Horseshoe Park in Cassadaga Florida is another place where psychics and locals gather. Like most of the parks in the small spiritualist community this one is also very small. The first time we visited Cassadaga we did pass by here but it was almost impossible to investigate with the fact the hurricane knocked down so many trees here.

There is a house next door to the park I believe though it serves another person maybe some kind of meeting hall or prayer area. I believe they call this horseshoe park because of the horseshoe pits where some of the community members can get together and play. But maybe even in the afterlife the ghost still enjoy a good game of horseshoes at least I feel they do since this place has a lot of strong energy.

The park is heavily covered by trees and some woods behind it and honestly it has a very eerie sensation unlike a few of the other parks we investigated in Cassadaga. You almost can feel a sense of being watched or like your interrupting a bunch of ghost sitting down on the benches at least that is my psychic impression of it.

Like most of the parks in Cassadaga each one has there own special feel or quality. Most of them are as old almost as the community perhaps because the psychics and people with metaphysical abilities prefer to do there readings outdoors at a table or bench. But as you can see from our first and very brief visit you can clearly see that something is looming area and yet many mysteries still remain.

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Also to see some of our other great investigations in Cassadaga please refer to Gateway 1/Portal 7!

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