The Johnson Mansion was built over a century ago and is completely made out of stone giving it a very eerie feeling as you approach its vine covered walls and windows. The house appears to have been in the Johnson family perhaps for a very long time if not since it was built. This really was an impressive find as far as a true haunted house to investigate. It appears that Johnson was a very educated man as he worked with minerals, gems, and local history. I believe that he was a historian or a scientist of some kind. 

Walking through the mansion gave me signs of this such as the test tubes and files I briefly browsed while I visited during the day here. The mansion is left as it was before it became vacated. The only thing left is spider webs covering the furniture as the last time a breath was taken here was back in the early 1990s. So with that in mind sure there are many mysteries lurking within it.

I visited the house a couple times prior to investigating it just taking photos of the outside and trying to uncover its mysteries. I been to a lot of houses in my time but this one really effects me more then the rest what is the house trying to tell me? Even during the day you can feel something up in the attic window just watching you. But more importantly I entered the house during the day and heard footsteps upstairs while I was downstairs. This made me want to come back for more knowing that something ghostly lurked every corner.

My son who is very clairvoyant said to me that Johnson was talking to him while I was searching through the files. He told him that a man came into the kitchen grabbed a knife killed his child, his wife and then him. I do not know how accurate this is but it did seem from our first investigation here we did interact a lot of with a child entity along with perhaps two others Mr. and Mrs. Johnson or rather the deceased owners.

How do I know they are no longer of this place is very simple. Did you ever have a time where you said I feel like something bad is going to happen today? Or let me call so and so because I am worried about them. Then that day you get into a fender bender or that person your thinking about breaks a leg? Well its the same thing I just know they no longer physically here. Just walking around the inside of the mansion seeing a child's toys all around has to be an indication along with other personal belongings such as dishes still in the dining cabinet or clothes hanging in the closet. 

It seems perhaps Johnson upstairs had some kind of work shop going on our rather lab. The attic its huge really high ceilings made out of what appears to be oak. The mansion has four porches two in the back, a screened porch on the side and a porch in front. The giant wood columns serve to create a carport as well. Ones mind could fathom as you could picture an old Chevy truck parked there.  Out back are some very old trees which really darken the property where sunlight barely peers through. There is a garage and a workshop of some kind. So now that you know a little bit about the area you can see why we chose to investigate it. But we did not want to just bring you a story on the inside we wanted to cover the entire property and treat it entirely as one giant investigation.

I also felt this would be the perfect autumn investigation as everything is withered the wind howls throughout the mansion, doors creak etc etc. I have heard things here such as voices, footsteps, moving cold spots. It was kind of funny because when I took I visited during the day my son says to me hey Dad Mr. Johnson says you are the only one who is allowed to enter. Maybe because I took the time to care unlike others who have tried to vandalized some of the upper windows with stones. I remember my first visit here during the day I walked up to the front door looked into a tiny window and all of sudden got blasted by a giant blast of ice cold energy it was incredible. I said after that I will be back and sure enough I bring to you one of the most amazing mansion investigations since we have now relocated to Florida.

© By

Lord Rick- AngelOfThyNight


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