Subj: [ParanormalGhostSociety] This Weekend's Catacombs Investigation Report!!! 
Date: 10/2/2006 5:31:18 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,,,,,,,,,,,

Great Iroquois Caverns & Catacombs (WNY Investigation 2)
Kitt asked me to autograph his DVD which I am a guest on it so he wanted it. I was honored I mean I work hard to get where I am nothing is handed to me so my fans I hope appreciate this. Some groups get everything handed to them money, TV shows etc and they get where they are by stealing from hardworking guys like me.
We gathered some gear and went into the woods to search for anything with a rock mound or foundation. The woods were very weird. They were not haunted but we found a hidden trail with these mounds maybe Indian mounds now that I think about it more and more. So technically we not only were involved with caverns but mounds built by the Indians.
The woods were harsh and Ian who is Kitt's cousin is amazing he will climb, hike, and is extremely agile. I seen him go under a tree low to the ground without even getting on his hands and knees I was astounded by his balance and abilities. Damn I wish he lived here in FL cause he is just that good that If I had the money Id pay to have both Kitt and him to come out here.
We could not find the second entrance and someone got nosy starting shining there lights to make matters worst we had a skunk 8 feet away from us running for its life lol. The area smelled bad so I was a little worried I would smell like skunk back on the airplane lol. That meant I would not get to join the mile high club like I always wanted.
We found another creek and hiked over a log which was wet. Speaking of wet it was raining nonstop Saturday night so it was the second night of being drenched this time my hair was dripping, my glasses I could not see out of and we were all pretty drained.
We eventually found a giant mound of rocks with one side filled with fresh dirt. Sadly there was signs that the second entrance was forever sealed. To many people started going here and some dying so history and mystery lost forever thanks to two groups locally in Buffalo who slander the PGS organization yet they tell everybody locations publicly which in turn the authorities get wind of and seal such places up. So our way in was sealed and unfortunately our underground journey came to an end.
There is a good chance of a 3rd entrance so I told the guys we would look for it. The rain was horrible and I was very sad I just hate that this has been a 3 to 4 year project with us gathering research, data etc and a bunch of punk ass kids ruined it for us.
We did park somewhere else in the woods and started a hike along a cliff which was made out of similar material we found in the first cavern. We quickly kept searching for another entrance. Jason was having it rough he already fell in a muddy creek and now he slid down the steep wet bank stomach first.
As I told everybody it would test your abilities and would not be easy. Water was running down the various rock formations but we did not find anything else. The hike was really testing out our abilities. These were advanced climbs and inclines.
We then turned back after we ran into a dead end took another trail which we found an area with beer cans and other signs that people partied nearby. Also signs that this one guy I know parties near this cave entrance the one he goes to in the area. We were close to a 3rd entrance I believe but the terrain was so steep off this trail that Kitt and I physically climbed almost a cliff grabbing routes as the wet dirt gave us no footing at all.
Jason pulled me up as I was hanging with one hand if I let go I would have fallen 50 feet to my death. On top of that a cop went by shining a spotlight so we all had to stay down. We did find some amazing rock formations that were hidden from public view but no 3rd entrance we were worn down, cold, and wet.
We did close up the investigation but I have left Kitt totally in charge of these expeditions in this area so any photos he gets, finds etc I can post them to our site and he will get full credit since he is a very trustworthy investigator obviously we saved eachothers ass a few times lol. Plus unlike most WNYers he respects places and keeps his word.
I had over 20 to 50 people that were no shows, did not donate for this, etc etc some gave me there word as a man then disappeared. That is why I moved from the area cause we had all these little groups of guys going out there trying to play Lord Rick and in the end those places become so popular that they no longer were preserved it even made them less haunted.
We started to head on back I had nowhere to go I was at this point going to be on the streets I was soaked, cold, had two giant luggage bags one with equipment in it, and the guys needed to get home. Ian lived to far away and so at this point I had them drop me off with the person who made the cross for Robert Carr.
He came on out there guess he did not go cutting wood at his cabin as he said he was doing hmmm. He told me to go sleep out in his shed on the hardwood floor. Then he came out moments later and said you can sleep in my mini van. I could not understand why he would not let me have the couch, floor, or vacant upstairs studio but it took me over an hour to get changed and situated cause the mini van was so tight and hard to change in. It was pouring raining and it was cold the windows were fogged up. Jason left me some beer to keep me warm by drinking.
A few hours later he knocked on the van door kicked me out to his pick up and went to do errands. I could not put on my sneakers cause they were dripping so I had to walk with dry socks in puddles to get to his truck he locked me out of the house so I had to go publicly outdoors to the bathroom with people out everywhere and I had nowhere to put my luggage it was cold I was still damp to a point like my hair.
I had went to Mac Donald's grabbed some food I really felt bad cause I wanted to dress sharp with dress shoes, shirt, etc and here I was all dirty, muddy, dress shirt tucked out, me drinking a beer on the streets, muddy dress shoes etc and I called Jim & Cher who have helped me so many times when I investigated the Warren/Kinzua PA area. They have given me places to stay, rides to haunted places and even gone on investigations.
Lucky they came earlier because I was sitting outside this guys house with luggage doing nothing. Jim took me geocaching and we got about 4 of them that were hidden in different areas it was cool. I never seen it done and because Jim does it he told me if I come visit up in the Kinzua dam region he will give me a bunch of new places to check out, Cher will cook a nice meal for me and they will give me a place to stay.
We went to the old Country Buffet for a few hours and I feasted had chocolate milk, brownie fudge cake yummm and fried chicken. It was nice to eat a hot meal and see my old friends. They drove all the way up from PA to see me that in itself is better then any cash donation. I chose friendship over money any day I proved that when I waived the 20 dollar fee with Ian so for all those ignoramus's in Buffalo who think I am so rich and all about money you people are dead wrong. We are a team and we all must play our part in the group, with the site, investigations, meet ups, parties, donations etc.
Speaking of donations do some of you remember how every few months I would go down from WNY to The Kinzua Dam to investigate Ufo's, Bigfoot, Vortexes and Haunting's in the mountains? Well if you remember I captured an 18 inch bigfoot track, seen a white glowing ball of light near me, heard bigfoot screams, and got many ghost photos at different locations up in those mountains. You can read about them earlier when we first opened up the site.
Well here is the deal I am planning to go up there I want to do this in November before the snow sets in to heavy. Jim has a couple caves for me to check out they are not large, he has a train tunnel, and a few other paranormal hotspots. Plus Denny who has seen Ufos, Bigfoot and other things in this strange area will be helping me out and Jason told me he will buy a ticket to match mine.
So you guessed it I am starting a Kinzua Dam fund I will not need as many donations I already got the equipment I will not need food money or really gas money since Jim and Cher are going to help me out with shelter and food. All I would need is enough to get a flight out there so please if you want to see our team go out there I will do about 6 to 15 places staying about 4 days there.
I decided after this trip in WNY I probably will never go back I left the region cause people are heartless. Now if others would have helped out and came out I would have rewarded them possibly to be in an upcoming tv show, in my book, maybe even paid them down the road when my book comes out like buy them a ticket to FL or something. Even though I know hundreds of other new locations up in WNY to check out guess what people they will die with me!!! Cause you aren't getting anymore from me and I will from now on travel elsewhere....where people on this group need me most or want to see stories done up.
I think what we will do is this November I will go out to The Kinzua Dam then a few months after that I will allow a group of members from here to pick a location that they want to see as long as I got some transportation, help investigating and funding. I want to start making this a habit its not a bad one its a way to get me to do places you want to see done and for me to come to various towns where some members are located.
As of now Kitt is one of the best investigators I have ever met in Buffalo he takes good photos, he is agile, strong hiker, intelligent, and respectful towards the places plus my leadership. He did not back down on one thing hell he climbed down a steep bank near these falls to see if it was safe and such first on his own.  I did ask Kitt to move down to FL or maybe even out west since this is something he has always wanted to do which again its not about money if it was we would be like TAPS running scared and getting paid.
We risked our lives to try and go in caverns where people get lost and die. We seen something that was a branch but it also looked very much like a leg bone inside. People need to understand the hard work we put into things even Kitt seen something when the flash of my camera went off.
So in conclusion to the report I do believe these catacombs are haunted and hold some deep dark secrets. Some tell me they are NOTHING they slander my name how can something built and natural be nothing especially with pictographs on the walls hundreds of years old.
I was told by Mason Winfield's Partner I am nothing I was told this was a scam and I was told I am NOTHING. Maybe to some in the WNY I am nothing perhaps cause they are jealous but once again I have proved them wrong. When someone can go out into a cold river, go into a wet cavern, climb a cliff, and sleep out in a car just to make this trip possible that to me is real dedication I am Lord Rick and always true to my word so now all those that said this is a scam to get rich well if I was rich I would have stayed at a hotel and would not have been eating cold chicken noodle soup Sunday morning at 4am shivering in someone's mini van.
For those that did not grant me safe passage your time one day will come. Friends, members, people I have known turned there backs on me it hurt it hurt bad because it truly let me know that the people up north have no appreciation for all I did working in the field of urban exploring and paranormal oddities.
But you see in the end we prevailed and nobody can ever take this adventure away from us. Kitt and I experienced some pretty amazing stuff he even told me damn Rick I got my 20 dollars worth tonight lol. Anybody can email him and he will be more then happy to tell you about our expedition, about me as a person, about how I shared equipment with him etc etc we are for real and this journey is only a small part of what I got planned for the future.
I did take some photos not a lot but there is a few inside the cavern, a few of us hiking, etc it was to wet for me to bring out the camera to much since its an 800 dollar camera I was using so yeah I had to be very careful.
As far as the trip home it went a lot smoother but here is the kicker I was waiting at the Buffalo Airport and I turned around only to see O.J. Simpson standing next to me. He just got out of the Bills game and was heading back home here in FL so he was on the plane to Atlanta with me. As if this weekend could not get any more crazy lol
Also what is it with women in NY. I know this is off topic but the closer I get down south the more attractive they are. I got off up in Atlanta was chatting with Jason waiting for my plane and I was like woohoo so yeah life was starting to come back to me. It only takes seeing Asian and a blonde and you could revive me from death itself I swear it lol. I never was so glad to be back down south and away from NY to be honest with you how ironic is that?
Anyhow I had flown on Airtran and its cool cause you can listen to xml radio on board so I was listening to gothic and hard rock lol. It was a nice ride from Atlanta to Orlando out of all the flights I had that one was the best it was one of these new planes they got out you cannot even feel the take off or the landing barely.
Anyhow I am alive, home, going to take a shower and hit the bed. I am so freaking exciting. I did not see many sends to my groups hell people I thought were my pals did not even wish me a safe trip I am learning that this world is much colder then the dead. But again I want to thank Kitt, Jason, Joe and Ian for there hard work supporting me on this and being patient as well. It is a lot to endure believe me when I say this and I wish we had time to do the interview Kitt maybe in the near future.
In light of things I completed what I came there to do I went inside one of the caves we took photos and gathered data in person with certain individuals on it.  It allowed me to meet Kit, Joe, and Ian so now they have an opportunity to go back to the area explore it more and in return it will allow me to share there evidence with all PGS members so definitely a good trip had some mishaps like having nowhere to go, hypothermia, falling into the rapids etc but we are alive a little banged up and we live to tell the story!
 This is Not Taps or WNYUE Or Infiltration this is The Paranormal & Ghost Society if we went to hell we would come back just to tell you all about it! Regardless of what anybody says we are very unique in all aspects.  In some ways when your a member for so long with us you are like family, like brothers, like sisters and that is what makes our groups so much better then the others. As far as those that were dishonest you will be either banned or I will no longer associate with you I only deal with others on an honesty level if you are dishonest your in the wrong group! Investigation Successful we did get in one of the caves and we covered a few miles of the area!
Lord Rick

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Meet my two ancient friends above  one is death the other is misery trust me when I say this... both of these entities are EXTREMELY advanced. They both seem too guard the area and in exchange for letting them see my journey's pasts and future they shared a part of themselves with me to bring everybody photos of them. These entities could sway either way just depending on whom they come across. We are dealing with so much higher of a being here then a ghost when it comes to such entities. Science still knows so little about the world we do not see before us. 

I will say they were very enlightened to the fact that I would stop at nothing to pursue this journey even though their presence surrounded our team and very futile towards the fact that so many men betrayed me. See with a demon most cause havok only cause people tend to ignore them however if your able to work with them you will find that they are quite knowledgeable about how the world works.

When I felt these entities around which were taken in the same area I gave them a glimpse of my life something very few humans will do with any entity cause it can lead to possession, curses, Haunting's etc unless you are experienced in the field. I just felt I had a need to share this information give you and inside view on how I work with certain entities on this level. I did not want to startle the team to much so I worked with them a little on my own off in the woods. 

For some reason here in FL I notice on a very rare occasion I come across a very advanced entity like this  but I find them to be more advanced in certain regions of NY more so maybe some of these entities were Norse Gods since the area at one time was visited by the Norsemen or rather simple terms Viking's. But these are very powerful detailed manifestations.  Of course other people will say hey this guy is far fetched but honestly you have every right to believe what you want but I hold dearly to what I know is true. Powerful entities roam these catacombs and area just as I suspected and that is all I came out to NY to do just to prove that the area they reside in is alot older then what the historical society will tell you. 

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