Kinzua Heights is an area that is very well hidden. Imagine a rock that is over a half of mile long broken into pieces where you could walk right threw it. That is the wonder of this place just aisles of tunnels within a rock.

Whether its haunted or not who knows but we already know that bigfoot is seen not to far from this region. I was told that underneath Kinzua heights are catacombs and tunnels. How you get to them who knows but more then one person has said this about the area.

In the Kinzua dam region and mountains their is only one other rock formation like this. The other one is harder to get to. I do not even have a scientific answer to how this could occur. I mean how does a giant rock break apart like this. Each tunnel is a few feet wide. 

Did glaciers cause it? Thousands of years of harsh weather? None of them seem very likely as glaciers move rocks around and weather just erodes rocks. So the answer remains at this point unknown. Jim found big cat prints down near here something that the forestry in PA denies saying big cats do not exist. 

I did go through the entire maze from one end to the other on occasion climbing the rocks to look around. Its not as bad as other sites and people make it out to be. I mean at first I thought will I get lost, how far does it go on etc etc and although its a big area it does not take that long to complete the maze within the rocks. 

Sadly near by new oil wells are being installed and logging roads being formed. So the area is going to start losing its natural look with the amount of people coming threw it.

© By

Lord Rick-AngelOfThyNight




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