and so it did. 

This cemetery is an odd place but this investigation was real enjoyable with all the history and its secluded location it was quite a find. There is a lot of weird noises here more so then feelings or seeing odd occurrences. We then visited our next location which was an all out investigation in search of the hidden Stark Plantation.


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